
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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How do you refuse to voluntarily pay taxes? I would like to join you. I paid for .0000000000000000000000000001 percent of a drone I want no part of .

Either work outside of the legal market or declare 0 on your w2, don't file, and wait for the government to garnish your paychecks or send you to prison.

whose dick i gotta suck to get a copy of sam's first chapbook and would it be worth sucking said dick if i ended up with the chapbook

If you're talking about 'yum, yum, i can't wait to die', then I'm unsure what dick could offer you such rare collector's edition shit.
I have 3 copies of it, hand made by sam, placed somewhere for safekeeping, and will only gift them to people i feel are 'worthy.'
And, per sam, the chapbook is 'dead'. Some of the lines were absorbed by newer poems and others dissolved.
Originally, had 4, gave one to jordan castro when he visited. Felt right.
One person in, like, 4 years. Doubtful another one will leave my possession any time soon.
I dunno if 'yum yum' is worth chowing dick. I mean, it all depends on you.
If you're someone who thinks his novels are really funny and haven't read any/all of his poetry, suggest saving your saliva and accepting that you don't need to obtain the chapbook.
Maybe focus your energy on something easier to obtain, like, an original 'boost' facebook comment from the master of crumbs, lil stevie.

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how can i get away with shoplifting

Shoplifting is the easiest it's ever been. Nobody gives a fuck about doing their job and feel even less interested in the company they work for. It's all about casual socialization and barely acceptable productivity these days.
Grab whatever it is you want and walk out the front door. Just don't look out of place for where you're shoplifting from and definitely don't be nervous.
Remember to talk to various employees along the way.
Advise you to only steal from corporate owned businesses though. Stealing from actual human beings is deplorable.

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in what ways do you practice civil disobedience in your own life

Shoplift from corporations as much as possible.
Abstain from participating in a corrupt system and refuse to vote.
Refuse to voluntarily pay taxes.
Smoke weed/do drugs in public (currently on a hiatus from drugs though).
Refuse to pay tickets.
Encourage others to practice civil disobedience.
I'm sure there's other stuff but that's what immediately came to mind.

what do you think of pessoa's book being titled 'the book of disquiet'. do you think he, himself, would have chosen such an -i can't put my finger on it- title?

Have always believed that the act of writing is what's important for a poet and once the words are out of the consciousness and in the physical world, they belong to everyone but the author.
So, I don't think wondering what the title could have been matters much.

getting dark. Is it possible to be an optimist and an environmentalist?

Yeah, I don't think so. Like, any time people speak of being hopeful for the future it's very limited and only concerns human beings. When someone says technology or science will 'save' us what they mean is it'll progress us farther away from living the way we're supposed to and closer to some sort of fucking star trek reality.
I'm a strong proponent of 'mother nature'. Feel like the easiest way to improve my mood, no matter how hostile or depressed or hopeless I am, is to spend a couple hours walking/hiking in spaces free of man made bullshit.
Have always used the animal kingdom as a baseline when trying to understand psychology/perversion.
Life without trees and the creatures housed by them seems like like a stagnate hell, to me.
Also, most every prolific invention or scientific breakthrough is attributed, in some way, to the animals/insects/plant life we share the earth with. Once they're gone, we won't have models of true perfection to imitate for problem solving purposes.
Man's ego has created this lie that we're the only sentient creatures, which is absurd. Dog's obviously have emotions. So do cats. So do a lot of animals. Maybe insects too. Who knows.
Just feels supremely shitty to glibly destroy all those lives for the sake of 'progress'.
Would be cool if we used technology/science to help the world we live in, but there's no money in it. So, it's not a priority.
Advise you to enjoy the 'environment' as much as possible and try to preserve it the best to your influence.
Also advise you to practice civil disobedience, subversion seems to be the only way to protest life under hegemony.
But, on an optimistic note, there's always the possibility of catastrophe, a pruning of humans seems like a dream.

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favorite sam pink book? can elaborate why if you feel like it

Every book he's written has spoken to my heart, mind and dick.
Each title lives outside of a ranking system, really.
I think about 'hurt others', 'the self esteem holocaust comes home' and 'frowns need friends too' the most. Not necessarily on purpose, those are the ones that just pop into my mind on spontaneous occasion.
There are two lines from literature that have a permanent residence inside my brain. One was written by david ohle, the other by sam pink.
Sam's is 'it feels like practice' and can be found in 'person'

I was raised in a co-op now I hate the world, any advice?

Never had a full grasp of what a co-op is. Have only had cursory experiences with them. Almost always when interacting with some cheap prick who consistently has 5k+ in his bank account that 'name drops' the great deals he scored by driving to an impoverished part of the city and visiting a 'co-op'.
I loosely understand it as some sort of hippie community. I could be completely wrong though.
Don't think being raised in whatever the fuck a co-op is to be the actual motivation behind your hatred of the world. I mean, hating the world is so ambiguous it's doubtful your disdain is that large/general. if anything, you hate the people who raised you/yourself and it's reaching outward towards everything. Or you hate the nature of society/culture.
It's difficult to advise anything without knowing the underlying reason for your feelings.
But to be very unspecific, you can choose to: deny the world for what it is and be consumed by hatred, accept the world for what it is and be chill, acknowledge the world for what it is and use the hatred as fuel to change what you can, ignore the world for what it is and blunt your consciousness with food/drugs/work/video games/music/relationships, triumph despite the world being what it is and not be a selfish shit heart, act compassionately towards animals/humans when possible and have fun.
Choose wisely.

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Liked by: Cm

don't daddy, please don't, it hurts when you go inside me.

Awww, sweetness, it's supposed to. Now be a good darling or daddy won't like you. After play time, we'll go to the mall and daddy's gonna buy his wittle sweetness a bucket of froyo with lots of gummy bear topping, then we'll go to the amc and you can sit on my lap and watch whatever bullshit cgi movie sequel is playing this weekend!
And if you tell anyone, I'll put your fucking corpse in a dumpster.
Just kidding, baby! You know how silly daddy gets.

are you dating anyone?

Completely certain only yuppies and teenagers in middle school engage in 'dating'. I'm neither.
Have a trained fuck toy half my age that swallows my semen on command, if that's what you're wanting to know.

why don't you write about the poverty of your childhood? or have you done so? it sounds interesting.

I put a moratorium on writing for publication a while ago. Currently, don't possess the energy to explain why. Alluded to it in a previous answer a while back.
At war with myself now and am preoccupied by that
Think a poet is defined by actions, words are only one manifestation of many. Maybe in the future I'll write about everything i've endured. Maybe not. I don't know.
But, yeah, I've written a little about my childhood. It was done in bullet points and titled 'in retrospect, the days were fresh and easy.'
You can read it by purchasing a book called '40 likely to die before 40: an alt lit anthology' put out by civil coping mechanisms. Or visit blake butler's lamination colony webzine and read it for free. Your choice.
As far as I know, there's no distinction between the two.

Are you polyamorus ?

People misuse the word polyamory to indicate 'open relationship'. I'm guessing because it sounds cooler than saying, 'hey, looking for fuck buddies.'
Polyamory is the practice of spiritual/emotional attachment shared between multiple people. Sex is a corollary.
Think it's interesting because an 'open relationship' is based on the physicality of sex. Lack of jealousy is easily achieved when partners are perceived purely as acts of pleasure. While polyamory is the polar opposite: a trio (or more) of 'soulmates' sharing/enjoying each other on a very deep level, eradicating jealousy and possession, and gaining a feeling of 'completeness' that isn't achieved via traditional relationship modes.
Very few are actual polyamorists, for right cause.
To answer your question, I'm a non-practicing polyamorist. What I mean by that is, i've never felt much of a connection with anyone, ever. Like, only 2 people have ever made me feel less alone. My first substantial thought as a child was of alienation and I've always felt that way around other people since. Despite that, think if the 'stars aligned' or some shit and a deep connection with multiple people was realized and those multiple people shared the same connection, I/we could be polyamorists.
In theory, it seems like a very poetic/romantic/beautiful relationship to achieve. A place of tree stars and hot tubs.

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Why when I write anything I think 'what the fuck is this shit' or 'trying too hard' or 'copycat bitch'?

Well, are those things true. (not saying this with an obtuse connotation)
Don't believe any person can tell you 'why' you think anything. You only know you.
Have you defined what motivates your writing. I think there are two camps: writing for achievement or writing for self-preservation.
A lot of people confuse the two and don't understand everything they write is purely to feed the ego. Or don't want to be honest with themselves out of ego.
Feel like if you haven't fully analyzed and concluded what your guiding force is, you'll have lots of doubt and setbacks.
Also feel like the common ideology practiced by people now is 'positivity', which is bullshit. There's nothing wrong with a dissenting voice. It's part of you. We all of have it. The more it's denied the more influential it becomes.
That internal heckler is what should be driving you forward but will only be 'constructive' after you've acknowledged and accepted it as a valid part of your psyche.
Treat it like a smoke detector, one that's perpetually chirping as if it needs new batteries, and soon the noise will be filtered out of your reality like a lot of input already is. But when there's an actual 'fire', be thankful for its song.
It's extremely difficult living in the 21st century to feel/be authentic. There's so many fucking people now and most everybody is sharing the same experiences, very much like animals at a factory farm.
There are two paths a 'writer/poet' can choose, I think: style/form or perspective.
The former can be achieved by spending money/time, getting an mfa or phd,and reading and writing constantly.
The latter is more difficult but rewarding. Perspective is gained by perpetually stepping outside of your comfort zone. In other words, testing your vessel by putting yourself in situations where perceived limitations can/will be exhausted. Basically, it's a matter of heart.
If you're afraid of failure, cling to safety, can't imagine yourself without perfect teeth, enjoy pop culture and meaningless possessions, get an mfa.
Otherwise, walk outside with eyes open, fists in the pocket and discover just who/what you truly are.
Then you'll understand how important/beautiful that chirping noise coming from behind your eyes really is.

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Which fairytale you’d like to live in?

The one where people give a shit about each other and there's lots of pudding and pit bulls.

Damn - Hope Sam Pink is okay. He's strong you say, so cool. I only know him from Ask FM but he seems a good guy. He can take shit-talk. He warmed my soul. A couple of US writers chilled my soul and made me think I was soulless. But Pink showed me I had a soul - which may mean nothing.

I don't think a soul can be externally validated/disproved. If anything, us writers/sam pink are a catalyst for you to internalize what was already there.
Advise you to spend as much time as possible staring at the ceiling in a barely lit room and fully explore who you are.
Long walks without a purpose or destination are good too.

What is your opinion on third genderites?

Haven't played dungeons and dragons since, like, 93. No clue what those are. Please be more specific.

What happened to Sam's blog?

Good question. I don't know. I can say, after talking to his brother yesterday, that my pal had some sort of breakdown and won't be on the internet for an indefinite period of time.
I miss him. But dude is strong. He'll be back.
Advise reading 'frowns need friends too' if you haven't already.

do you believe income inequality is a bad thing? Isn't that just a fact of human life?

Pretty sure Mrs. Garrett has nothing to do with income inequality.
Always chuckle when someone asks for an opinion, then disguises their own opinion as a corollary to the question.
Growing up I was poor, like, 'slept in a park with my mom, moved to a month to month hotel, then moved to a small house that only had an igloo cooler for furniture and the neighbor was a boarded up, condemned shack' type of poor, not the whining 'have to wait 4 months before getting a new iphone' people think is poor these days. Then progressed to lower middle class. As an adult, i've been poor and upper middle class. One year I only took cold showers because I couldn't pay the gas bill. Made $100k+ some years though.
Have more affinity for the times I was hungry and penniless than 'rolling' in dough. Felt more alive then.
As a cultural phenomenon, feel like income inequality isn't important. Like, any system has the possibility for failure/success. Doesn't matter what it is. America is based on 'capitalism', which used to have a positive connotation. Now, it's more of an ugliness. Mostly because of the global impact of glib consumerism.
Consumerism isn't really the issue though, I mean, it's a problem, but why capitalism is so fucking gross is the people at the top. Most of the 'bad' attributed to income inequality would carry less importance if the wealthy 'elite' were compassionate people. But they're not. They're selfish, greedy cunts reaping the rewards of exploitation.
But it's to be expected. Those types always exist. They're the minority.
The other minority are the ones who do feel strongly about helping others and are out doing it however they can.
The majority is everyone else: the whiners, complainers, finger pointers, sycophants, mooches, etc. etc. etc.
Most people griping about inequality do so out of ego and a feeling of inadequacy. They don't actually give a shit about people not having enough while others have too much, they give a shit about someone having more than themselves.
I abhor those types. They're too weak minded to achieve what they covet and dishonestly hide behind the mask of 'fairness'.
Obviously, income disparity isn't going anywhere and people aren't suddenly going to change their nature. What needs to shift is how the government rewards wealth and punishes poverty. Like, it's not fucking hard to make a sliding scale for, say, traffic tickets.
That won't happen in my life though. It's flagrantly obvious our government is against its people. But, hey, who cares, the public doesn't seem to, there's a new 'modern family' episode airing this week!
Just want to vocalize, how america treats the disabled, elderly and mentally challenged is fucking disgusting.

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Liked by: Cm

What do you think of a person with a cuckold fetish?

You're asking me to pass judgment on the person but not the fetish, which is counter to my life philosophy. As long as a person isn't engaging in non-consenting sex, feel completely uncaring about how their organs howl.
Think people who only fuck in missionary or marry their high-school sweetheart or enjoy whatever cream cheese fulfillment are just as 'bizarre' as a fetishist. And, honestly, feel more comfortable in the company of a foot licking pervert than a married couple shopping at ikea for new cabinets to fit the rest of their bland home aesthetic.
All fetishes are interesting, to me. Not necessarily the acts but the psychology motivating them. But, as a voyeur, I always have a strong urge to watch anything I've never witnessed before. So, in the instance of 'cuckoldry', think it would be worthwhile to watch a cuckold watch his 'lady' being fucked.
There's a lot of dishonest opinion about cuckoldry fueled by insecure posturing. Like, someone must be 'less of a man' for granting permission/watching another man fuck his lady. Eh. Think a greater example of being 'less of a man' is commenting on another man's dick and how he may or may not use it.
it's on par with how men speak of 'fat' women while in the company of other men, when all of them have fucked and will continue to fuck 'fat' women. It's such an insecure homoerotic type of competition.
Instinctually, all men desire to see a woman writhe in agony and ecstasy. It's the nature of our penis. Some prefer to do it themselves, with others, while watching others, or repress it completely. Denying this truth is silly though.
Women are much more durable, and in my opinion, strong, than men. They're built to endure, while we're built to destroy.
In cuckoldry, a man's psychology has been constructed in such a way that's hes compelled to have another man, or men, fuck the woman he feels an emotional attachment to.
The human mind is complicated because we're the only species--that i'm aware of--that passively and directly inherits prior thought . Like, as a child when you're taught the word 'sky' it's less about that shit above your head and more an abstraction created by the amalgamation of thousands of years of dead people.
So, why someone might be compelled to cuckoldry could be for any reason. Being less of a man or having a tiny dick or being a low-key fag just isn't it.
Think it's funny how the woman or the 'bull' in the cuckoldry equation are never thought of in a negative light. Which illustrates my earlier point about homoerotic competition.
Think a cuckold is earnest while men making negative comments about a sex act they're not part of are being dishonest with themselves and obviously curious re: other men, in some way.
A cuckquean is much more interesting, to me, because her motivation can be completely different than a cuckold's.
But, yeah, man, we all gotta get off. What does it matter how.

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I like the smell of what I've read - about 100 pages. Part of me would love him much more though if he wasn't so popular. Dunno why that blemishes it for me - my bad. But I can relate to his shit. His deaths, his teeth, his need for solitude, the music. I love work of isolated men writing about life

I feel you on not liking something when its popular. It's difficult to justify feeling good about X when a large percentage of people you'd consider mouthbreathers or shithearts like it too. I think it's also important to not let external opinion influence yours though. If you like it, who gives a shit if anyone else does/doesn't.
Anyways, I try to buffer myself from anything 'new' these days and revisit it after the ripples of birth have died.
Pretty sure, until the 21st century, all writers were isolated creatures, some more aware and glamorous.
Now you just gotta write third grade nonsense and be persistent in branding; the benefit of an overpopulated and connected brave new world.

Karl Ove Knausgaard.

Never read him. Feel instinctive distrust towards anyone who's written 3500+ pages about their life. Also, unsure how I feel about a person who's a 'consultant' for a new translation of the bible.
What do you think of his shit.


Language: English