
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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that's the part i still wrestle with, too. learning to speak about how i feel and not about what anyone else should be doing.

Think you need to unlearn not speaking how you feel.
Dig it?

questions that have a kind of metabolic conservation about them.

Metabolism is a trait of a living organism. Words are dead.

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can you sense/feel neural activity in your scalp associated with differing states of moods in life?

Hmm. I don't think I ever have but doesn't mean someone can't.
During certain periods of body malfunction, I've been able to painfully feel my consciousness.

I consider myself a poet. Yet I have never written a poem. You don't consider yourself a poet. Yet you have written a poem. (That is all for today. Hope you're well.)

Untrue. I do consider myself a poet, just not the classical definition of one. What I don't do is assert myself as poet. There's a big distinction between the two.

what about halloween man? you can't tell me you don't celebrate halloween.

No, I don't. It used to be the only holiday where I felt good but it's degraded to 'sluts and hard up dudes' night and can't enjoy going out much during it. Maybe if I lived in a less populated part of the us it'd be different.

Just remembered you hate favorites but one had to stick out.

He has several posts titled with his name or "I' or 'me' in it. But the best one was called 'justin taylor is cool'.

...Which was your favorite? Meant to go at the end of that last one.

Remember how he attacked that 'self-help' dude because there wasn't any threat of backlash to the prestigious taylor name?
And do you remember how that dude threatened to sue htmlg and justin was like 'whatever' about it.
Good times.

It was a kind of backhanded compliment you gave that geek on html giant. I'd not heard of him until yesterday cos I never used to go on that website. People are so . . . what's the opposite of robust?

It's okay, you'll forget him by tomorrow. The post was in honor of the original htmlg days, back when there was still some moxie.
Think the opposite of robust is frail.

tbh tho, if we're talking extreme ends of the spectrum, i'd rather have one of those emasculated dudes (who's emotionally intelligent and can connect with other human beings) as a father than some testosterone-riddled golem with no love in their heart.

What are you talking about. Testosterone doesn't make a person uncaring or loveless. And being a neutered man baby doesn't make a person 'emotionally intelligent.' Both ends of your spectrum aren't realistic.

Did they seriously take down your Justin Taylor post? What the fuck

Pretty much. I didn't get an email or anything, but it wasn't me who did it.
Guessing dude cried, most likely to blake.
Which is as surprising as finding a third bun in the middle of a big mac.

you write about how valuable travel and exploration is to you. I'm wondering if you find any value in what could be considered its opposite - seclusion, stillness, silence, and total withdrawal from society?

Yeah, of course. It's a difficult goal to achieve though. And I think it should be done later in life, sometime after your twenties.
I had a great uncle named gordon who took a native american wife and disappeared into the mountains, only coming back briefly after his mother--my great grandmother--died.
I only have 2 pictures of him in the dozen or so family photo albums I inherited. We look very much alike.
I've also dabbled in meditation. Started around age 23.
OSHO was big on active meditation through dancing. Complete silence isn't the only way to achieve an internal state of seclusion is my point.
In venice is this guy named 'crash.' He makes isolation tanks. Dude is one of my favorite people to talk to. strongly suggest checking his place out if you're ever in los angeles. It's called 'float labs.'
But, yeah, I'm a big fan of solitude. Without it i'd go insane.

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are mothers anything these days aside from stamping stations for the bitchmade?

Depends on the culture. Think a lot of moms have been/are stamping stations.
Controlling precious children and ensuring their safety is a mom's typical value system. Which is good when a child is young, bad when they get some age, like, around 12.
Think dad's are becoming stamping stations too. All these emasculated males with the testosterone of a bloody tampon who are completely content with riding passenger in the suv, eating froyo and tweeting about the latest tivo bounty are more damaging than over cautious mothers, by a lot.
The root of the issue is modern, capitalist culture. Everything is being retarded to ensure a larger sales demographic or to inhibit legal retaliation/retain profit.
Add the pampering ease/convenience of technology and the near police state we live in and you have a near perfect bitchmade storm.
Feel like it's every non-bitchmade older person's duty to provide insight to the younger generation, whenever possible.
Something I dwell on often is that in 30 years a large percentage of grandfathers will be pissy, conceited twats with no stories, skills or values to pass on to their grandchildren, just sacks of self-absorbed consumers recalling accounts of purchases with large price tags, as if that shit is what makes life meaningful.
Grandparents should always be a guiding force in a child's life that simultaneously tells them to stop being a pussy while encouraging their dreams.
No child deserves the dismal future we're heading towards, I think.
But, yeah, I expect moms to be overprotective. The men, however, are becoming increasingly more fucking disgraceful.

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Liked by: Dawson Welsh

Opinion on getting rid of columbus day? Seems this is the year everyone found out columbus was a shit. I'm just like who cares. Do people actually celebrate columbus day anyways?

Don't know any of the current controversy over the day, but, people have been making a big deal about it for several years. Usually, the italians get ass-sorrow over the hate.
I consider most every holiday obsolete. They've degraded to one of two categories: buy shit or buy shit then socialize/party. People get illogically excited over designations of abstract importance. No holiday is different than any other day, but society pretends it is.
Plus, as someone who likes to 'go hard', feel annoyed and unable to enjoy myself on holidays because the myriad of 'bubble gummers' that act like a 12-year-old who just drank his first stolen beer.
I don't think columbus day is going anywhere. The government saves a lot of money by having everything shut down for it.

how many times have you been asked if you've seen the wire? and have you seen the wire?

Three times, thankfully.
Watched 5-7minutes, once. Unsure what season or episode. The scene depicted black dudes wearing white tshirts 5X too big and neoprene-looking doo rags standing on a corner waiting to slang rock while two undercover pigs watched from across the street.
Remember thinking, 'this is really boring and the acting is mediocre at best.'
Don't plan on ever watching more of it.
I'm critical of television and film and selective about what I like.

You advise people to explore around and not settle in one place, but what is a tangible, practical way to do this? Smiling has not helped me get a job.

I think 'practical' is synonymous with 'safe.' Remember advising the questioner to not simply explore, but to step outside of his/her comfort zone as much as possible.
Safe and practical will only prevent you from doing anything meaningful or interesting, really.
A person doesn't need much income to travel. The problem isn't money or finding a job, it's your allegiance to convenience. Think you should shed them silk pajamas, accept danger/death and walk out the door.
Suggest watching 'thumbs up america' season 1.
Suggest befriending as many people 50+ as possible and engaging in conversation about their youth. Think you'll be surprised how unafraid and free teenage americans were at one time.
Suggest researching international volunteer/job opportunities.
If you're unable to 'let go' of all the bullshit of modern life, then advise you to do your best at stepping outside of what's comfortable.
Think putting the blame on finding a job shifts the responsibility away from yourself.
In 37 years, I have yet to see one person not gain income when determined to do so. We're not enduring harsh times... and haven't done so for 32+ years. Be honest with yourself and stop making excuses.
Try harder.

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What is your take on (the-man-with-the-James-Franco-fluff-on-his-face) Jordan Castro? I've never read his stuff but am interested in what you think.

Senior c is cool with me.
I was initially negatively prejudiced towards him and his writing. My perception was that he was some dumb kid who looked/acted like all the other dumb kids that looked/acted like him.
We met at ken baumann's house during a sator book release party. He was in la with noah cicero to shoot scenes for that shitty 'sfaa' movie.
Jordan had a really earnest, youthful vibe, like a puppy dog. I mean that with a very positive connotation.
We talked about drugs, music and poetry. it was a good conversation.
The next day we met on hollywood boulevard and went back to my apartment. Sold him some pharmaceuticals, expounded on the previous talking points, gifted him with a rare sam pink chapbook, then walked to where he was staying while discussing the awaiting pussy xituation and cockblock pitfall.
I sort of avoided his writing because I didn't think it would have much fire. But, decided to stop being a grumpy dick, read some and really liked it.
I think him using opiates again would be detrimental, not because opiates are inherently bad, but because of how much power/influence they have in regards to his personality.
I give jordan castro the hollywood daddy stamp of approval.

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it's the people who have refined violence in a way that makes it look like something else. and they have learned to shroud it in niceness, and "we're just here to help." it can get in me and i don't even realize i gave anything away.

Yeah, as we go further down the spiral of emasculation, the honest violence will become near extinct. Which is a shame because everybody needs the perspective of a near death experience at least once in life.

and then i think that the most pernicious violence in this world is not the violence of a gangster sticking a gun in my face demanding my iphone. at least that's honest. at least that's direct. life knows what's at stake, clearly.

Feel like the most pernicious violence is hot cheeto dust on the fingers of an obese middle schooler.


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