
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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writing is living though. it's like when you sit in reading good stuff and other people who are socializing think you're wasting your life whereas reading say Shakespeare is like for me living life to the maximum. It's discovering some of the greatest thoughts ever likely to be created. anyway..

You asked me if I was writing, not reading.

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does bill's description do anything for you? 'a wisp of cotton candy surrounding a paper cut.'

It's an interesting description of something taken out of context.

have you ever sucked a dick so hard you busted your lip?

Totally, bro! Hahaha. Man, sure am glad we had this little talk. Feel so connected to you right now. Like, I don't feel alone at all anymore. Thanks for being a distraction.
Hugs and erotic kisses,
Your Hollywood Daddy.

if you got a phone call one day, and it was charlie manson calling from the hole, and you could ask him one question, what would it be?

Who says he isn't already calling me.

Hey bro, you should totally get Sophia Katz's debut book. It'll teach you a lot of things, nurture your soul, and make you a more introspective, less shitty person.

Fuck you.

Pap of something sexual you want?

What's it like being a turd who gets paid barely minimum wage to fluff ask.fm with moronic questions?

from a distance those don't look like panties those look like mexican wrestling masks, which is also pretty fucking cool

The power house tag team: el cochino de sexo & un necesito mamacita.

you seem to identify masculinity with brutality

I understand why you might think that. But no. You're wrong. Already spoke about masculinity in a previous question. Read the archives. If you need elucidation, then ask a more specific question.

Do you consider yourself a feminist?

Naw, I think feminism is just as fucking stupid as misogyny. I'm an individualist.


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