
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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What personality trait do you admire in other people?

Actually having a personality that isn't a miming of a television show or music video.

thanks for the writers answer - i'm the passive-aggressive who accused you of slapping it on real thick - also asked: what the fuck are you about? which i appreciate you answering too.

You're welcome, I don't mind answering anything. I hope you ask again if you feel compelled to know an answer.
I encourage everybody to call me out if they disagree with my opinions or think i'm lying. There's nothing wrong with differing opinions/perspectives/truths. I'm a proponent of debate. If you feel passionate about something, then puff up your chest, boy-o and shout what you gotta shout.
It's just... asking someone a question, then making a passive-aggressive remark about *how* they answered is ratshit behavior. And doing so anonymously is exponentially ratshit behavior, like, a pile of rat shit wearing a crown fashioned from various pieces of other rat shit taking a bubble bath in a pool of fresh rat shit fed by a waterfall of rat shit falling out of a sewer rat's asshole type of ratshit behavior, ya dig.

If there's benefit in clarifying, I'm not one to volunteer information about my reality, however, my value system is constructed in such a way that there's nothing fettering its honest conveyance.
People have difficulty comprehending when I say/write curt responses. Like, they completely miss everything. So, now i try my best to explain as much as possible for the benefit of others.
Often, I feel like I should just tell people to 'fuck off' and spare the effort, however, despite my 'gruff' or 'mean' energy, I still love everybody and do what I can to further mutual understanding between human beings.

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are u on twitter?

No, i've always been against twitter. The name feels really cutesy and dumb, to me. People were shitting their pampers when it 'premiered' and the only reason anyone could explain why it was so prolific was the character limitation...
Culturally, we're moving to a reality of constant, rapid-fire distraction and people are becoming enslaved by it.
Anyways, most everyone is banal as fuck. I've looked at twitter, like, maybe 8x total, usually when someone emailed me a link to a shittalk or cat fight, and can honestly declare, with my balls in one hand and heart in the other, I have zero interest in reading 'tweets' about easily obtained pharmaceuticals, organic smoothies or beyonce musings.
The other aspect that bothers me about twitter is how they label people as followers. I know some crave that sort of attention, to be followed, and others desperately want to be associated with something greater than themselves, but, for me, just the idea causes my stomach to violently quiver.
Shit, I don't even like being called 'sir' by strangers even if they misconstrue doing so as respectful. It's just, I don't want myself grouped with assholes who enjoy/demand being called sir.
I was on facebook but closed it down. Every time I looked at that mess I would get supremely pissed off, for a multitude of reasons. I do miss a handful of people, mostly internationals I met fortuitously in hollywood, but not enough to endure that nonsense.
The only reason why i'm on ask.fm is because sam pink begged me. Actually, he didn't beg me, he just suggested it based on the idea that... fuck, I don't remember now. I think he thought my perspective would be appreciated but that seems wrong considering this site is mostly for anonymously asking 'do you like me' or passive-aggressively demeaning someone for not liking you/being different.
I'll most likely delete this thing soon. Seems silly for me to be on here.
I just update stuff to my blog. If someone finds it, cool. If not, that's cool too.

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How do you relax at the end of the day?

Watching youtube videos of women having emotional breakdowns and rubbing my dickhead with a thumb.

what writers are in your personal cannon? say ten writers whether they're poets, novelists, essayists, or if they do all three. also, I love essays written by novelists - do you? if so, which writers? (Yes, it might be a question similar to the old: what music do you like? A: err, all sorts.)

Generally, I like anything crafted with a genius level of precision or displaying heart. That goes for music, movies, poetry, etc.
I'm a fascist, I guess. I don't like a lot of shit other people do and like a lot of shit other people think is sophomoric.
I sort of like essays. I mean, I always seek out new perspectives. I just think a lot of essay subjects aren't worthwhile enough to give a fuck about and it's impossible to stay focused/invest time to finish reading.
But a proper essay, one that sings, is a permanent wound. Nothing better.
What immediately comes to mind:
freddy nietzsche
mickey spillane
sam pink
charles bukowski
frederico lorca
fernie pessoa
julie andrews
yamamoto tsunetomo
david ohle

How do you make money?

This is worded sort of weird. I think what you're asking is 'do I work for a living/what's my job. ' If that's not true, then re-ask the question but be more specific.
In february 2011, I went on short term disability after a long period of sickness lead to a couple of emergency room visits. The proceeding two years was spent without health care or income fighting to have my permanent disability acknowledged and approved. Which wasn't easy I had to get a very good lawyer.
Before going on disability, I was working at a television/film studio as a systems engineer. The simple description of what i did there is I was responsible for a very complicated administration software that controlled every computer on campus. Management would assign projects to me. I'd do those projects by the deadline. The technical aspects I enjoyed. Everything else, like meetings, social climbing and back biting, I abhorred.
The greatest threat to the sanctity of a corporate environment is an individual. It sucks but that's the truth. That job made me physically sick from all the psychological turmoil it caused. For a while, I was commuting 3 hours one-way, working a job where I was enemy #1--the vp even said he wanted to fire me but couldn't because they already tried to find a replacement with my skill set and failed--and commuting 3-hours back.
I was severely depressed during my tenure there and thought about suicide multiple times a day. If it wasn't for my friend and co-worker, Ron, I'd most likely have completely lost my shit there. Poetry helped me cope too.
I 'managed' an apartment building in hollywood after that. But it was more of an arrangement than a job. Since then I haven't worked, at all.
I know that sounds like every millennials wet dick dream but it sucks. I've always worked. Even during the initial autoimmune flare-ups that caused my eventual statutory blindness, I worked. Not working is fucking frustrating. But I've spent a long while learning how to mimic seaweed and just accept what comes/goes.
I feel like my current job is to delay death as long as possible as a 'fuck you' to the cunts who tried very, very hard to deny my disability claim.
I think of my body as an enemy and each day an opportunity for war. Convincing myself to shower after 5 or 6 days of extreme fatigue is a victory sometimes. Other days, I take little dave for long walks or easy hikes. I have more moments than I'd like to admit where I honestly consider giving up.

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wow. you slap it on real thick man. those brushstrokes.

hey, wow, someone being passive-aggressive anonymously. i bet your mom thinks of you as a brave person. not, like, because you're passive-aggressive and/or too much of a pussy to talk shit directly to someone, but, like, just a general sense of bravery, you know? like, totes her brave lil soldier. that's you.
god bless and stay brave.

What to do on a rainy day?

Rain destroys illusions and painted mannequins fear it. So, walking in the rain, is the best opportunity to enjoy los angeles.

who is i? i am urban flow. i get into all the cracks. that me. i smoke with bards of an evening. how do you make monies?

Lol, you already asked this but I haven't gotten a chance to answer it, so, you're gonna have to wait. Ration the crack and don't die from thirst in the meantime.
The short answer is I don't. So if you're looking to rob or sue me, enjoy. If you're my ex-wife trying to figure out to somehow manipulate money from me, fuck off. If you're someone looking to beg money, I've already make a revolving donation to help keep an internet poet warm and clean.

What was the best job you ever had?

My personality, for whatever reason, has a very strong work ethic. I'm not the type of person who runs through a steel retaining wall on command though, but will perform tasks 'surgically.' I actually like the work aspect of working. It feels good, in a way. Where I fail horribly at is the back biting, finger sniffing, foot rubbing crumb game. So, I've pretty much loathed every job I've endured.
I don't think of things in terms of best/worst, especially not jobs. I'm interpreting this as if you're asking which job is more socially estimable than others and that isn't something I give a soft turd about. Every financially 'great' job I've had has been detrimental to my mental/spiritual health.
So, I guess, I'll answer this as if you're asking what job I liked the best.
My first job, at age 17, was working as a computer tech/boom mic operator/video editing assistant/gopher for a 'friend's' dad who owned a video production company. He mostly made campy cable commercials for small businesses in orange county and corporate presentation videos, but sometimes did weddings.
Vern--the owner--was notoriously cheap. My 'friend' refused to work for his father because of it. I was paid $100 every two weeks and had to argue/ball bust otherwise a check wouldn't be written. It was bullshit. But also not bullshit, because he was passively teaching me to fight for what was owed.
The duties of the job were pretty easy. My understanding of computer logic and operating systems was way ahead of most anyone so anything he asked wasn't difficult but interpreted as witchcraft.
We traveled around orange county, exposing me to a lot of shit I hadn't experienced before. I even smoked my first cigar because of it.
What I truly liked about the job though was the interaction with Vern. Dude was an affable scumbag and one of two non-abusive adults in my reality. He took me, underage, to my first vegas casino and full nude strip club. He also informed me, around age 13--i think--that the best and worst trait I had was my honesty and it would make me a very important/famous/rich person or a very lonely/poor one.
I considered him more of a friend than his son or any adult relatives.

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Do you vote?

No, I care way too much about the reality I live in to do something selfish like that. I think voting is a form of empowerment/comfort food for weak-hearted people. Everybody knows it's pointless. There's always a way to supersede the public's vote. Or no way to vote for things the public deems necessary, like, spy drones and nsa wiretaps.
Corporations rule everything around me.
Also, none of those gravy head politicians are from a reality any of us live, know or even heard a pussyfart of a whimper of. A corrupt system of crumb snatchers, top to bottom, through and through.
I think, fundamentally, people do it to mitigate the cowardice of their heart.
It's also an endless distraction to safely 'fight' over. Not the actual process of voting but all the marshmallow fluff attached to it. People associate themselves with anything greater/stronger than themselves out of safety and their identities become defined by it. And then they feel passionate and ballsy and want to preach/fight.
I earnestly believe social disobedience and rebellion--not revolution--is the only genuine way to make a positive change in society.
In case you're curious, when I was 18, I registered as a socialist after reading about classified fbi lists kept for perceived homeland threats, like, musicians and artists and having a fbi dossier simply for registering with a political party seemed really fucking funny to me. It still does.
The literature the socialists sent me always made me laugh though. Every candidate looked miserable and had a cast-iron frying pan for a face.

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so then what the fuck are you about then?

I'm not comprehending this question? 1) it's asked as if it's a corollary to a conversation we've been engaging in 2) being 'about' something implies an agenda, like, politicians, army recruiters and internet poets (webevangelists) are 'about' shit.
I'm not trying to persuade anyone to think anything. I believe there's a fundamental difference between disliking/criticizing aspects of reality--and the people who choose to espouse those things--and thinking people should or shouldn't think/act/live a specific way.
I feel hostile about a lot of stuff, like, let's say, whip cream flavored vodka. Which is gross on various levels and depths, but, I don't think people *shouldn't* drink it. It's completely their decision to swill an insanely disgusting substance that even homosexual french dudes in the 1300s wouldn't touch (because they had self-respect).
What I mean is that forcing people to not engage in something I dislike is pointless because the root cause isn't being resolved.
It's not that I dislike it out of ego and think 'people who drink whip cream flavored vodka are different than me so they must be fags!' I've analyzed why whip cream flavored vodka was created/marketed and the cultural environment needed for it to profit and thrive, and, like, it makes me feel really sad and alone.
I care about people, way more than myself, and just feel strongly about some shit some times.
Anyways, any person transparent enough to easily discern what they're about is a fake-ass motherfucker who's manipulating people for personal gain. And that's a fucking fact.
So, nigga, who is you.

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First three songs in your favorite playlist?

I don't have a playlist of any sort or even itunes/winamp/media player.
Here are the last 3 records I listened to: Jon Stewart - Fire in the Wind, Joe Romano - Coming Down With Love, Willie and Family - Live.

hey bro, it"s ryder. heard you were talking shit bro, sup with that? you really tryna talk shit about The Rydiculous RydMan? fuckin serious?

'And when a man sticks a gun in your face you got two choices: you can die or you can kill the motherfucker.'

Your opinion on males named "Ryder"?

Are there dudes actually named that? It sounds fictitious, something a southern guy with a teased mullet, sleeveless band shirt, skinny-fat arms, tiny brain, big ego and big dick gives himself to overcompensate for a deep seeded feeling of inadequacy
I'm conflicted though. It does sound hard.
I guess if 'ryder' is a 12-year-old boy that's a fan of vintage nintendo games and/or dungeons and dragons novels, then i'm all for it. Fuckin' a, lil dude. Ride deep, ride long, ride violent.
But if it's anybody else, then, shit, they're lamer than a honeymoon condom. Like, I personally don't understand how someone can be that much of a joke and get laid.
Objectively, though, seems valid enough.
I mean, I expose my hairy chest with unbuttoned shirts, have disco glitter painted fingernails and go by the moniker 'hollywood daddy', so, like, I can't judge too harshly.

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How would you explain color to a blind man?

Slowly fingerfuck 32 women of various age and ethnicity, then slide an index finger underneath his nose as if it's a cigar being tested for freshness and say, 'like that, my man... just like that.'

Why are you always so cute and so cool, Hollywood Daddy? =^.^= (Asking for a friend.)

I was engineered in a japanese lab by robot hands and human hearts.

Who is the happiest person on the world?

That one dude in his twenties that moved out of his parents house and lives alone.

If you could witness any historical moment, which one would it be?

When a raindrop fell on a leaf in a forest before humans existed.

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

It would look like the song of a guillotine shattering against a neck made of fire.

What happened to that question where the person called you a shitbag?

Haha, you saw that. I don't know. I think the person, who seemed to be emotionally irrational, waited for my response to their, uh, question then immediately had it removed by ask.fm. Because, you know, nothing says 'stable with viable opinions' like someone who disregards the context of a vocalized perspective, attacks the author with very unimaginative language, then ignores the response and angrily destroys any evidence of culpability.
Sure glad I turned on anonymous questions. Unsure why I initially felt so strongly against them.
I captured the text though. It's posted on my blog. Just hope everyone, especially that anonymous person, still likes me.

Thanks for answering that question about your parents. I wish there was a way to produce more people like you without all the pain but maybe that's the point.

Sure, you're welcome. Thank you for asking. I really don't mind answering anything about myself.
I think everybody should endure a certain amount of pain. But there are numerous human beings who've suffered way more than anything I've known and became enslaved by it. So, maybe pain/struggle is more of a litmus test for a person's vessel, to expose what their genuine nature is, like, their soul.
I don't think i'm anything that should be reproduced, really. I don't know. I feel like I alienate a lot of people even when I'm standing still and reticent. Mostly, I don't enjoy making people feel uneasy or emotional or whatever but honestly do get off on it, a lot. It's why I try to avoid groups at all costs. I'm terrible at filtering myself. I can only do it for like 15-seconds.

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

My balls have a faint aroma of coconut oil and sardines right now.


Language: English