

Ask @diahayulhs

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Want to make more friends? Try this: Tell us what you like and find people with the same interests. Try this: + add more interests + add your interests

That's a super tough question, if you had to ask me.. I'm a little afraid that my answer may sounds too cliche.. And too long to write about it lol because I tend to talk a lot (well, you know me, always trying to look wise and shit 😂). So, are you sure you really want to know what "I think"? Hmm?

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Hahah if it's not cliche without any impression of trying too hard "to look wise and shit" then it's not YOU, my dear fragile friend! And I love you just the way you are!
Think about it: if it's sugarcoated and not blunt, then it's not me.
I'll drop the question on your page so you can make an essay (or simply rant) about it. *wink*

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Warning: I'm gonna be subjective here.
Talking about good deeds, I do think people deserve a second chance. The Universe doesn't have the right to forbid you from helping homeless people twice. You even have a second and third chance to take SBMPTN test, don't you?
But I assume that you're talking about deserving a second chance after doing a mistake, am I right? So, here's my answer.
This question reminds me so much of cheating. If it comes to cheating, then no. For me, there's no second chance for a cheater. Cheating is the lowest form of love betrayal I could ever imagine. You're sick of your S.O? Leave 'em, break up, get yourself fresh air without ever considering about cheating because it simply won't solve anything. It will only cause more problems. You found out your S.O is cheating? No need to slap 'em, or yelling out loud in the restaurant where you find 'em having a candle-lite dinner. Just leave them, because you have dignity. What next? They ask for forgiveness after betraying you? Heck. You trusted 'em with all your heart and logic but they threw shit to your face by saying, "I love you," right after they had dinner and/or sex.
How about a murderer? Some people deserve a second chance, some don't. A girl who defended herself and incidentally killed a rapist absolutely deserve a second chance; you don't give her a death sentence. But a mere killer, killing for money or for fun--although I always find genius killers amazing--deserve to be punished (including death sentence).
I don't really care about other humans or humanity but trashes like drug dealers, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, terrorists, perpetrators of fraud, and of course those corruptors absolutely don't deserve a second chance. They harm people and it's possible for me or my loved ones to encounter them somewhere in our life. You wanna know how I feel about them? I'd like to see them rot in the prison...
... or getting trapped in Jigsaw's trap ...
... or killed by Kira.
Personal obession aside, this is my opinion. How about you? We're not talking about good people here so, do you think trashes deserve a second chance?

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Liked by: Nurmala Putri

If reincarnation exists, what kind of creature would you like to be in your next life?

It's either a male homo sapiens or this jellyfish.
If reincarnation exists what kind of creature would you like to be in your next

What's your most memorable event of this summer?

Not exactly this summer sih tapi 2017 ini kayaknya saya menang banyak; dimulai dari selesaiin skripsi, bikin SIM C, KETEMU VIXX, suatu agenda spesial (sebutlah melakukan x di y), main bareng MBUI, sampai wisuda. Semoga dilengkapi dengan segera dapat kerja. :'

Ini random banget sih, tapi gue baru sadar bahwa untuk dapat bersama Rangga, Cinta kudu selingkuh dulu dari pacarnya.... Eh, apa malah Rangga yang ngerebut Cinta dari pacarnya ya? Hmm...

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Sesungguhnya, gue belum pernah nonton AADC, apalagi AADC 2, he he he heh.
Kenapa harus selingkuh? Daripada selingkuh kan ada opsi putus dulu dari pacarnya, baru balik ke Rangga. Atau, opsi yang lebih realistis tapi tidak akan mendatangkan profit maupun sekuel AADC sama sekali: move on dari Rangga. He freaking left you.

Name your three biggest weaknesses!

(4. A man who's good at dancing)
Name your three biggest weaknesses

ka salah gasih suka sama pacar orang?

Apakah Hades bersalah karena jatuh cinta pada Persephone?
Persephone, Sang Dewi Musim Semi, hanya kebetulan sedang mencari bebungaan bersama para nimfa laut ketika Hades datang membawa serta kereta kudanya dari Neraka. Hades tidak berpikir lebih lanjut tentang konsekuensi menculik Persephone dari Bumi. Dia tidak mengira bahwa tindakan gegabahnya itu akan menyebabkan kehancuran di muka Bumi karena Demeter begitu sedih mengetahui putrinya telah dibawa ke Neraka. Kalaupun Hades tahu akan seperti itu jadinya, ia tetap takkan peduli.
Lantas, siapakah yang bersalah? Hades yang jatuh cinta kepada Persephone? Persephone yang tidak mampu menyelamatkan diri dari kepungan armada kuda Hades? Ataukah Eros yang membuat Hades luluh begitu matanya menumbuk sosok Persephone?
Tidak ada yang salah ketika Hades jatuh cinta. Semesta sekalipun takkan bisa melarang siapapun untuk jatuh cinta. Kesalahan timbul ketika benakmu memutuskan bahwa kau pantas merenggut siapapun yang kaukehendaki atas dasar keserakahan yang kausebut sebagai cinta.

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ka salah gasih suka sama pacar orang
Liked by: Sarah Mustika

Suka keganggu ga sih sama orang yang kalo janjian ngaret? Menurut lo gimana caranya biar dia ga ngaret lagi?

Janjian jam 10, bilangnya jam 9. Done.

What's the last concert/festival you attended?

VIXX SE Asia Fanmeeting in Jakarta on July 29, 2017. It was also the first music show I attended an yes, I'm glad that VIXX was my first. :')
Yang tadinya tidak direncanakan bakal datang, nekat juga menempuh jalan dari Puncak ke Kokas. "Bodo amat nasib di sana gimana, yang penting datang dulu," I thought to myself.
Sampai di sana, nangis kayak anak SMA labil. Tapi gak apa, yang penting bisa fanchant. :'
Whats the last concertfestival you attended

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

You people should go watch science-related channels on YouTube instead of watching other people doing mainstream activities in their vlogs.

Are you thinking, or are you just thinking that you're thinking? (And no, I'm not on drugs at the moment)

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Did you know that few miliseconds before you picked your choice, your brain has already been aware of the choices given?
So, if you're about to choose whether you should pick french fries or potato wedges as the side dish, right at the brief moment before ordering, your brain has already chosen the french fries. Strange, yet amazing.
I highly recommend you to watch Vsauce's Mind Field episode 5: Freedom of Choice. It's not available on YouTube but you can find it anywhere else. Trust me, it's worth your time.
Our brain is amazing, we didn't even realize it does the 'thinking' all the time. We thought it's us, but not really--I would prefer saying that the connection of our brain nerves is the real definition of 'thinking' and also, 'consciousness'.
So, are you sure you're thinking?
Think again.

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Liked by: iyosinaga Jess

Ah, ngapain basa-basi sama orang gak penting mah. *lah *jadi saya yg triggered *lagi sensi

jessicamasta’s Profile PhotoJess
Siapa tahu bisa diberdayakan di masa skripsi, heh heh heh. *ketawa jahat*

Ka kenapa sih ya di kelas ku tuh pada mandang aku sama temen aku ga suka gitu. Katanya grgr berdua trs kek yg ga punya temen lain aja pdhl kan aku lebih mentingin kualitas drpd kuantitasnya. Bahkan mereka suka bangga kl berteman byk tapi saling berkhianat satu sama lain.

Wah, kamu yakin itu mereka benar-benar mandang kamu gak suka? Atau cuma asumsimu aja? Soalnya, saya juga sewaktu SMA temannya itu-itu aja, tapi gak sampai segitunya, deh.
Maksud saya, pasti ada sesuatu yang bikin orang-orang ini bersikap begitu. Kalaupun memang iya, mereka mandang kamu dengan gak suka, apa benar alasannya karena kalian 'kayak gak mau punya teman lain'? Siapa tahu, di mata orang lain, kalian tampak seperti duo yang kurang ramah, mengasingkan diri, mengundang prasangka, dan sebagainya?
Karena saya gak tahu kamu ini seperti apa, saya jadi gak bisa menilai. Tapi kalau memang mereka semenyebalkan itu dan kamu merasa toh kalian gak melakukan sesuatu yang merugikan atau mengesalkan, ya sudah, biar saja. Tapi, sedikit saran: setidakpenting apa pun seseorang di matamu, kamu tetap perlu basa-basi. Setidaknya, kamu tahu bahwa kamu bisa menghargai. :3

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