
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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If you could arrange a dream exhibition match in any game, who and what game would it be?

Peak Justin Wong vs. Peak Soomighty in MVC2. That EC/WC exhibition at Evo 2003 (IIRC) introduced me to hype, and I want to see that runback.

What would your ideal breakfast be?

My go to is eggs over easy, pancakes, bacon, coffee, and OJ. I also got mad love for tapsilog if I'm in the Philippines/Daly City.

How the hell are you doing, Pat? Also: you have USD 100,000, current value, to spend as you'd like, but you have to spend it all in 24 hours. What do you do?

I'm doing okay, thanks for asking!
$100k...I'd sink that on some new wheels (dat FR-S, tho), a new rig, and a down payment on a condo or something. I'm boring when it comes to money, really.

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How awesome is cookies and cream ice cream?

i mean, it's not the best ice cream by a long shot. but ice cream in general is pretty awesome, so ++++++

Pick One: not allowed to read, write, or draw ever again or not allowed to have electricity ever again?

Oh, man. Well, if I wasn't allowed to read or write, having electricity wouldn't really do that much for me anyway, so I'll take not allowed to have electricity, I guess!

current go to exercise song?

most of my exercise is either a) without music or b) at the BJJ gym sparring, where the gym manager usually has classic rock or hip-hop Pandora stations on.
i tend to skew towards hip-hop when I do work out to music, though. I think my last workout playlist I remember had these songs:
Still Ballin' - Tupac
Ante Up - M.O.P
Go Hard or Go Home - E-40
X Gonna Give It To Ya - DMX
Stronger - Kanye West
Real Big - Mannie Fresh
Move Bitch - Ludacris
Breathe Stretch Shake - Mase

How bad is your crush on one of the people you follow?

oh man, i have some pretty bad crushes on people i know from the internet! my deepest crushes come from good conversations/insights with smart people, and the internet is kind of really good for that.
that said -- i get crushes pretty easy, online and off.

i think hiring at riot has taken a turn for the elitist. It shouldn't be a search for the perfect candidate but for the candidate with the potential to be perfect. thoughts?

I have lots of thoughts on Riot's hiring process, but it's not the kind of thing I really want to talk about in a public setting.
I will say, though, that "search for the candidate with the potential to be perfect" is an integral part of their hiring philosophy, and I always encourage anyone who is thinking of applying to watch Brandon Beck's IGDA keynote (https://www.design3.com/industry-insight/igda-leadership-forum-2011/item/2318-brandon-beck-keynote-navigating-unforeseen-challenges-%E2%80%93-why-leveling-up-your-talent-pool-is-key-to-min-maxing-your-studio) where he talks about exactly that.
Really, though, in my limited experience with hiring at Riot I think what we end up with is a bit closer to looking for both. Which is understandable, because trying to suss out "potential" correctly is hard!

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Who would win in a fight, zombie Keith Moon or zombie Abraham Lincoln and with what weapon?

Abraham Lincoln was a fairly accomplished catch-as-catch-can wrestler, so I'd give most hand-to-hand contests to him.

I saw you tweet earlier about shopping as a single guy. But I also seem to recall you being in a relationship. Did your relationship recently end? If so, sorry to hear about it. :(

Yeah -- going through a divorce right now. I don't talk about it much on the Internet.

hi I don't have a question but I think you're cute okay bye

oh my goodness! i'm feelin' pretty cute right now thanks to this not-question. thank youuuuu

What's your favorite book? Reading anything currently? Or is reading not a common thing for you?

I don't read enough books, nor enough good writing, and this is a thing I should really make time for. I read a LOT every day, but it's usually online stuff -- forum posts, articles, tweets, Reddit stuff -- which I think is really educational and teaches me a lot about communicating on the Internet, but doesn't do much for my proficiency in writing at the general sense, nor does it expose me to a full-length argument that is too long and complicated for a single article or tweet.
Favorite books...huh. I've got much love for Calvin and Hobbes and The Boondocks. I read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson once every year or so -- I think Hiro Protagonist, as a character, left quite an impression on me as far as what Cool looks like for a nerdy mixed race Good Guy with aspirations to badassery who never fits in anywhere.
Most recently, I read Glenn Craven's book on Evo Moment #37, which from a journalism perspective I thought was splendid, particularly because it did a great job of situating the moment in a historical context that I was present for but didn't have the same insight during that he did while writing the book.

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So you're mostly fgc located, but what do you think of videogames as an "artistic medium?" Do you think they'll become like comics, originally discarded as pop trash for kids turned literature study object next to Joyce, or are games too "commercial" / capitalist focused (get money)?

I think it's a tremendously powerful artistic medium at all ranges; indies do great stuff (I'm a huge fan of Gone Home and Christine Love's work, I like abstract experiences like Proteus and Glitchhikers, etc.) but I also think triple-A has done lots of artistic stuff too (MGS and Deus Ex were both incredibly powerful IMO). Games will "grow up" as devs and players grow up.

It's not about asking people to help get them to EVO, it's the fact that people ask to do it last minute, which shows they haven't spent time thinking it over, or even considering saving earlier in the year for it. Plus a lot of the e-beggars are exploiting, more than needy for cash.

I have a hard time being critical of people's financial decisions when it comes to this kind of thing, honestly.
For one, money means different things to different people. When I was a kid, I valued money mostly for its ability to keep me out of the house and less-reliant on family, because I didn't get along very well with them. Others value money because it lets them buy things that make them feel good for whatever reason (computer parts, nice clothes, a car, etc.). So I don't blame people who say "I don't have enough money to go to Evo, it's too expensive", because really what they're saying is "I have other things that I prioritize in my spending more highly than Evo".
It's kinda like saying "I wish I could learn to cook, but I don't have time" -- for most people, it just means "I don't have enough time because there are other things I'd rather do with that time more", not literally "There are not enough hours in the day for me to cook a decent meal".
For two, I like that people in online communities are supporting each other! I think people in general ought to be generous. It's hard for me to say "e-beggars are exploiting" if people are willingly giving them money because they care about said player and feel like they're supporting a worthy cause. I certainly have people/causes I think are more worthy than others, but I won't judge you because you're a fan of X player or not.
Attitudes towards money are really personal, and in general it's a thing I try not to criticize in others even if I don't agree with their priorities. I will say that no matter what you like to spend money on, you should invest some time in learning how to manage it properly, though!

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Liked by: Kailyn

Doesn't the highly objetification of women in lol concern you? They are all models-like in the same age and all monsters are male.

It does! I think most of the female characters look pretty ridiculous, and I'd kill for some non-human feminine monstrosities like a Void character or something.

would you say LOL is as hype as fighting games?

it's a different kind of hype! in general, no, but seeing a great play resolve itself can be pretty fuckin amazing.

for a relatively new (but not young) gamer getting interested in fighting games, what game would you recommend as a gateway? really intrigued by your primer on insert coin.

the primer uses SSF2T HD Remix because I think it's a good place to start with fundamentals ;) once you've spent some time there, i'd move on to SF4 AE2012/Ultra; I think if you want to Know How To Play Fighting Games it's worthwhile to play the most widely-played games in your region, and really soak up everything you can until you get bored and want to move on to something else.

What do you think of the lack of racial diversity in LoL? It's weird to me coming from FGCs.

I can't tell if you're talking about the player community or the in-game characters here! I wouldn't say it's "weird" because I've had one foot in lily-white-and-Asian PC games forever, but yeah, it's a big change from fighting games.

What's your Marvel team?

Zero/Doom/Vergil. Started using it shortly after Evo 2012.
In Vanilla I started with Zero/Storm/Sentinel for bullshit DHC glitch combos, then switched to Zero/Sentinel/Haggar because I needed an assist that could deal with Magneto rushdown.
When UMVC3 dropped, I started with Haggar/Zero/Hawkeye (which I still play on occasion), then experimented with a few different teams before getting to the above.

Northeast Coast brings the hype, n entertainment, West Coast is right behind them, n ahead in esports-like content. These regions always get mentioned, so wat do other regions have 2do in order 2 stand out? Besides CEO, n Final Round, other areas never get much shine. Is it personalities?

personality is certainly a big factor! Jebailey has done a good job building CEO into something that stands apart from other FG tournaments; West Coast has established themselves as continually excellent with the highest top-player count for most games; NYC has excellent players and a lot of weird drama that keeps people interested.

You said you would like to attend Final Round one day, but what about a Big E event? You mentioned wanting to go to a lot of tourneys but left out the Northeast. You do know that NEC, Winterbrawl, and SummerJam are some of the most hype tournaments out there with that raw, arcade feel. Scared?

People still play fighting games in the Northeast? I just figured that whenever they were any good, they moved to California...
:P Kidding. I'd love to go. I don't know which NE events are the biggest, though! Is it NEC?


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