
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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What's your typical workout at the gym? Running treadmill? Lifting weights? BJJ drills only?

I don't work out at a gym very often! I mostly do bodyweight stuff (pull-ups, push-ups, burpees, squats) and some kettlebell stuff.

What did Triforce do this time?

Got invited to speak on Live On Three with djWheat and Slasher, apparently. I didn't watch it.

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

I had a lot of great teachers in high school, but mad love for debate teacher/coach Lexy Green; I don't think I'd have made it out of high school without her.

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When you coming to Gamecenter 2 so we play CVS2 again in Norcal

Probably not for a while, unfortunately! Find me at UFGT, CEO, or Evo :)

Triforce, John Nelson, and Donald Sterling are paddling in the middle of the ocean. You are the sole occupant in a tiny life raft, and only have room for one more person. The second you save one person, the other two will drown and get eaten by sharks at the same time. Choose wisely.

I like having my leg room, so...
Kidding. I'd save Triforce.

Rushdown, turtle/footsies, or pure zoning. Which style would you prefer and why?

I don't know why "turtle/footsies" is lumped together, but I think footsies are the most admirable skillset in fighting games.

Is Triforce actually a deluded fool, or the best heel in FGC history?

I really hope it's the latter, because the former is really sad.
I do think he's really good at getting attention, but if I were him I wouldn't want the attention he gets.

Would you ever be a vegan or a vegetarian?

I'd be pretty shitty at it! Pretty much everything I like has animal protein in it somewhere. I used to have days where I'd try to recall what I ate and think "Man, I was accidentally a vegetarian today," only to realize that I forgot to include the bucket of fried chicken I ate three hours prior or something.
My filipina aunt joked to me once that she'd rather have a gay son than a vegetarian. Makes sense to me.

How often do you go to the gym? How often do you go to BJJ? How often do you play fighting games? What takes priority?

When I'm operating at full capacity, I'll usually get 3 light workouts (mostly pull-ups) in during a work week, and 3 classes (BJJ and wrestling), which keeps me nice and sore all the time.
I try to play fighting games whenever I can! Some weeks are better than others. Lately, it helps that I have a solid group of people at work to play with, and I try to make it out to Super at least twice a month. But I'm not above getting some online sets in, either.

If you could live anywhere in the world except the United States, where would you go?

Good one! I'd love to wander the world for a bit, but I imagine if I settled down anywhere it'd probably be in Japan. Well, I hear nice things about Toronto, too. Hm.

Do you speak any other languages?

I speak Japanese reasonably well, and I can understand a bit of Spanish thanks to years of not paying attention in middle school/high school. No Tagalog, sadly. =/

Do you actively try to grow your social media following?

I don't aggressively pursue new followers or anything, but I do invest a bunch of time into Twitter in part because I think it's a useful bump for career stuff.

What are the most equal matchups you can think of between Street Fighter characters and Pokemon?

Fei Long vs. Hitmonlee should be pretty close. Think Zangief vs. Gyarados would be another good one.

Have you ever cheated on a girl?

Yup. Not proud of it, but it was an excruciating thing that taught me a lot about myself.
Liked by: nothingxs

This girl spit on my face after learning that my penis was not big enough to please her or any other woman out there. Would it help if I were able to react better to women spitting on my face, or are there any other easier options to help myself cope?

Definitely didn't expect anything like this! I guess if your reactions are fast enough to consistently parry that shit that's one way out. Otherwise you can probably jump back and take the hit for minimal damage.
Seriously though, that's pretty shitty. Sounds like she wasn't a nice person anyway.

What happened to your marriage? Don't need to know anything too specific. I'm just genuinely curious since I remember you got married not very long ago. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out though. Please feel free to delete this question.

It's a long story that involves explaining the history of our 7-year relationship, so I'll leave it at "People are complicated". No drama, though.
Liked by: nothingxs

Have you ever freelanced? Do you think freelancing is viable as a full time job?

I have freelanced, both as a side gig and as a main gig, albeit the latter was not for very long. I think it's viable, but I don't like it -- I found that over half my time was spent hustling for work instead of actually doing it. And, really, freelancing in games writing specifically pays shit, so I wouldn't recommend it.
In general, I find that the most interesting and engaging writing out there is generally done for free, and that sucks. A lot of freelance writing is writing stuff that fits a publication's needs ("I need ten stories about printers"), not necessary writing something good -- and, frankly, writing stuff that fits a publication's needs is easier and less time-consuming than writing something good. So I see a lot of career freelancers end up producing work that is useful but not terribly interesting for most of their time, and have little time or energy left to write The Cool Stuff.

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How did you get started with LoL?

Got started playing it because a bunch of my old-time fighting game buddies were into it and wanted me to play it. I played a decent amount of BW/SC2 so the basics weren't too hard to pick up.
Got started working for Riot because I mentioned them in the final issue of Game Developer Magazine as one of the "top game dev studios of all time"; an old colleague of mine who works here noticed that GDMag was folding and Riot wanted an EiC, so he got in touch and it kind of went from there. (That article is actually mounted on one of the walls in the office, which I thought was neat.)

Has anyone ever hit on you online? Men or women.

Yup. I can only think of a handful of times, but I'm pretty oblivious to this kind of thing.
(...Is this one of those times?)

Have you ever had to use your BJJ (or other fighting) skills in real life?

If you're asking "Have I ever gotten in a fight", not really, unless you count breaking up a little bit of drunken roughhousing here and there.
The principles of BJJ, though -- the position-before-submission mentality, especially -- apply to far more than just actual fighting! A lot of what I've learned from BJJ has informed how I think of my career.

Do you find men attractive at all? What's your Kinsey number?

I...don't know? I'm pretty darn straight, but that might just be because I'm kinda lazy -- I think I could probably get into guys, but I don't feel any burning desire to do so.


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