
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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Ive recently hit a wall in my sf4 play. I really want to break through to the next "tier" of guys at my local scene, all of ehich definitely have more experiencr and stronger fundamentals then me. Is going back to regular old Ryu a good idea to learn to play smarter/work on fundamentals?

Yes! (Playing regular old Ryu is always a good idea.)

What do you think of the charges that Serial is racist/problematic? I kind of feel like you could only come to that opinion if you haven't listened to it, but maybe that's just me.

I haven't listened to it, but the damn show is telling a real-life murder story for entertainment while there are still many living people affected by it, so you can be damn sure I'm skeptical.

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Do people on twitter who don't use their face for an avatar still irritate you? I remember you saying something like that way back when and now my weeb ass is scared to respond to some of your tweets.

I said that when I was getting deluged by the first wave of GamerGate sockpuppet fuckasses. Now I just block anyone who tweets at me with shitty opinions, anime av or no.

What do you think of the portrayal of women in Hiromu Arakawa's work?

I haven't watched/read any of her stuff. Should I?

Would Faust still be good in Xrd?

I haven't closely followed Xrd but the awesome thing about Guilty Gear games is that pretty much everyone is good!

You have been called out of retirement for one last job. Er, what kind of job is it?

I don't know but it probably involves flexing with Giby.
Liked by: Giby Zia

What's your current favorite "anime" fighter to play and or watch?

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
When Xrd comes out it'll be Xrd. Guilty Gear for life.
Liked by: Isaiah

Picking Yun is still better than picking Evil Ryu. By the way, I believe Ryu is bottom 5 right now, am I right?

I don't mind Evil Ryu. I mess around with him sometimes as a side character. His s.mk is a lot of fun as a poke.
I have no idea about tier lists, I don't really pay attention to them.

Why is League such a shit game that steals fighting game players away?

Because it's free, and no one knows free like the FGC.
Also because it's both competitive and cooperative, which fighting games aren't, so we get the rare feeling of being able to play alongside each other for once. Also also because it places less emphasis on your individual performance so it's a bit less stressful than fighting games are.

What made you apply to Riot?

Nothing did! They found me, and I was like, "I'm flattered, but I don't think it'd work out." And then it kind of worked out.

How does it feel like to play against a top player? Lose against them? Win against them? Your mindset during the game as you realise you're going to get rekt by said top player/rek said top player?

I really like it, mostly because I go into it knowing that they have a wealth of competitive experience I don't, and so I focus on learning whatever I can about what that player has that sets them apart from their peers. Just in the last year, I've gotten to go up against Dieminion's absolute defense, Vineeth's incoming mixups, Ricky's godlike footsies, Clockw0rk's full-screen rushdown, and so on. I know I might be able to take a game here and there, but for me, that's not the point; I don't want to get so focused on winning that I miss out on an opportunity to learn. I want to see how they respond to different tests, different patterns of behavior, and so on.
As for the feeling of winning against a top player: I'll let you know when I do it :P I've only beaten one top player in a tournament, and I'm pretty sure it was Ricky's first time playing Street Fighter IV...

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Liked by: Shina

If a game jam similar to 7 Day FPS were to be made for fighting games, which aspects do you think would be the most important to focus on during those 7 days?

Just make one character that is fun to play in a mirror match, and you have a game on your hands.

What do you think about people doing the whole Pat x Sarah thing? Harmless or not a thing you want happening?

"people"?! i'm pretty sure there's only one person who does this thing. i find it mildly amusing but we're both with other people and it's kind of disrespectful. maybe when we're so famous that people neither of us know personally are speculating on our respective love lives then it won't be a thing?
Liked by: rebound

Should I feel bad when I won my first match against real people with Yun? :(

Nah, you should have felt bad when you picked Yun.

Holy shit!! JOOOHHHNNN CEEEEEEEEEEEEENNAA just burst through your wall, salutes, and points menacingly at you. Who's your tag partner and what's your ace up your sleeve for defending yourself?

Ryyudo’s Profile PhotoJamaal Graves
Cena sucks, I got this
Liked by: Jamaal Graves

Hi. Have you played Ultimate ninja storm series? How are these Naruto-fightings? How is Naruto, at least?

I haven't really played them, sorry. I played a little bit of the PS2 series but those games were kinda ass IMO.

Choose a superpower: (A) You can instantly tell when anyone, anywhere says something bad about your waifu/husbando; (B) You can get away with showering every other day; (C) Super eyelid muscles; or (D) Invisibility to all machines (including automatic doors, faucets, touchscreens, etc.)

Invisibility to all machines sounds like a pain in the ass. I'll go with C because I already have A (talk shit about Ryu, I dare you).

Is being a character loyalist worth it at the highest level of play especially if your character has obvious weaknesses/everyone at the top has learned your character's matchup?

First off: "Learning the matchup" isn't the endpoint of fighting game competition. It's the beginning! You're not really playing the game until you and your opponent learn the character matchups, because that's the point that you start playing against _each other_ -- and that's the matchup you should never have down 100%.
Now to answer the question: Sure, if that's the way you learn best. I've been a character loyalist at times and a counterpicker at times. Generally got better results as a character loyalist, but it depends on the game and where you're at in your skill development.

Registered for my first major in Dec, in hope of building a rapport with other players. I don't have the time I'd like to practice (let alone 4 games), depression & stress responses ruin me, and I'm afraid of performing terribly and wasting everyone's time. How can I get the most out of the trip?

The only person who cares about your tournament performance is you. You probably will perform terribly, but you won't be wasting anyone's time because people go to majors to hang out, make new friends, see old ones, and play fighting games. As long as you're doing those things, you're cool.
Get the most out of the trip by playing a lot and making new friends. Don't take your results too seriously; get out there, play your games, and have a good time.
Liked by: Michael Warming

Hi, I just read your book, and I want to ask something. I am a noob in fighting games, and I've been pretty much gulping every beginner guides out there. I am curious which one is more important execution or footsies? Practicing footsies when you don't have offline friends is kinda difficult T_T

They're both important, and you'll have to learn both of them. As a beginner, you can still learn plenty through online play, so do that until you can make friends to play with locally!
Also, you can drill footsies with the record function in training mode -- just record a CPU dummy Ryu walking forward, backward, and throwing out a c.mk, and get used to punishing it at different ranges.

Who would win in a fight between iDOLM@STER, Love Live, and K-ON?

The fact that someone out there thinks I could answer this question makes me question some decisions I've made in my life.
iDOLM@STER, btw.


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