
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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How much cream cheese should go on a bagel?

Depends on the bagel. Plain/sesame/poppy etc: Go HAM. Jalapeno cheese: Show restraint.

What's the greatest amount of money you've spent on a single game (including in-app purchases/microtransactions, if any)?

Capcom vs. SNK 2 has consumed countless quarters.
It also took the best years of my life.
And my innocence.

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How frequently and generously do you tip, if at all?

Typically try to shoot for 15-25% depending on what gets me to a nice round number.
Liked by: Raj-el

You don't think opinion pieces are corruptible? How about when every site under the sun is hyping up X AAA game, and X turns out to suck. Or when every gaming site releases simultaneous opinion pieces berating their audiences for things they didn't do.

For the former example: Money buys hype. If Publisher X spends $500m marketing Game Y, most publications are obligated to cover the shit out of Game Y even if they never receive a dollar from that marketing budget because everyone has seen the television spots and bus ads and billboards and YouTube pre-roll about Game Y, and so they'll want to know more about Game Y -- meaning that your average game site reader will be more likely to click on an article about Game Y then an article about Game Z, the game they've never heard about. Plenty of Android OS enthusiast sites still cover iPhone releases, for example -- the angle is just "Here's what Apple released and why Android is still better" instead of "Here's what Apple released and why you want to buy it right now".
Even if everyone on the website's staff thinks the game is nothing special, they'll still be obligated to cover the incremental updates, trailer releases, previews, etc. because they know that there are a lot of consumers out there who want to know about it. And if said website staff passes judgment about Game Y before the game is out -- being critical of a preview build, for example -- they'll be flamed to shit for evaluating an unfinished product. Which is fair, because when we play those pre-release builds they're usually buggy and scripted and rushed to meet the event deadline anyway.
As for simultaneous opinion pieces, groupthink != corruption. The kind of people who get into games journalism typically tend to be young, educated, idealistic, and politically liberal -- you almost have to be, if you're foolish enough to try to write professionally (hard) about video games (harder) while paying rent in a major urban center (nightmare).
Anyway, the reason I said opinion pieces aren't corruptible is because there's nothing virtuous about someone's opinion that needs to be protected from outside influence. Remove bias from an opinion and you have nothing. People can have opinions for dumb reasons and it's not Bad Journalism, just bad writing.

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I'm usually against the corruption that is going on in gaming journalism and I want to be able to receive positive and unbiased journalism. I don't care for threats or name calling, I just want corruption out of my passion.

No one is pro-corruption in game journalism, except for maybe the game publishers that fund everything, and for them it's working as intended.
Game journalism's most vocal critics are game journalists themselves, because we have a very acute perception of how the balance of power in the industry prevents us from doing the work we actually want to do. Look up anyone who has been in the biz for longer than a year or two and you'll usually find a rant somewhere on a personal blog (mine are at pattheflip.tumblr.com) about how broken the whole biz is.

I'd also ask you to please check out what we're going through on our side. Some of us are getting harrassed as well and even have had things like used syringes mailed to us... it's getting out of hand IMO.

That's pretty gross! Where is this being documented?

Okay, someone who's pro-gamergate, yet won't stoop to threats here. How do you feel about us exposing the bad-apples in your passion? What with new evidence that one game dev went as far as send lewd photos to a reviewer to get ratings?

First off: Saying you're "pro-GG" tells me very little about what you're actually in support for. Similar to Occupy, GG doesn't have a specific course of action its advocating, because there's no real organization or organizing network.
Rooting out corruption sounds great! But all the examples I see of "corruption" are mostly just "people knowing and interacting with each other as people usually do in professional communities".
Most games writing work tends to fall in one of these categories: Product evaluation (review), reporting (this thing happened/exists), entertainment (listicles), opinion/editorial (Oculus Rift is the future of entertainment), and criticism (this thing that game X did was cool/fucked up/etc). Of these five categories, only the first two are really "corruptible". Outlets tend to be good about making sure reviews are handled with integrity (and IMO that has been consistent throughout GG). When it comes to reporting, 90% of news comes from the companies themselves, and the remaining 10% is usually awesome stuff coming out from Patrick Klepek and Simon Parkin, and no one reads 'em but other journalists out of journo-envy. That 90% is the corruption I'd be worried about, and you fix that by supporting/funding alt media outlets.
Also: the world of video games might look competitive to you -- lord knows they do at E3, when all the Brands are vying for the spotlight, but the fact is that all of us in the biz are too busy working hard at our day-to-day jobs to really have any kind of bitter rivalry with anyone else. If anything, there's a commonly-shared feeling of respect between people who work in games, simply because pretty much everyone takes a pay/prestige cut to work in this biz in the first place, and everyone is looking for other cool creative people to work with in the future.
BTW, you might want to a look at Silicon Valley, where everyone is on each others' nuts to the tune of billions of dollars of VC that is building up into yet another tech bubble that will probably fuck the economy when it bursts. The broader tech industry is a huge fucking capitalist nightmare circlejerk that is screwing over working-class folks from California to China, not to mention conflict minerals.
With the lewd photos thing: I think you might be putting the cart before the horse. IIRC, that was about a game dev trying to use a YouTuber's request for a review code as leverage for sex, not specifically for ratings. I'm pretty proud of my dick, but I don't think it's going to change anyone's opinion on any of my work.
The problem here is sexual harassment in a professional context, not the risk of a misleading review on a YouTube channel -- but that's not the angle that gets GG people going. Sending dick pics -- whatever. Sending dick pics as part of a request for a review? SOUND THE ALARMS.
(Meanwhile, Simon Parkin wrote a great article on the questionable legality of paid YouTube content, and I didn't see consumer-folk get upset.)

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You and Mike Haggar are now inseparable in my mind. I see him, I think Patrick. I see you, I think Haggar. Thoughts?

That's why I love wrestling.
Liked by: Raj-el

Can't wait for you sjws to get out of my hobby. :)

Your hobby is my life, my job, and my passion. Don't hold your breath.

Also I just realized that last question was one of those serious ones you said aren't what you're looking for on ask.fm! My bad I've sent a bunch of those to you over the past while. To break that up, what is your ideal drink to go with a hamburger? American standard milkshake or something else?

It's not that I'm not looking for those questions, it's just that it's hard to find the energy to answer them, so they tend to sit around for a while.
I like to get a chocolate shake to go with my In-n-Out Animal Style Double-Double, and when the shake is like 80% done I'll go put some root beer in the cup like it's a root beer float. Mmmmm.
Liked by: spinach williams

How do you deal with shitty people/attitudes on the internet getting your mood down? I was hit pretty hard the other day and I hated how much they ruined my mood for the day? Any home remedies on that?

Recognize when it's starting to happen and walk away. Close the tab and do something else.
I've had to do a lot of this myself thanks to all the GamerGate bullshit lately; if I don't, I end up getting sucked into conversations that drain my time and energy and leave me upset anyway.
Also, one rule of thumb I've had since starting Twitter: If I'm following you, and I find that I end up thinking worse of you as a person after reading your tweets (maybe you have awful opinions, maybe you have an awful humblebrag habit, whatever) then I'll unfollow you. No point in hate-following people, it just stresses me out.

How do I get people to start respecting me in fighting games?

Beat them. Beat them so badly they start second-guessing their own actions and try to play conservatively. That's what it means to "respect" someone in a game.
Liked by: spinach williams

If your life could have one aspect of cartoon physics (bombs/guns just blacken you, you can run off cliffs as long as you don't look down, you sweat in enormous single drops, etc.), which one would you want?

That pocket dimension/bag of holding you always see in like Animaniacs and shit. That'd be dope.

What are your thoughts on Guilty Gear's newest waifu, Elphelt?

I haven't really been paying attention. Frankly, I have tunnel vision when it comes to Guilty Gear -- I mostly just focus on Chipp (with a little bit of Zato-1/Eddie thrown in to spice things up), and I've never really been interested in switching to any of the other characters. I only barely remember wtf Order Sol, Robo-Ky, and ABA do.

What's the most important meal of the day?

I'm a huge proponent of breakfast, myself. Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. I don't even really care what kind of breakfast we're eating (American classic, contemporary bougie brunch food, Filipino, Japanese, whatever).
Liked by: spinach williams

Thoughts on pumpkin- and pumpkin spice-flavored products?

So when I still lived with my cats, we had this plug-in pheromone diffuser thing that was supposed to help cats feel at ease in stressful or unfamiliar environments.
As far as I can tell, pumpkin spice is kind of like that, but for white girls.
(I typically try to stay away from flavored chain coffee drinks, but if you gave me one I wouldn't say no.)

How often do you apologize for things?

I try to do this pretty frequently! One thing I have learned over the last few years is that it's a really important skill to develop if you want people to not hate you. Also I think guys in general are just kind of bad at this, but it's real useful.


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