
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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Favorite Comedian?

Tie between Mitch Hedberg and Dave Chappelle. Haven't really stayed up on comedy much, but Bo Burnham is hilarious. And of course I got mad love for Emily Heller (she's so rad).

Most associated "Friends" character?

Never watched a full episode. Didn't get the Friends-liking gene from my dad, I guess.

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Have you ever wished you were a girl?

I distinctly remember pretending I was a princess sometimes when I was playing by myself as a little kid. Since then, not really! Men's lives are much, much easier.
Liked by: nothingxs

Favorite orifice?

The mouth. Pretty much any kind of Good Times you can imagine either involve or are enhanced by doing something with the mouth.

What was the first video game you ever played?

Dark Castle. Sat on my dad's lap while he played it on a Mac Plus, then eventually got to play it myself.

You can sit down and have an exclusive, nothing-held-back Q&A with anyone from history. Who do you choose, and why?

Bruce Lee. He's my personal definition of cool, and I feel like he died before we got to know much about him.
Liked by: nothingxs

Android or iOS?

iOS. I'm not a phone nerd by any stretch of the imagination -- I just want something that's consistently good.

What's your favorite TV show?

I don't really watch a whole lot of TV. I do occasionally catch up on Archer and Bob's Burgers. And My Cat From Hell was really good when I was watching it!
I think that TV literacy definitely one of those things that I missed out on while Becoming An Adult, and I'm always conscious of what I'm missing out on in terms of shared cultural experiences by not watching the big shows (you know, Lost, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, whatever). But hey, I guess I can watch all that stuff right after I'm done burning through my entire Steam backlog.

Do you like your voice?

I do. I think I sound a little weird when I hear myself on podcasts/streams, but it serves me well.

How tall are you? Do you like your height?

About 6'4". I like being this tall! Sucks for long car rides or flying, and occasionally I walk into low-hanging tree branches or signs. It definitely has its perks, though -- I suspect that one of the reasons people will take me seriously in professional settings where I'm on the younger end of things is because I'm tall.

Do you think you're physically attractive?

Yeah, though that's a relatively new development! It took me a long time to get comfortable in this skin, and a lot of that came from training BJJ and learning to respect this body for the work it does.
Still have a lot of work to do to step up my clothing/hair game though. I've never done anything with my hair pretty much ever.

This question borders on stupid, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What is the rules behind tickling in MMA/BJJ? I have a few years of judo experience myself, so I know my stuff. But yeah, I'm also freakishly ticklish and I'm just wondering why people don't take advantage of situations like that.

Not stupid! I've used tickling as a guard pass before, actually, though it was just in friendly sparring.
Think tickling is significantly less powerful when your body is pumping with survival-friendly hormones.

As much as I love to see indie fighters emerge, the League of Fighters is looking pretty... alpha. How're you feeling about it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_qx2KdpeNY

It's hard to make a fighting game that looks and feels good! Considering this is a volunteer effort by relatively new devs, I think it looks pretty decent.

What is your training mode music?

Nothing in particular. I'm listening to a 13-hour-long sex music playlist I got from my Twitter followers right now.
Liked by: Isaiah

Do you think we should drop all support or guve less to other games and focus ob SFIV to have the best chance for E-Sports status?

This sounds like my personal FGC hell.

What games have especially impressed you in terms of design, storytelling and/or immersion?

Think the Metal Gear Solid 1-3 (haven't played the others) killed it in terms of overall craft and design, especially for the time.

Does the beat, plus the melody make you speak of L-O-V-E, eloquently, so evidently?

Fun fact: Shing02 went to high school and college in the Bay Area!
RIP Nujabes. I got to see him perform live! He wasn't a great live act, but I was glad I got to go.


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