
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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You watch that show what's called Sailor Moon? You empty them dreamcatchers?

Davin Pavlas
trynna watch that show tonight after I wrap up some stuff! and dang it seems like everyone on Twitter loves 'em some Sailor Moon.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I've got plenty of pleasures in life, but I can't really think of much that makes me feel guilty. Not sure what that says about me as a person. Buying Steam games I'll never play, I guess?

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Since you mentioned enjoying learning about sticks, do you like or use any parts that you wouldn't see in an off-the-shelf stick?

Not at the moment. I pared down my stick collection a long time ago and haven't really explored past the stock TE/Hori configs.

Do you enter fighting game tourneys as Riot | Pattheflip?

Nope. I just enter as pattheflip, or occasionally SRK pattheflip. It wouldn't really make sense to rep Riot if they're not actually funding a fighting game team.

Damn, much love for enjoying Gundam Wing Endless Duel. Did you ever go back to that game with the fighting game knowledge you have now? I wonder how it holds up.

Yup! It's broken as fuck but still kinda fun. Deathscythe infinite isn't even the broken shit, apparently.

Guile, Dictator, Fei-Long. Who would you kill/fuck/marry?

man, this is a tricky one. probably kill fuck Dictator, kill Guile, and marry Fei-Long.
Liked by: Raj-el

How do you clean your laptop and/or keyboards? My stuff is super nasty, and everytime I pop off keyboard keys, it doesn't quite feel as fluid when I go to put it back.

man, that is seriously a problem i haven't really had a whole lot of. alcohol and q-tips? also if you pop a mechanical keyboard's keys off you just gotta make sure the plastic bits are all aligned correctly and shit.

What fighting game have you always wanted to pick up and become good at it but never did?

Virtua Fighter. Kinda feel like I'd be a better person if I played it, for some reason.
Liked by: Raj-el

What keyboard do you use and how often do you clean it out?

oh god i am a huge keyboard nerd! i discovered mechanical keyboards when i got into SC2 during beta and found that it scratched a lot of the same itch that joystick obsession does for me (understanding button actuation pressure/range, the difference between all kinds of sticks and buttons, etc.).
I've got two keyboards I love: a Das Keyboard with Cherry MX blues, and a Filco Majestouch Ninja with Cherry MX blacks. Got a Razer BlackWidow at work but I'm kinda eh on it.

What's the biggest faux-pas you've made on the Internet? How did you recover?

Definitely not drunk enough to tell the Steve Jobs story tonight, sorry.

Have you ever written any fiction?

Nothing I've ever shown to anyone else. Writing fiction requires the ability to craft entire worlds, stories, people out of whole cloth, and I'm no good at that, nor do I have any idea exactly where that skillset starts. It's a thing I'd love to learn how to do someday, but not a high priority for me. Mad respect for those who can, though. I think the writing I do is relatively easy by comparison.
Liked by: Raj-el

Why did you choose to go to Japan, and not somewhere else? If it was because you knew Japanese, why did you choose to learn Japanese and not another language?

I studied Spanish for several years in grade school through high school, but I didn't like it much and it wasn't really that relevant to my interests as a nerdy kid at schools with mostly rich white kids.
In high school one day, I was browsing through an SNES romset, played Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, and liked the heck out of it. That game revived my interest in fighting games and also sparked an interest in anime (I watched Gundam Wing, then Rurouni Kenshin, and it pretty much snowballed from there). So I transferred from Spanish to Japanese in high school, continued it in college, and went when I had the opportunity, because I'm a huge raging nerd. And as I started studying martial arts, it only got more relevant.
Liked by: Raj-el

Would you kill the fat man? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem

Oof. I've tried to figure out how I'd do in utilitarian thought experiments and even though I get it and am generally okay with that kind of thing, I don't know that I'd be able to actually go through with it. (I do not do well at making snap potentially risky decisions, which is not a thing I am proud of.)

Favorite ramen spot in LA?

Gotta give it to Daikokuya (the one in Little Tokyo); I'm a sucker for rich, fatty tonkotsu ramen, and their kotteri-style is the fuckin shit.
I live close to Tsujita, though, and the tsukemen is amazing.

Are you afraid to make mistakes?

Sure. Though, frankly, I think it's rare that I get a chance to genuinely make a mistake (outside of video games, anyway) -- I think most decisions I've ever had to make in life have been pretty easy to figure out thus far, and I don't know how I'll do with The Hard Ones.

Will you going to E3 this year?

I won't be at the show itself, though I'll probably make a cameo at the Hotel Figueroa pool bar. My favorite part about E3 was eating at the Nickel Diner, and now I can just go do that whenever. (Man, maybe I'll go this weekend.)

do you think there should be more shirtless skins for guys in league of legends?

Yeah, more shirtless guy-skins would be pretty dope.
Also I think Braum should be a skin for everyone.

isn't obs just thefray / sdr for non-capcom

Definitely asking the wrong guy here as I don't listen to any of those shows. I occasionally watch UltraChen and The Show That Sucks, and I like both of 'em. I will say that every time I hear about people talking about OBS it's because something dumb happened on the show, which isn't the case with the others.
(I hate watching talk shows because it takes an hour to learn something that I could learn in ten minutes if someone wrote it out instead.)

why wont SRK and eventhubs support TheOnBlastShow?

I don't think SRK really supports any show at the moment (can't speak for EH as I don't work with them)! And I'm unclear what "support" means in this context anyway.
I don't pay attention to the show myself, and the few things I've heard about the show have never given me a reason to be interested -- sounds mostly like a vehicle for drama, which I don't think is good for anyone, and certainly not a good candidate for SRK support.

Do you think men and women can be "just friends"? Are you attracted to any of your female (or male) friends?

Second question first: I think attraction ends up being part of any friendship. Actually, one time I mentally inventoried my friends and found that I was at least somewhat attracted to a LOT of them, which led me to two conclusions:
1) I'm incredibly shallow, and I'm only friends with people I find attractive.
2) I'm not really that attracted to people until I get to know them, so I end up developing attraction for someone *after* getting to know them, instead of getting to know someone because I'm attracted to them.
I imagine both are probably true to a certain extent! Whenever I swap notes with my friends I find that I have a pretty wide range of what I consider superficially attractive; my dating history suggests my "type" is "confident, ambitious women who attended women's colleges and make the first move" more than any particular physical facet. (Note that the sample size we're working with here is pretty small.)
Now to the first question: I think that "just friends" is a matter of drawing boundaries and setting relationship expectations based on what both people want, not on the presence/absence of physical attraction in said relationship. I've had friendships that were boundary-blurring because that's what we both wanted -- probably because the relationships we were in (with other people) were missing something we needed; I've had other friendships that were purely platonic because that's what we both wanted. It's never just a "men want this and women want this" kind of thing.
Aside: Kind of surprised to be getting so many relationship/love life questions on this thing. Is the Internet hitting on me?

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Liked by: nothingxs

How much harm do you think sites like Kotaku and Polygon do to gaming?

I don't think they do harm, per se. I think they could be better at what they do.
"Do harm" to me means that I think games would be better off without them, and I don't. I think the problems in games writing come from a lack of a wide range of well-supported publications. We have a TIME and a Newsweek, but we don't really have a The Economist or The New Yorker.


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