
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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love you love you

o-okay...thanks ^^'
i'm not gonna lie, anonymous strangers telling me they love me has real actual positive effects on my mood. is that weird? well, thanks anyway, stranger.
Liked by: Anna nothingxs

What's your favorite TV show?

I don't really watch much TV (and I worry about that, as it seems to be The Thing That Adults Talk About these days).
Not really caught up with anything. Last few shows I watched were Archer and Kill la Kill.

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Impressions on ultra SF4 so far?

I'm digging it, though holy shit if Yun isn't the most annoying matchup ever.

Cake or pie?

Cake. I'm not a big pie-guy; it's usually just kind of okay, whereas good cake can be REALLY GOOD. Also, I got much love for those big fluffy cheap white cakes with canned fruit that you can get in Chinatown for like $10 and eat for a week.

Nintendo gets me Smash Bros. Sony gets me Guilty Gear Xrd. Microsoft gets me Killer Instinct. PLEASE HELP I CAN'T CHOOSE!

Guilty Gear! GG is basically my desert island video game series (except for maybe MvC2).
Liked by: David Watt

I want to write for a gaming site but it seems pretty hard to actually "audition" for, and I don't really....like a lot of "major" gaming writing sites. What do?

If you don't like a lot of major games writing sites, you probably shouldn't try to write for them, as they will probably just want you to write in the ways they're already writing. So, just start a blog and get cool people to read your stuff.

Why can't I get back into the industry? URGH.

I don't know! I'm guessing it's some combination of the following factors:
-You aren't good at what you do
-No one needs what you do
-You don't know who needs someone to do what you do
-There's something else going on that overshadows how good you are at what you do
Any of those ring true?

What single piece of modern technology has had the most profound impact on your life?

when i was a wee thing, i discovered video games, the internet, and writing on my dad's Mac Plus. these things basically became my life, sooooo

Why is @NerdJosh such a babe??

real talk: he's probably the nicest guy i've met in all my years playing fighting games. plus his curly hair is adorable. and have you seen that dude barrel roll? amazing.
Liked by: nothingxs

What's your day-to-day like? At work, home, whatever.

wake up at 9am, get into the office around 945, check email and read up on all things internet/league of legends until about 11 or so, and then it's meetings pretty much all the way down with brief breaks for actual work or a game. i'll usually manage to grab a game of League or some SF4 time before getting out of the office at 8pm, then it's BJJ/workout time, dinner around 10pm, and either grinding marvel or doing work on side project stuff until 1-2am.
weekends are usually a mix of BJJ, hanging out with friends, grinding games, and working on side projects.

what makes you blush

anyone suggesting that i am even slightly attractive is usually enough to do it! praise in general is something i do not expect.

Favorite non-competitive games?

Non-competitive games? GTFO with this casual bs.
I play through a handful of indies every year (Gone Home, Hotline Miami, Proteus, etc.) and love 'em.
Also, I'll play through Super Mario World, Mega Man X, and Earthbound once every few years.

What do you think EVO's role is in terms of supporting games? Should they just pick the most popular games at the time? Or if they see potential in a game, should they pick it because people'll probably support it more because it's an EVO game. KI comes to mind here, small player base, still at EVO.

first, a disclaimer: i help out a very little bit with evo stuff, but i have zero input into which games are included or really any of the big important stuff. so this is just me talking.
now: i think Evo's role in supporting games is whatever they want it to be!
Evo brands the event as the most important fighting game tournament in the world (with a few qualifiers: mostly skewed towards the Capcom end of mainstream fighting games; it's in the US so 'the world' is a bit of stretch but USA USA USA).
the games it includes in the official lineup are by association the most important fighting games of that year. of course, that can mean different things! naturally, if evo announced that next year's competition games were Capcom Fighting Jam, Breakers Revenge, and Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi, then no one would give a shit about evo because those games don't line up at all with what people see as important. but, there's no denying that being included by evo is a bump to a game's prestige, either -- SFxT getting dropped from Evo undoubtedly convinced many tournaments to drop the game if they hadn't already.
so, with that context, i dig selecting KI because it's a) a revival of a classic (if B-tier) fighting game franchise; it's free-to-play and on a next-gen console and could possibly draw new people into competitive fighting games; also Iron Galaxy is taking the reins and they've got longtime ties to the community. it's not personally my preferred game (and neither is MK, injustice, blazblue, smash, etc.) but I think it's a valuable addition to the lineup.

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Liked by: Karaface

how do you feel about people patting you on the back while you play?

you mean literally patting me on the back? doesn't really happen but man i don't think i'd like it!
i am really specific about how i physically arrange myself while playing fighting games -- i need my lap to be angled a certain way, i need a certain posture, i need my legs to be in the right place, and i'll often adjust myself when i'm about to do something important (lightning loops) to make sure i hit it. other people touching me would just be too distracting.
Liked by: nothingxs

Super Smash Brothers for Wii U: competitive or not?

Competitive. The Smash OGs will never stop loving Melee, but I think they'll adopt the new Smash as the mainstay game just for the sake of getting more fresh blood in the scene. Kinda like SF4.

Will you be playing CvS2 in the BYOC at Evo, I'd love to see how badly I'll get whupped by you

I'll stop by and play if I have time! Tweet at me when you're playing. Though really, I'm not that good...
Liked by: Raj-el

What is the best TV theme song of all time?

I had to think about this for almost three weeks. It's the original Power Rangers theme song.

Asked you for a hug after Viscant's panel, much love for being super nice! Any favorite moments of UFGTX?

Favorite moment of UFGTX was definitely OCVing $86 team saikyo with Athena <3
Oh, and thanks for the hug! Nice to meet you.
Liked by: nothingxs

How do you feel about Heroes of Storms? Another Blizzard award-winning game or just another bad MOBA ?

I haven't played it. I think Blizzard always ends up making a darn good game -- it just takes them a while to really nail it on some of 'em.

Were you more into Mario Kart or F-Zero on SNES? Seems like pretty are divided on this one.

Mario Kart by just a hair -- mostly because of battle mode.

Me and my lady like to play local coop games together. Unfortunately, the list of games that have local coop is pretty short, and by and large, pretty bad. Any recommendations? Halpz.

Grab some emulators. All kinds of great local co-op. Streets of Rage, Elevator Action, Smash TV, all of it.

Is there anyway that we can make FGCs as big as the headliner e-sports games? If so, is it possible to do without switching the tourney standard to PCs? Can we do it without having playable online functionality?

Sure -- you can't play tennis or baseball online, after all, and they're way bigger than any eSport and don't require PCs to play.
I've said this plenty of times before -- fighting games won't take off as a major spectator activity until someone makes a fighting game that rewards the publisher for sustaining its competitive scene. And that won't happen as long as fighting games are strictly a pay-once thing.


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