
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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Excuse me sir, you live in Los Angeles, you can't be calling Oakland's mayor, "our mayor".

My body is in Los Angeles, but my heart is in Oakland forever.
Also I still read r/oakland and r/bayarea to stay up on what's good. Not really emotionally invested in SoCal like that yet.

I feel like such a scrub because of how hard older SF games are for me to execute in. I can barely cancel anything into super. old players, best players?

Old players confirmed best players. Though I'm pretty shitty at comboing into supers consistently in CvS2/3s/ST, too. You had to EARN that shit.

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Of all the places you've lived, which one would make the best setting for a video game (genre of your choice)?

Oakland is basically Metro City (except our mayor isn't nearly as cool), so I'd have to go with that.

What's you opinion of using content mill sites that take authorship of your writings as a source of extra income? Is this a bad expenditure of time for someone just getting their start in writing?

From what I've seen, the pay is shit, you're probably not going to write anything worthwhile, and even if you do, odds are good no one reads it. I wouldn't recommend it.

Favorite stock sound effect? (rimshot, Oriental riff, Wilhelm scream, etc.)

i think it's the Diablo 2 town portal sound? really neat, swear i hear it all the time.

Favorite video game input device?

Arcade stick (oh god the Virtua Stick High Grade is sex). Got love for the Saturn gamepad and a nice keyboard/mouse.

Any way you can convince the twitterverse to stop using GG in place of gamergate? This Guilty Gear fan keeps getting disheartened for a hot second scrolling through his twitter feed

No, because using the goddamn hashtag gets us harassed by jackasses. Sorry!
Liked by: rebound

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "millennial"?

I usually mis-hear it as "millionaire". And then I think:
Liked by: nothingxs

Besides respawning, what FPS mechanic (double jump, bottomless inventory, Jurassic Park:Trespasser noodle-arm, etc.) would you like to have in real life?

Rocket jumping.

On the subject of punishing. I guess you would have to need an alternative plan to dealing with whatever they have until you feel it's the right time to punish them. How would you go about luring your opponent into a false sense of security that keeps them attempting a tactic without you dying?

Frankly, I think if I'm playing at a level where I can make those kinds of in-depth mind games, I can probably just win the match cleanly anyway. I'm a Ryu player, nothing really tricky there. ;)

do you ever get exhausting questions on here?

Oh heck yeah. I tend to use ask.fm more as a way to tell dumb stories or talk about things that I don't normally touch upon in the rest of my writing, but every now and then someone asks about some Serious Shit and I just look at it and think, "Not now."

is LB still doing his Beararcade sessions or is the dream dead?

LB stopped doing them a while ago, sadly! RIP Bearcade II.

Fun fact! Brussels sprouts have actually become less bitter and more tasty because of research done on them. So they are literally tastier now than they were when you were a kid.

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

If you could magically trade in one of your vices for another, which vice would you give up and which one would you choose?

Honestly, I'm pretty intentional about my main vices; I chose them on purpose, and I'm not addicted to anything I wish I could give up.

Tell me about something you disliked as a kid, but have since changed your mind about?

Brussel sprouts. Things are tasty as heck.

What feels better, knocking someone out or putting them in a submission and making them tap?

I've never gotten a full knockout, but I have to say that I don't really enjoy hitting people hard. I like submitting people because it's like we're both agreeing that now is a good time to end the fight before anyone gets seriously hurt.

You are a RPG character. Why should I add you to my party?

Unarmed combat skills mean I'm fairly inexpensive to gear up. Plus, I bet my theme music would be fucking rad.
Liked by: Jamaal Graves

If I can punish something that my opponent does that he is unaware that is punishable, should I always punish it immediately?

I think this depends on the level you're playing on. In general, I try not to assume that my opponent doesn't understand basic stuff about his moveset like whether something is safe or not, but at higher levels when you're looking at specific tech to beat specific setups, sure, sitting on something for a little bit can be handy. I'm not anywhere near that level, though.

playing a character who is absolutely zero reversal and extremely poor mash out options. How do I sit there and just block? I find myself wanting to stop what they're doing (hitting buttons with like a 30% success rate) instead of just trying to get survive it.

It doesn't sound like you have much of a choice, to be honest. Play a few sets where your goal once you get pushed into the corner is actually just to block for as long as possible until your opponent gets bored and does something stupid. Discipline is a mental muscle that needs to be consciously exercised!

This Vivian James twitter account doesn't seem to be tweeting the stuff I would assume from a female personification of /v/. What's up with it?

As far as I can tell, someone thought it'd be a brilliant idea to subvert the original intent of Vivian James and write the character as a fairly down-to-Earth feminist who plays games.


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