
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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What's the first food you go for when you're at a buffet?

Depends on the buffet. Usually either fish or steak.

Do you know who set up the pattheflip ebooks account?

I do! (I actually asked her to make it for me when I found out it was a thing she could do.)

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Sometime in the distant future, your grandchildren or similar younger relatives ask you to tell a story about the way things used to be during your time. What do you tell them?

"When I was your age, weed was illegal, gay people couldn't get married, only white men were ever elected president, and people still paid for porn."
Liked by: Pedro Giglio

I recently went to my first offline tourney for USF4, and it was really awesome. I want to train more, but I can't go out to the locales where people practice; and USF4 online sucks. Dunno really what to do..

Find people near you who play, teach people near you to play, somehow entice people to come out and play with you, or move!

When I am in a situation that causes me pain willingly (e.g. not adapting in FG's, willingly remaining a loner in work/school or being in a person who wants to keep you miserable) am I allowed to cry in pain and am I allowed to keep myself in that situation knowing that it hurts?

You're allowed to do whatever you want, but it won't do you any good (and I wouldn't expect the people around you to put up with it, either)

How many people would you estimate you've killed in video games?

Probably in the tens of thousands? I don't play that many games where you kill people these days. Unless minions in LoL are people, in which case, uh oh.
Liked by: rebound

If you could have any director make a movie--live-action or animated--about your life, who would you choose?

Justin Lin (Better Luck Tomorrow, Annapolis, Tokyo Drift).
Don't think I could trust anyone else not to cast a white boy as the lead.

how do i know when im roll canceling correctly?

You'll usually see 1-2 frames of your roll animation, hear the roll sound, and then go into your special move.
Easiest way to test it is just to have the CPU throw fireballs at you and practice RCing through them.

What kind of vessel do you drink out of most often? (mug, teacup, pintglass, skull, etc.)

Mugs. I have a mug with my Mii on it at work, and a Gone Home mug at home. Mugs, baby.

OK, I get your reasoning on SF3 and from your perspective it totally makes sense. Would you still hate it if it wasn't a Street Fighter game?

Not really. My actual opinion is that it's an okay fighting game and an awful Street Fighter game.

Fighting games are almost always about making life miserable for the other player? Do you think this makes fighting game players more likely to be people who do this outside of games? Or are there enough people who are compassionate to disprove this?

Any zero-sum competitive game is about making life miserable for the other player, so no.
Liked by: spinach williams

I have this problem where after I create something e.g. a fighting game tutorial, a work of fiction, autobiographical pieces or podcasts, looking at it after a week I have this immensely strong, repulsive hatred towards it and I never want to do it. Is this normal and if not how to fix it?

Sounds like you have low creative self-esteem. I don't know how to fix that besides getting feedback that validates your work, either from the general public or from people whose opinions you trust.
Liked by: spinach williams

Wasn't it SF3 that gave us Evo Moment 37? Why the hate?

Fireballs and dragon punches are what make Street Fighter great.
Parries make both those things pretty shitty.
Therefore, Parries make Street Fighter pretty shitty.

Dear Lord Pat, which one is better to be my main, Cammy or Rose? thanks.

Rose. You'll have to get used to not playing easy mode footsies if she ever gets nerfed, but she's gonna be better for developing fundamentals than Cammy will.

Did you ever finish Todd Harper's FGC book?

I did! For the most part, I felt that he did a decent job describing the fighting game community in terms an academic would understand, though I disagreed with a few of his readings on certain community dynamics. I don't think there's anything in there for the FGC reader, though (and that was never his audience anyway).

You and all of your followers on Twitter, Ask.fm, etc. are marooned on an uncharted island. When fishermen discover the island three months later, what do they find?

A cult of devoted Ryu players with big arms.
Liked by: rebound Shina

I've been thinking more and more that SF4 is the worst mainline SF (with SF1 being left out for pretty obvious reasons). What do you think?

Nope! SF3 is the worst.

I put my question in a Pastebin since it's lengthy. http://pastebin.com/Q0QnKNt9

This is a really tough question.
First off, Tekken sucks and no one should play it, so that's your problem right there. :P
Second: Part of me wants to tell you that you should just play what you want to play. Teach other people to play the game, and your passion will build a scene.
That is entirely an option, but it's probably not what you signed up for, and I totally get it. I love CVS2, and I play it every chance I get. But I also play SF4, just because everyone else plays it. I don't like SF4 that much (I prefer CVS2, ST, any Marvel game, or Guilty Gear over SF4), but I play anyway, and I try to find ways to enjoy it. Mostly by playing Ryu.
Stick around in this community long enough, and you'll get old enough to see your beloved game fade from the spotlight into obscurity. It's sad but inevitable. That doesn't mean you have to stop playing it! But it does mean that you'll have to work harder to get good and find more people to play with. Some people leave, because they don't want to play other fighting games. Other people stick around and play the big games but take every opportunity to play what they love when they find someone else who wants to play. (God, there's nothing quite like seeing two CVS2ers find each other, <3 Andres.)
I can't tell you what's right for you, but I will say that sticking around and playing SF4, if that's what you gotta do, will at least make you more appreciative of the Tekken games you do get in. And, frankly, I'd rather play a bad fighting game than a good game in another genre, but maybe that's just me.

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Liked by: spinach williams


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