
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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Would you describe yourself as a: (A) Breast person? (B) Ass person? (C) Hole person? (D) Soul person?

I'd say D.
...Mostly because I can't pick favorites between A, B, and C.

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Still browse r/kappa? I haven't been able to stomach it for the past month or so, even from the "let's see what this subsection of the FGC is caring about currently" angle.

I skim it a few times a day but I haven't found much on there to be particularly useful. Think it probably comes and goes with the tournament season.

If you could require the president to watch one anime, what would it be?

Hajime no Ippo. Everyone needs to watch that shit.
Or maybe find some really filthy porn and just kinda laugh afterwards because I made Barack Obama watch some filthy porn.

What's it like working for Riot? I'd like to work there, but I don't really have the biggest passion for most moba games.

It's pretty rad! Great work environment and a lot of smart people working on tricky problems.
I don't really have a strong passion for the MOBA genre as a whole, but I do really like League specifically. I think it'd be hard to stay motivated if you're not into League, though that varies depending on the job you're doing.
Actually, I think that if you're not into League, you'd probably be kind of annoyed, because you'd be surrounded by a bunch of League fans making dumb League jokes and talking a lot about League for 10+ hours every day. That could be hell for some people.
Liked by: Andrew Hayes

Speaking in general, what kind of character goods do you like to buy? Figures? Prints? Artbooks? Pins/buttons? Stickers/decals? Commissioned sketches of your favorite character being buggered by tentacles?

I don't buy a whole lot of this kind of thing in general, though I do have a few of shunao's charms for my Marvel teams.

Not sure if Intel needs better PR. From what I see articles came out pointing out how companies like intel created the gamer identity to sell products and the consumers who read them responded by asking Intel to help them silence those articles. I bet a intel is feeling pretty good right now :(

Nah. Intel chose to do what they did because they recognize that they're in a lose-lose situation.
Basically, they fucked up by pulling their ads from Gamasutra. They could have ignored the GG email bombs with minimal harm to their image or brand outside of maybe seeing their logo show up in a bunch of angry Photoshop conspiracy collages. That's the closest they could have gotten to a neutral position; continue doing business as normal, all while telling anyone who presses them that they're not really paying attention to what's going on. Pulling the ads was a rash call, and I'm guessing it was based on a rather surface-level reading of what was going on.
They fucked up again by confirming that the ad removal was indeed due to Leigh's article, rather than some innocent-sounding reason like it wasn't meeting performance expectations or whatever. That is, in fact, taking a side -- which is what all of sudden made this thing newsworthy enough to show up in NYT Bits and such. At which point Intel's brand is being representing alongside a hashtag that is closely associated with a whole bunch of grimy shit. That is MUCH harder to PR spin your way out of, and once those articles show up, the damage has been done.
Ultimately, I doubt Intel has anything to worry about on either side, given that their business far outstrips the vocal chunks of the Internet. (If you're neck deep in this shit, it's easy to think that this is The World, but I've seen nothing to suggest that GG is big enough or organized enough to do more than make individual people miserable, not massive corporations -- but they're good at looking bigger than I suspect they actually are.) Fact is, Intel already owns the PC gamer demographic simply due to the strength of their product vs. their competitors, and when you look at the customer base that would potentially be at stake here ("People who are building their own PCs specifically in order to play high-end games on them").
I can't imagine that this will move the needle one way or another, but their brand team is probably feeling pretty dumb while they put together their PowerPoint deck explaining what happened this time and how they can avoid seeing their company name placed on the side of Internet jerks in half a dozen headlines on the Internet. And the tricky part is that with this kind of brand damage, it's impossible to know exactly how this will affect Intel's perception for years to come. Next time Intel does something dumb, this incident will probably be referred to for the sake of context, and then this becomes a pattern of behavior that PR has to manage rather than an isolated incident.

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what's the value of requiring some level execution in fighting games? how do you feel about games like divekick?

I like Divekick! I think that execution is absolutely a useful thing for building games that are competitively playable and interesting for a long time, and it makes games fun to watch as well. I know plenty of game designers that adore board/card games as perhaps the purest expression of their craft, but I'm not big on them myself.

If you were in a Hollywood blockbuster, and you could co-star with any person--living or dead--who would it be?

Bruce Lee, duh.

What are some SF4 characters who only win with footsies and don't have projectiles? I'm sick of picking characters that look fun but either have projectiles and don't play footsies (Sagat) or are charge characters and almost completely rely on their specials for any reward (Bison).

Claw and Balrog, I guess.

What do you after eating something unhealthy? Outside of purging and exercise, is there anything you can do to minimize the impact of what you ate? I'm only asking cause you eat well, but gotz dem arms doe

I have a pretty solid set of healthy life habits that I've been sticking to for ~10 years now -- frequent physical activity (strength training and competitive grappling) and general diet principles (try to eat some protein with every meal, cut carbs whenever possible, eat vegetables somehow, don't drink soda). The longer you stick with these habits, the easier it is to maintain (and cheat without throwing everything out of whack).
So basically, the answer isn't about looking at what you do from a day-to-day or meal-to-meal perspective, it's about adhering and evolving habits to the point where you can live healthily without it feeling like you're putting in work every day.

If Leonardo DiCaprio infiltrated your dreams while you slept, what would he find?

No idea. I rarely remember my dreams.

What do your friends outside of fighting games think of the scene?

It's not really on their radar in any significant sense.

What percentage of wins do you think you should have against your ideal sparring/training partner in order to improve? Do you want someone at your exact level, someone better than you to beat out your bad habits, someone worse in order to test things?

All three. There is no one ideal sparring partner; you get different things out of practicing with people at different levels.

In the future, your child (or niece/nephew, or similar young relative) finds a picture of the present-day you. What is his/her reaction?

They come to the sudden realization that at one time I was impossibly cool before becoming an Old Person, and reflect upon their own mortality.

(1) Do you like hurting other people? (2) Who is leaving questions on your Ask.fm? (3) Where are you right now? (4) Why are we having this conversation?

No, no idea, at work, what conversation

What's your favorite change in any localization of a game, show, movie, etc.?

Well, I saw Demolition Man for the first time last night, so now I have to say it's changing Taco Bell out for Pizza Hut in non-US versions.

What term, if any, do you use to refer to sweetened milk tea served cold with chewy tapioca balls in it?

Ah yes, the drink with many names.
Started calling it Pearl Milk Tea. Eventually just switched to Milk Tea Boba.


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