
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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What do you think is the best martial art for a raw beginner to learn for self defense?

I think BJJ is a good place to start, mostly because having a functional understanding of grappling is often to keep yourself safe in a fight (or end it) against someone who doesn't know their stuff, and you'll be sparring live very quickly, so you don't have to worry about your techniques not translating over to a resisting opponent.

Am I dumb for not knowing "pattheflip" didn't mean "Pat the Filipino?" I just thought you liked doing flips.

Nah, it's really dated slang (comes from derogatory American military slang for Filipinos, actually). I chose it to be a bit subtle in that regard.
Also, I'm not very acrobatic.

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what do you think about those who say EVO isnt grassroots anymore and its just about making money and exploiting the community

That's dumb. If it was just about making money and exploiting the community, we'd see a lot more Evos, and they'd cost a lot more to attend.
Fact is, there's not a lot to exploit in the fighting game community because we're all pretty broke and there's not a whole lot to sell besides video games, joysticks, and t-shirts.

What's it like to luck out and end up looking more White while being mix-raced

I think people kind of see what they want to see in me, to be honest. In the US, I pass as white. When I go abroad, I've been mistaken for being Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian. Filipinos can generally place me as mestizo, though.
Certainly, being able to pass as white is useful (though I'm never sure exactly how much I pass -- it's definitely a dice roll with some folks). But it can also be pretty annoying because I typically don't feel as comfortable in mostly-white groups of people as I do in mostly-brown ones, but if I'm hanging out with brown folks I often read as full-white and therefore an outsider. (I'm the white guy with brown people and the brown guy with white people, basically.) The net impact is that it's pretty hard for me to find groups of people that I'm not on guard in some form.
(That's actually why I chose the handle 'pattheflip' -- to give me another racial signifier when working in a predominantly text-based medium, since "Patrick Miller" doesn't really say 'Hey this guy is Filipino').

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Liked by: Flex Isaiah

With Smash making a big resurgence do you think other games have the possibility of coming back from obscurity?

It's always possible, but I have no idea what would be next.
Keep in mind -- Smash was never "dead" in a commercial sense; Brawl sold plenty of copies. It was dead in the competitive sense because the players deemed Melee the most worthy, creating a weird generational fracture in the playerbase. (The equivalent would be if SF4 was such ass that we all continued to play 3s.) The part of Smash that's seeing a revival is the competitive community, and I can't think of many other games that have an active niche competitive community and the possibility for an IP reboot.

Gundam Wing is siiiiiick! Altron Gundam was so sick! yo ulllllll

Shenlong/Altron was my favorite!!!!

What do you think would happen if the Internet stopped working tomorrow?

I'd be hiding in a closet sobbing to myself. And then I'd look for a job, uh, in the classifieds, I guess?

Favorite anime?

Can't say I really have a single outstanding favorite. I have a weak spot for Naruto and Hajime no Ippo, fond nostalgia for Gundam Wing and Rurouni Kenshin, and Yakitate Japan is great.

When did Kotaku call you disturbing?

Actually, they called my criticism disturbing -- I wrote a thing critiquing the way they handled writing up Noel Brown getting arrested for DV on my tumblr, and in the followup apology blog post Totilo hyperlinked that post as an instance of "disturbing criticism". I thought it was pretty funny that he both acknowledged it in hypertext and dismissed it normal text.
Liked by: Isaiah

Did you have pets growing up?

I had a bird and a hermit crab for a very little while. Step-family had cats but I wasn't really that into them then.

Biggest purchase you've ever made?

My car, which cost me all of $2000. Unless you count the divorce, I guess.

wut is your take on Donald Sterling?

He's a racist jackass, but the racism I'm more worried about is the kind that is far more subtle than he.

Are you biased against fat people? Would you ever date a fat girl?

I don't find fat people attractive in general, but it's not a hard and fast rule -- I've definitely had my head turned by some people outside my typical range.

Favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon?

I don't remember which cartoons were on Saturday and which weren't, but I'll always love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That was my shit.

most memorable dream ?

Those fucking dreams I had as a kid where I really wanted a new computer, and then I dreamed that I got one, and then I woke up and I didn't have it and I just wanted to go back ;_;

First girl you ever had a crush on?

Her name was Emily, and she was in first grade when I was in kindergarten. We pretended to be Link and Zelda sometimes on the playground. Straight up EXCUUUUUUSE ME, PRINCESS, I'm not even kidding.
Liked by: nothingxs

What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?

Oh man, I'm a huge nerd for this stuff! Last time I took it, I was an ENTP. It's "The Visionary" -- basically means I nerd out on cool fun creative ideas and suck at actually following through with stuff. Unsurprisingly, I was also a debater in high school.

novel that defined your adolescence?

Snow Crash. Hiro Protagonist is a mixed-race guy whose life is defined by his interest in three things: computer nerd stuff, melee combat, and women who are smarter than he is. I can relate, to say the least.

How do you turn an online scene into a local scene? In other words for games that are usually played online, what do you do after the servers go down?

I'm gonna assume this is about fighting games and not so much about, like, keeping Halo 1 alive or something.
I think you have to kind of do two things constantly: 1) teach people how to play your game, and 2) find new people to play with. It's a lot of work, and really all you can do is keep the game alive until something re-ignites interest in the game (see: Melee, 3s).

5 minutes on the moon? or year long vacation in Europe paid?

I want to be the kind of guy who says "5 minutes on the moon" but really, I value my free time so highly that I'd take the year-long vacation in Europe, not for the Europe part so much as the "year-long vacation".


Language: English