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I found 3 kittens with no mother and took them in. They are now about 7weeks and have been to the vet and healthy. 2 are litter trained and have been for weeks but one I can not litter train at all. She does go to the bathroom, just on the floor. any suggestions?

You have to keep putting that kitten in the tray, even if it takes until they are ready to move :) When they are so small, they don't really have time to run to the litter tray, and will just have to go where they are. Maybe this little girl is the butch one in the group so she spends a lot more time playing than to learn how to do things "right" :) She'll get there, just keep moving her to the tray when you see it's time to go

Hi... I'm not an experenced breeder, but I know a little about cats in heat etc...whatever you do, don't let Berry have too many heats before you mate her. If you can, test her as soon as possible so you can mate her if it is necessary...(:

Yes this is what I have decided now :)

Hej! I was wondering if you can help me out. My Nfo don't let me brush his hair, only his collar is enough for him. When I do, he always bits me, even when I only stroke his back or belly. Last months he can be very bossy. Is it just his character or is there something else I can try? Many thanks!

Some cats just don't like it, but try a little each day or every other day to make him comfortable about it, and stop when you see it's too much.
If his behaviour recently changed, you might look out for his health so it's nothing like that. Not allow to touch and suddenly change behaviour is common if there is something wrong with the cat. So keep your eye on him <3

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May I ask of what meat do you make your cats food? Is pork good for them (ground pork I mean)? Or should I buy some more expensive meat? Could you possibly make a long reply, in detail? :D I would really like to give my ragdoll raw food, but am afraid I would do it wrong haha.

Im sorry, I cannot tell you how to make the BARF food for you because it is individual and if you read about it or contact an expert that actually does recepies for others, you will get the best help. I give mine pork, beef, chicken, intestance, eggs and bones.

Please tell us about Zinna and Berry. ❤️ Loved hearing about Muffin and Thea. :) Unless... Missed the posts?

I will :) Just been a bit too mich right now so things are slipping from my mind

Jag har en ragdoll som är 1 år. Han hårar väldigt mycket och gjort det länge. Jag har tvättat honom och borstar honom så gott som varje dag! Finns det något som gör att han hårar mindre? Hårar dina katter mycket? Eller är det så att det måste vara katthår överallt?

Katter har sina perioder då de hårar lite mer så man får hitta en rutin på borstningen som passar bäst. Mina har sina perioder då de hårar mycket och då kammar jag dom ofta och klappar dom inte lika mycket som jag kanske gör annars, isåfall mest då jag borstar för att all lös päls redan är borta.
Detta är väldigt individuellt så försök hitta en bra rutin som funkar för er så kommer det nog att bli bättre :)

we rescued a ragdoll cat that is by best guess is 10 years old. she is a lot less active then other cats we have had. is that normal for her breed? yours are much more active then she is. we have had older cats too that have been more active. thanks for your help

It is normal for a 10 year old to be less active. But also this can have to do with the food she is given. Dry food seem to make them a lot less active so if you give a little wet food instead you will probably soon see difference :)
My ragdolls are 9 and 14 months so they are very active ;)

Min 9 månaders ragdoll hane får ibland ett infall till att stirra på mig, lägga öronen bakåt och "anfalla" mig genom att hoppa upp och "attackera". Drar man sig tillbaka eller försöker fösa bort honom blir han bara mer enveten. Jag lägger ner mycket tid och leker och kelar. Vad ska jag göra??

Jag tycker det låter som bus och eventuellt lite överexhalterad. Vissa katter behöver ännu mer aktivering än vad vi kan ge dom så det gäller att hitta sätt att göra honom trött.
Ett bra tips är ett långt spö med ett snöre längst ut och i änden kan du fästa olika kul saker som liknar insekter och fåglar. Med denna kan du sätta dig i en stol eller i en soffa och ändå få katten att springa längre sträckor för att tömma ut lite energi :)

Eri is son of my kitties Sininen and Tyylikäs who is my rag dolls, he look not like them or other kittens .

Im sorry, I don't understand the question

What breed was the first cat you ever owned?

My first was a crossbreed :) but my first pedigree cat was Thea, a norwegian forestcat

Hur ofta ska man göra rent kattlådan?

Det beror på antalet katter och vilken sand man har. Jag rensar lådorna 2-4 gånger per dag och tömmer helt väldigt ofta. Det viktiga är att katterna inte behöver gå runt i sin egen avföring

My ragdoll is now 8months old. Is it too late to start taking her out for walks?

Only by age I don't think it is too soon, it is great to start early. But if you are unsure because she is a bit shy then you might wait until you really feel that she will be comfortable with harness and the natures all smells and noices :)

Kan en katt ha kläder på sig, huvudbonad eller slips har sätt många katter som har det vad tycker du om det?

Att ha det en kort stund för att ta en kul bild tycker jag är ok men absolut inte att gå runt med och ha på sig en längre stund

On the internet stands' ragdolls, you can find them with you and They prefer to lay next to you' but can you teach your cat to lay more on your lap?

Yes sure you can try. It has a lot to do with how the breeder has raised the kitten and also genes. For instance, of my 4 cats, Berry is the only one who wants to sleep in my lap. Zinna want to lay right next to me and Muffin wants to be on the table in front of me :)

Är muffin blyg? :3

Nej :) Han kan vara osäker i början när nån ny kommer hit men när han förstått att allt är ok så ska han snarare komma och visa upp sig :)

Oooo i didn't know you wasn't the owner

Im sorry, is this message connected to an earlier question? Im not really sure what this is about

why wouldnt you take muffin with you on holiday?

Cat's are territorial and it wouldn't be nice to take a cat to a new place that they wouldn't have time to enjoy since they will spend all holiday learning about the new home. If I was going away for the whole summer, maybe. But not for just a week or two

Hi! I am very curious on how your feeding schedule is. I have had my two ragdolls for over a month now, but I find it hard make a properly feeding plan. (One of them is over 1 year and the other one a 4 months.)

I have the same schedule no matter age :) I give them breakfast and dinner, and sometimes lunch since I work from home

My cat is 6 years she needs to be put to sleep to have her teeth cleaned....is it risky at her age

Talk to your vet about this, I cannot answer medical questions Im afraid. It has a lot to do with your cat's health so talk to your vet, she will tell you all about it :)

Is Roxy an adult cat ? With that photo on instagram almaar without fur... Well without wintercoat

Im sorry, I don't know who Roxy is :/

If I'm searching for a ragdoll with muffin's bicolour but white and tabby what should I search for?

Im not sure what you mean, but he is blue tabby bicolor so search for that, or the code a0321

do you use iPhoto for sending the photos to the iphone for instagram?

Some photos are taken with iPhone and the rest is with my camera. All are uploaded via my iPhone, yes :)


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