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Vår Ragdoll på 8 månader har numera alltid bajs kvar i rumpan som fastnat. Kan det bero på för liten kattlåda (sambons teori)?

Det är nu han ska lära sig att tvätta sig där så det kommer nog snart sluta :) Man kan klippa ner pälsen lite där om man vill. Vanligtvis fastnar bara avföring om det inte är helt fast form så man kan behöva se över kosten eventuellt

Get well soon Muffin... I can't believe this has happened to him! I send you all my prayers as I know what it is like to go through this. Muffin is tough, and all his fans will make enough donations to pay for it. xxx

Thank you so much, it seems that the prayers have helped <3 Lets keep praying for him that he will get to have future babies

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How much is Muffin's treatment costing?

The bill to get him out was about $900 but including medication, tests and furter xrays it will be much more so I don't know yet

Why are cats and dogs against each other? When my cat sees a dog his fur goes all fluffy.

This is just an instinct, the same would probably happen if the cat saw a deer :) But if they meet, they can learn to love each other

Which camera and lenses do you use when you photograph your cats?

I use mostly my Nikon 7000 and a 35mm 1.8 lens :)

Today Im trying for the first time the Coshida litter from LIDL store, I find it vary sandy and grey/brown colored. Is it good for you? how many times a day do you clean a litter?

f p
I have used that litter for over 10 years now and I like it. I scoop every day, 2-3 times a day and change all sand each week

Do you recommend any cat toys or treats

I recommend Brit Lets bite treats, I buy them from the dog section :) And toys is very independent what all cats like, but the krinkled balls are always a hit :)

I have a complete black cat and his mum, dad and all of his brothers and sisters were completly white how can he be black?

You can think of white as a jacket, underneith there is almost always a color. So both mom and dad might have black under their white color and therefor get black kittens :)

You said on instagram you were counting down the days until kittens...how many days is it?

I don't know the exact day :) They need to be ready and they will show me when that is :)

How old is muffin on your profile picture? His markings are so light<3

I think he is about 8 months there if Im not mistaken :) Yes, since he is lynx, he's markings will be lighter

When I give my cats treats, they always bite my finger really hard to eat the treat. I don't know what makes them take it so violently!!

They get excited. I always learn my cats to stop that, they only get the treat if they take it nicely. Hold the treat so that the fingers cannot come inside the cat's mouth, and tell them NO until they take the treat nicely. Give one more treat after on the floor so that they know they did well. Do this every time you give treat and they will soon learn :) Best of luck! <3

My cat is a normal plain black cat he hasn't caught a rodent, bird or anything in his life he is 6 years old is it ok.

Of course! :) Hunting may not be for all cats, they are as individual as we are <3

I would love to get a ragdoll, but I would also like to get a cat from the shelter as I know that some will only keep cats for a certain amount of time. I have read about ragdolls and their breed and I am very tempted!! But breed kittens will always have a loving home. Such a hard choice!!

Yes that is a very hard choice. But cats like company, why don't get one of each? :) So that they will grow up together from day 1 in their new home <3

I give my kitten 2 "big" meals a day (morning and evening) and leave dry food out as free feed. Is this okay? Thank you and keep up the amazing work!

I think that is great :) Your cats are well fed, I love that <3

Hey! :) I love your IG! My ragdoll and I are huge fans! ;) One question! I have a almost 5month ragdoll kitten and I was wondering, how much should a playtime last before I give them their meal (especially in the evening)? Thank you SOO much. PS. How do you know your cats had enough "playtime"?:)

Im not sure about your question? You don't need to play with them before dinner if you don't want to :) And ragdolls, like any other breed, dill let you know when they had enough play. And be sure to stop before they get frustrated and take it out on you :)
Thank you for following us on IG <3

Hi. Im from malaysia and really interested with raqdoll. Can give me some tip the way to treat the raqdoll? Easy to play with them? Need i buy from kitten or what? Thank you

Hello :) Yes ragdolls are an amazing breed, they are not too active so it can be shorter play moments. They are snugglers for sure :) This is of course if you buy from a respectable breeder, otherwise you might get a ragdoll that doesn't have those special qualities. At what age you buy them is up to you, and there are breeders that rehome neutered adults, you might look into that. They cost less than a kitten and could be a good alternative :) Good luck <3

If we go boarding for a few day , its okay if we keep the cat on to the cage with a lot of food ?

I would suggest not to do that, I don't know about your laws but here in sweden it is not ok to do that. See if you can find a cat sitter instead :) Much better for the cat <3

How much do you charge to photograph pets?

I don't have a converter available right now, but I charge about 950 swedish kronor

Har zinna eller Berry förändrats mkt sen du fick hem dom ?:)

Jadu... Dom utvecklas nu till damer så utseendemässigt har de förändrats endel, Zinna håller på att pälsa på sig nu tror jag :) Beteendet är likadant :) kanske aningen mer tillgivna nu när de lärt känna mig ordentligt

thank you for the previous answer about colours :) I have to mate my male with a friend's female, both ragdolls. The female must come to the male house when she's on heat right? Is possible they can do it the first time they met? We live far away from us. Any suggestion for doing it best?

Yes you are right, on the 2nd or 3rd day in heat she will go to the male and the best is if they could have a private room to be in, many cats won't mate with an audience :) They will mate until they are done, and you will know that they are done by the lack of interest. And don't forget to cut the claws!


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