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My cat (neutered male) after using his litter box usually scratches the sides of the litter box .... Whats the psyche behind it ? Is the litter box too small ? Should i change it ?

It just a habit, Zinnamon does the exact same thing :)
When they don't cover their poop, it often means that they are, or think they are dominant over other cats in the household or over humas
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hi, My ragdoll's pads on his feet are dry and slightly peeling. What causes this and what should i do? Many thanks

It might be something lacking in the body, but you should then also see other changes like in the behaviour if so. There is ointment for this to buy, I don't know which you might have but ask in a pet store or where you buy your medicine :)
Liked by: Lovisa

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How old is muffin and how much does he weight he's such a beauty:)

He will be 2 years in March, and I'm not sure about his current weight actually, itms over 6 kg anyway :)

Hey, I know you've posted this before, but I can't find it...would you mind putting up pictures of muffin's, berry's, and zinnamon's parents (maybe on your website so it'd be more permanent)? Apollo will look like muffin's dad because he's flame? And malvae like muffin's mum?

I had those photos on my website before but I don't really know what happened :/ I'm in the process of changing my website so I will put up some photos there :)
Liked by: rabiatulmd

Tycker du att det finns någon gräns på hur många katter man får ha på en viss yta? Jag bor i en ca 80kv stor lägenhet med fyra katter. Jag funderar nämligen på att ta emot infångade katter (främst dräktiga honor/kattungar) i väntan på nytt hem.

Jag tycker man ska använda lite vett när det kommer till detta, man behöver göra en berikad innemiljö till katterna och ju fler man har desto mer kan komma behövas. Jag bor på 84 kvm med mina men har inga bord och stolar i köket ex, det är tillägnat katterna. :)

Känner folk igen dig på stan, typ går fram och vill ha kram/bild/autograf?

Jag bor i en för stor stad för det :) Jag såg en gång en person som verkade känna igen mig men troligtvis var för blyg för att komma fram till mig. När jag har kattungebesökare här som följt mig så kan det bli lite starstruck effekt har jag dock märkt ;)
Liked by: Lovisa

Search on youtube Maru the cat if you have time, your muffin & maru are the best cats i've ever seen so far

Thank you :) I will tell Muffin that <3

Borstar du tänderna på dina katter? Hur förebygger du en bra munhygien för dem? :)

Nej just nu borstar jag inte deras tänder, de äter rått kött nästan dagligen och ben för att förebygga tandproblem. Bättre tandborste finns inte :)

hi josi! its great to see u replying again. i understand how busy u are right now but im happy for you. the kittens grown up so fast and healthy. muffin also happy. pls take care of urself too :) wish u a great year ahead!

Thank you! Yes it is crazy busy at the moment but I try to spread my time so that I can do a little of each thing every day :)

I have recently neutered my cat since than he has started to eat a lot a lot of food. Is it normal ?

Yes that is very common, you can give a little bit more food but not too much more because he will then gain a lot of weight
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

I just wanted to say how much I adore all your cats. Whenever I'm having a tough day I go on your page and look at all the little fluff balls Happy New Year!

Thank you so much <3 I'm so glad to hear that. Have a wonderful 2015!
Liked by: kylie skoda

Vad är de största skillnaderna mellan en ras och bondkatt? :)

Största skillnaderna är att hos en raskatt så vet man vilka föräldrarna är och kan därför veta på ett ungefär hur katten kommer bli som vuxen, även hälsotestar man raskatterna innan de avlas på. En huskatt vet man inte hur den kommer att bli som vuxen eller om den bär på sjukdomar som kan dyka upp senare

are you happy to be famous and have 200+ people wanting to purchase your cats :P

It is good to have many to choose from to find the best homes. I'm not famous :)

Hello! We were talking earlier about if my red Ragdoll would be a point or a bicolour - I picked him up from the breeders yesterday <3 and she says he will be bicolour, if you wanted to know! I am pleased because then he will look a little bit like Muffin <3

I'm so happy for you :) He will look like Apollo <3

Varför vill du inte behålla en hane?

För att det kapar framtida avelsplaner i hälften :) Trist att planera när man har massa släktingar bara
Liked by: Lovisa

It is so annoying when people copy your tags blindly when they don't even own a ragdoll or are known as fjarilflickans!! Urgh!! Now its happening to me and I wish we had the power to delete those tags!

Yes I hate it :(
Liked by: Angel Kayazade


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