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What is the most useful tip on photografy?

It depends on what to photograph. But in general, the best tip is to look in the background for noice that can be removed before taking the shot, sometimes it is enough to just turn a bit to have a better background.

What is the chances of being allergic to cats?

That is individual and depends on genes, the best thing is to check that up to be sure :)

Why are black and whit cats so hard to take pics?

Because the light bounces and absorbs in to white and black color so it is difficult to expose right. If you photograph a black cat outside with camera on Auto, the camera will make the photo overexposed and the other way around with a white cat

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Hi, if I mate a seal point cat with a lilac point cat, the kittens are gonna be all seal? (the seal point had a chocolate point and a blue point parent)

This combination will give: 12.5% seal, 12.5% blue, 12.5% choc, 12.5% lilac :)

Hur gör du när dina katter har diarré, vad ger du? Är det inte svårt att ge den dålige enskild kost när de andra äter annat?

Jag ger alltid Hills i/d det hjälper på en dag :) Jag kan sitta bredvid och säga ifrån när någon annan kommer och vill försöka äta av den maten, annars kan man stänga en dörr mellan

My cat ALWAYS jumps up on the table when I am eating breakfast, it is very annoying!!

Yes I understand that, you have to tell your cat NO and keep doing this until he stops :)

What is the best grooming tool you have found for your cats? My ragdoll mix hates being brushed so I only do it a couple times a month and it's a struggle. I wish he just liked it, would be so much easier...

A metal comb! It is the absolute best.

My cat is very hard to photograph!! Whenever I go to take it he will move and I will get a blurry picture. On my camera(canon powershot)this isn't too much of a problem because it gets into focus really quickly so you can take it quickly but my iPhone doesn't !!! And it's very hard to get good snaps

I sure know! I hate the new update on iPhone, none of my photos are good :( I recommend a camera when taking photos of your kittys :)

Om en katt haft mycket diarreér när bör magen komma igång igen efter skonkost eller dylikt? Kan ju tänka mig att magen behöver ställa om sig.

Om katten har diarré under lång tid så bör det kollas upp för då kan det ex vara foderallergi, och då behöver man byta foder för att hjälpa detta. Magen bör lugna sig på några dagar för att svara på din fråga, och gör den inte det så uppsök veterinär. Har du gjort det innan så kan du behöva byta veterinär

I got a cat bed that sticks on the radiator is there any way of my cat to try it out. He is quite an attention seeking cat?

Yes they love those! :)

My cat always eats my hair after I go swimming I think he likes the chlorine?

Yes, chlorine has an effect on cats. Breeders use it to help females come in heat :)

My cat is very shy...we got her from a shelter when she was 6 months (she is now 6) we adopted two at the time. we now have four... but she is STILL so shy even though its been 5 and a half years. She will not let us stroke her unless she is on a bed. Another strange thing is she is our only lapcat

You can teach her! Spend lots of time with her on her level (the floor) and take it slowly. Play and do everything you can to show her that you are nice, to be trusted. And each time she respond by letting you pet her, give her a treat! It really works, if you have patience <3 best of luck!

How did you get so good at taking photos exempt from practise?

There are no shortcuts :) And you have to know your model (in my case, cats)

I am the only one in my family who isn't alergic to cats in my family and I love cats is there any way of me contacting a cat and get all of the hair off me

If you change your clothes afterwards and wash your hands there should be ok :)

Hur ofta bör en kattuge bajsa? När blir det farligt? Den kissar normalt. Hur ömtåliga är egentligen kattungar (3 månader)? Jag springer och sätter henne på lådan och vid maten när jag tycker att hon bör gå på lådan/äta.. Men jag är bara överbeskyddande? Hon äter & går när hon behöver?

Du kan låta katten göra detta helt själv :) Beroende på mängden mat så bör katten bajsa 1-2 gånger per dag och kissa ungefär lika många gånger.
Du bör hantera din katt med försiktighet, men katten själv kommer att säga ifrån om du gör något den inte vill :)

Thanks for answering my first question about cats sleeping. I've had my kitten for 10 months. And I'm not sure who his parents are because I found him abandoned in a box. :( Another question... Is it normal that my cat is sleeping 10 hours straight? When he wakes up, he eats and goes back to sleep..

Yes it is normal for cats to sleep :) If you give dry food they will sleep and rest much more than without the dry food

Hi Josephine! My Norwegian Forest Kitty called Oslo "Ozzy" is constantly licking my skin on my hands, arms, face and neck. She does it when I'm clean straight out of the shower and even during the night when I'm not as clean. I don't mind - it's cute :) but why do you think she does it? -KappaBeta x

She is probably taking care of you as her kitten :) Cats can have these strange ways, and as long as she is not licking her self too often and start to loose fur it is only a cute habit :)

Do you write those tags everytime or is there a "shortcut"?;)

I always have them copied :) Just paste each time. And also saved in a note to copy again when needed

What do you put in the raw food you give them? some additives, vitamines or something? What's the recipe do you usually use?

I don't give any other additives exept fron boneflour if Im not giving bones as they are. Otherwise meat from chicken, beef, pork, heart, liver and what ever I can find. You can probably contact a breeder that give BARF in your country and get help. The amount of each ingredience must be right

My tabby cat used to go outside but he is now an indoor cat is there any way he can go outside he always asks and I feel really bad for not letting him...but it is now a building site. And I have a ragdoll who is not very high jumper so we let him go around the garden supervised makes him jealous :(

Did you read my answer for this question the last time you asked it? :)
Wait until there is no buildingsite anymore and don't let your ragdoll go outside, if he is pure bred he might not be prepared to go outside (the breed is an indoor cat)

Hi, I know cats sleep for more than 18 hours a day. But they are usually more active during the night. How can I get my cat to sleep through the night? And why do some cats prefer to be alone while they sleep and some like to sleep with their owners? Thanks! <3 (muffin fan here :D)

Play a lot with the cat before you go to sleep. Do you give dry food? If so give that as dinner, that will make them less energetic :)
How old is your cat? As kittens up to one year you can expect some late night playing, and if you have a crossbreed/housecat you might not know what breeds are behind him, maybe there are some energetic breeds in him, then you might just have to learn to live with that :)
Cats are individuals just as us humans and they/we will always have different ways of life.
Im so glad you like my Muffin :) He sends you a big kiss <3


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