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Do you ever plan on breeding zinna or berry again? Also is there a chance you'll keep blue

Yes I will probably mate them again, hopefully with another male when I find him :) No I can't keep blue <3

Have you had a lot of people contacting you about buying a kitten from you? Will you answer to all of them?

Yes I'm quite overwhelmed already :/ I will answer everyone

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When you say you name the kittens after butterflies, do you mean names that mean butterfly or different types of butterfly or ? Lol thanks :)

Different butterflies :)

What would happen if more than two people want to adopt the same kitten?

I will have more than 5 on each kitten so I have to say no to a lot of people

Thank you for answering my Q about food. Do you break the wing bones up into small pieces? Or are they whole? Hugs & to your gorgeous cats & nuggets

If it is for adult cats I just give them whole, but for kittens I can cut them up

Ive heard that male cats eat small baby kittens or kill them when their moma is not around is that true or just a myth ??

That can happen

How did u managed to control muffin for such a long time when he matured and wasn't bred with zinna and berry ?? My Male cat is going crazy nowadays to have a girl in his life.... How should i control him until he is neutered ??

They only met for short moments while I watched them, and if he showed signs that he wanted to mate, he would go back to his room
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

How long do you think it takes for a ragdoll cat to get used to a new companion at home (a dog)?

It is very individual, it depends on both the dog's and the cat's upbringing and the environment they are living in now. It often takes not more than a week but sometimes it can take months

Grats for having all 13 nuggets did you feed berry egg folk? I was thinking of trying it for my girl

Yes :) That is very yummy and good for them

Yeah by the balcony, because we live quite high and I'm afraid they might jump over the railings :(...

In Sweden we have a law about having net on the balcony, and I would really recommend that

Do you ever get the kittens mixed up how do you keep track with 2 litters?

I color the tip of their tail with nailpolish :) That is why I write *pink* and *mint* etc on Instagram
Liked by: Katarzyna S


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