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When i serve my cat food and if i gently touch him on his back he just gets angry and growls at me :( i know its kind of natural thing but im his owner and love him alot :( is there any way i can stop him from doing that ?

You should'nt touch him as he is eating. In nature, this is one of the three timeas that they are most vulnerable (the other two times are as they "go to the toilet" and when sleeping)
Liked by: Cats Kaynaat zamir

how do you manage the house cleaning with all the fur? I have one cat, ragdoll, and I see fur everywhere even after cleaning..

You need to groom the cats a lot as they shedd and maybe vacuum 2 times a week at least depending on the amount of fur and cats
Liked by: Cats

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When do kittens need more than 'milk'?

At the age of about 4 weeks they are ready to start eating more solid but soft food
Liked by: Cats

Det här behöver du inte ta dig tid att svara på. Jag vill bara tacka för ditt svar på min fråga (dominante adoptivkatten, du behöver inte be om ursäkt för sent svar <3) och allt du gör för katter. Du är en underbar människa! Det går bättre med katterna nu, inte mycket dominans längre utan mest fin l

Vad skönt att höra att det verkar bättre <3 Tveka inte att höra av dig om det dyker upp något du behöver fråga om :)
Liked by: Cats

Hi! I heard my cat's bone crack! It was a soft crack in his leg... But he doesn't seem to be in pain and he's walking normally. Do I need to take him to a vet?

If you are very worried then at least call the vet to ask about it. But just keep an eye on him to see if he show signs of pain or if he doesn't eat, drink and go to the litter box. There is probably nothing to worry about, they can make these sounds just like us but it is good to know that you are willing to do what it takes <3
Liked by: Cats

Not that I would ever do it, but does dying the cat pink harm it?

You can read about the beet juice in my last post on Instagram
Liked by: Cats

I have a question but it's not about cats.. Which is the best, Nikon or Canon cameras? I'm inspired with your great shots that's why I'm looking to buy a camera :D <3 but still confused with these two brands.. Thanks!! ❤

I actually don't have any knowledge of Canon so I could not say :) But I do recommend the camera I use Nikon D7000
Liked by: Cats

Snowbearymilk has brought her cat to the vet for other issues and the vet should have brought up the pink if it was an issue no?

We have no idea what the vet have said to her. And you should know that all vets aren't actually concerned of what happens outside of their practice
Liked by: Cats

If in the future, you will have a real baby 'human baby' and yourself, Muffin, and your baby are going to have vacation by boat and accident happened, the boat was sink, you are the only one that can swim and you only have a chance to help one (Muffin or your Baby). Which one do you one to choose ?

It is not possible to answer that question
Liked by: Cats

While you may call the girl who dyed her cat's fur abuse, there are far bigger things to worry about and being attention to like not buying from a pet shop for example because you don't know if it came from a mill or if the cats are breed from healthy parents. Far bigger issues.

Yes you are definitely right about that. But I cannot cure cancer, stop wars and find homes for the thousands of cats that needs it, I'm only one person that focus on the things I can help with and have knowledge about
Liked by: Cats

Hi Josephine! When do kittens open their eyes and can see??

Hello! :) The eyes start to open between week 1-2 but some kittens are earlier than that :)
Liked by: Cats

If one of your cats had a bacteria infection on the skin would you still let them jump onto your bed? I know my cat isn't happy that I close the bedroom door but his recovery is so slow and I can't possibly sleep with bacteria on my pillows and stuff

No I would probably have the cat by it self to get completely healed first.
I hope your cat gets better soon <3
Liked by: Cats

and what did you do in the years between?

I had some rough time privately so I did nothing basically (just studied my cats :))
Liked by: Cats

did you go to university or highschool? what education did you do?

I don't know what the english word would be for it. I studied photography and art :) I went to high school and then I started my own business (a couple years between)
Liked by: Cats Tammy cook

Oh my god, I just read tour web site and I learn some stuffs about my cat. She is always doing me n'ose kiss and stuff liké that. i had on idea why she was doing that <3 thank you so much <3

You are very welcome :) I'm so glad to help you understand your cat <3

i dont trim my cats nails. do i have to do it?

You don't have to if it is an outdoor cat, otherwise I recommend you to

Sorry, I meant she never stops malting in the question about my cat.

I cannot find the word malting in the dictionary, I'm sorry. Can you explain what it means?

I have a boy and a girl and I don't wanna mate them now because they just had a litter. If i separate the girl from the male in the heat period will the boy start to spray in the house? (He's 14 months now and never shows sign of spraying...)

The male can start at any time in their fertile life so it is hard to say. And remember that they can mate without you knowing that she is in heat. The responsible thing would be to separate them. The spraying comes with the territory as a breeder :)

Yes my carpet is inbuilt and covers the whole area.

Then your cat doesn't approve of the new smell. Try to take fabrics (bed linen, clothes, towels) and rub or spread over the carpet to try and change the smell to what your cat is used to. Cat's react strongly to new smells in their territory


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