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Mina katter är snart 5 och 7 månader gamla och de ska snart kastreras. Nu ger jag dem kattungemat (Mjau & Bozita blötmat), hur länge bör man ge dem det? När kan de äta "vuxenmat"?

Man brukar säga vid ca ett år, men det är faktiskt inte så noga för det är knappt någon skillnad på kattungematen och vuxenmaten :) Mest namnet och priset. Jag ger ingen direkt kattungemat till mina egna små, bara till de jag föder upp då de nya ägarna troligen kommer fortsätta ge det oavsett.

What is special about lynx points? I know about all tabby, tortie etc but I have never known (or heard of until muffin) about lynx???

Lynx is tabby :) Each country has it's own way of saying it. We say tabby, but on Instagram there were too many asking if it was the same as lynx so I started to using that instead :)

What fruits are ok to give to cats? And with those ones what amounts?

No fruits at all, the cats body is not built to digest fruits or vegetables

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hi! I love your kitties and have a lot of appreciation for what you do! I have two mixed ragdolls as well, but they are spayed/neutered.. MAN how I wish they could have kittens!! my question is, do you give your mothering females any supplements or vitamins? pregnancy can be very depleting.

I don't think it would be right to mate any crossbreed cats, there are already too many of them out there. I think you should plan for the future and learn about maybe ragdoll as a pedigree breed and then start a cattery when you are ready and know what to do :)
I give them a variation of goodies as they are pregnant, and it is depending on each cat. Berry is a little bit thin, so I might give her a bit more fat food now when she will start to become more hungry, and Zinna will not have the same fat food because she has a great body as it is. And i try and give them nutritious food and treats that will make them feel good through the whole pregnancy :)

I got my first rag doll yesterday. He is amazing! Last night me snuggeled like muffin!

Aaaaw I love that <3 Congrats and I wish you two a happy future together <3

Can you show me a picture of any of your cats with the starter lens? I want to compare and see the difference.. The Tamron 17-50 is a little expensive :'(

I'm sorry, I don't have that lens anymore. I bought my tamron 17-50 for about $365 which is probably the cheapest lens I have ever bought :D And still the very best

Does the number of matings have anything to do with the size of the litter?

I don't think there is any proof of that, one can only speculate :) But it is a higher chance to impregnate the queen if there are more matings

Hi! Will Berry have kittens too now that she's mating with Muffin? P.S. I was a fan of Zinna as the first mother :D xo ♥

Yes she might have kittens too :) I don't know for sure until late October <3

Does all adults male cats love to play with kittens?

No, many males must be separated from the kittens because they get aggressive or just too playful with fragile kittens <3

What is the 3rd eyelid? I see the white part on my cat but I thought its normal? More when he's sleeping less when he's awake?

Yes it is the white inner eyelid that closes as they go to sleep, and can be a bit more visible when they are tired. But a healthy and alert cat should never be showing this and it could possibly be a sign of disease

Hej, jag har en grannkatt som kommer till vårat hus varje dag och vill ha mat, ibland får hon lite skinka men min pappa säger att hon måste sluta komma nu. Hur ska jag göta för att få henne att sluta komma till vårat hus?

Börja med att sluta ge skinka och gärna också inte ge den någon uppmärksamhet. När det inte finns något att "hämta" hos er så kommer den nog inte att komma tillbaka tillslut. Men säg till din pappa att det kan dröja innan den ger sig, för den kommer fortfarande ihåg att den fick mat hos er

Has the straw beary milk person stopped dying her cat or don't you know

No :( She is still doing it. Poor kitty <3

I'm taking my kitten to the vet because he's showing his 3rd eyelid.. I think it is to do with my other cat (not showing 3rd eyelid) who caught the sneezes somewhere and now has passed it on to the kitten maybe?

That might be right, it is hard to say. When the cat shows the 3rd eyelid it is often because of worms, dehydration or unhealthy in general because of some illness. I'm glad you are taking him to the vet <3 Best of luck!

My unneutered male kitten was humping my spayed female! It was very subtle but there was definitely a thrusting motion & he kept trying to grab her by the scruff of her neck. He's getting neutered soon and is only 5 months old. Is it normal for male cats to hump females that are spayed?

Males hump what they get :D It is nothing to worry about as the female are spayed :)

Hi, my kitten is 13 week old male and is 1.4kg. I discovered he prefers normal adult cat food to kitten food.

That is ok :) There is not much difference accept the price ;)

What is the benefit of trimming a cat's claw?

That stops the claw from being too long, and they won't get stuck in fabrics at home :) Also if the cat sometimes throws a paw against you or any other family member, there is less risk of harm :)

I have a domestic short hair male cat and he doesn't shed much ... Ive never groomed him should i start grooming him ?

Shorthairs need much less grooming than long haired. You could buy one of those massage rubber brush, the cat will most certainly like it and it is a nice bonding moment for the two of you :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hej jeg vil bare skrive på dansk føler ikke for at oversætte når du er svensk. :) Jeg har en lille killing, som hele tiden gumler og kradser på en måde i vores tæpper. Er det fordi han savner sin mor eller bare fordi han vil? :) Håber du kunne forstå. :)

Jag tror att det är en matta du skriver om(?) Det kan vara så att denna matta är av ett oemotståndligt material som inbjuder till att klösa där, detta är normalt och har inga direkta underliggande orsaker :) Byt ut mattan så ska du se att hon slutar. Om katten inte har någonstans att klösa så köp en pelare och visa att där klöser man :)

Ive heard that cats shed their milk teeth... Is it true ? Can u please give me some info regarding this topic!

Yes they do. There actually isn't too much to say about this :) They shed them at around 4-7 months and often you won't know of it :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

(3) to do... She's only 6 month old and I'm so sad because she is just a little kitten that had a bad start with minor abuse before we got her. I really do love her so much. But when she bites she clings on to people and won't let go, I try to distract her with toys or ignore her after, none of that

This is a very tricky question. It seems that the rest of your family has given up on her and that is why they react as they do. It is very heartbreaking to hear. If this cat will live with more people than you, you actually need to have them on your side and help you, because it won't work if you start to help her in one way and the rest of them treat her in another non-helpful way.
The best would be if you can talk to them and convince them that this life is no less worthy of a happy family than they are and if you all keep together to help her, the whole situation can change.
This kitty needs to start over, take everything very slowly with her and don't EVER force snuggle with her, and don't EVER get angry with her, how many flower pots she will destroy because that will make her more timid and not understand your punishment. Give treats to reward every good behavior, let the rest of the family sit down and play with her on the floor, to show her that they are nice people. Treat her like the princess she is right now <3 Best of luck to you, you will fix this! :)

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Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

(2) up to her was the best feeling and she is cuddly when she wants to be. I love her sooo much but I just moved back in with my family and they are terrified of her, they don't know how to react when she gets aggressive and we've had soo many fights about this. I'm exhausted and I don't know what

I will answer you in your last post

(1) I just adopted my friend's cat and apparently she wasn't socialized well, she bites and plays very aggressive. I had her for two month now before I was living with my boyfriend and we tried to correct her but it is soo hard, we still put up with the biting and try to change her because waking up

I will answer you in your last post


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