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Berry doesn't seem to like Muffin(?). How are they going to have their own perfect babies?!

Berry is just very VERY playful :)
When a female is in heat, she loves all males ;)

Why is Berry always looking so annoyed?

Yes :) That is her look. But when she is in condition she looks much cuter because of her full coat :)

Alltså den här vintern eller nästa?

Vintern som kommer :) Antingen i slutet på året eller början på nästa år (det är samma vinter)

Hang in there with life throwing you challenges after challenges. We're in the same boat, Getting tired too. Hugs

<3 <3 <3

När är kattungarna beräknade? Kan man maila dej?

Jag kommer nog inte ha kattungar förrän kanske början på nästa år :)
Det går bra att maila mig på info@josign.se

The breder said to us: don't buy a big cat tree beacause the 2 cats that we buy can Gall out the tree! But is that true?

Cats will fall all other but they are not make of glass so of course you can buy a big tree! If you see that there are a lot of accidents then you can concider taking it away, but I would never say that in general. They need to climb and play and scratch :)

what breed are you cats? THEY ARE SO DAMN ADORABLE OMGOSH

Thea is a norwegian forestcat and the orhers are ragdolls :)

I ask you regarding furmites. I think one of cats has furmites because he sheds a lot. When i checked him, they are tiny things walking on his skin. They overly attached to the fur. Any suggestion to handle this problem?

If this is fur mites (walking dandruff) then you should do like this:
Buy Stronghold (must have recipe from vet) and give one dose of it. Next day, clean your house well because now (hopefully) the parent mites are dead and have fallen off the cat(s?) clean all textiles in 60 degrees C.
When it is time for next dose, the eggs that lived on the cat is now probably older and you will kill them off before they have time to lay their own eggs. Same thing here, then clean the house and do this one more time.
These are transferable to humans but it is no more harm then that it can make itchy spots on your skin, buy a cooling gel to put on the spots, it helped for me during the night.
I hope you will get rid of them soon! :)

Are NFO “big” cats?

Yes they are a big breed, but there are also smaller cats of course. It has to do with the genes :)

Why is there a hole in Muffin's hand fur? Was it because of the blood test?

Yes it is easier for the vet to find the right spot if the arm is shaved :)

Is muffin a male cat?! I lovvee your perfect pictures!!! Take more video's!!!!!! An do you please want to make video "how to lift a ragdoll" that would be great!!

Yes Muffin is a male :)
Thank you, I will do more videos I promise <3

As somebody who just started walking their cat on a leash, what advice/tips you have for us beginner cat walker? Btw, I'm a huge Muffin fan!!!

How fun! :)
My best tip is to look at how your cat is reacting to being outside, some cats just don't like it but will walk with you anyway. So if you see a typical distressed behaviour after being outside for 2-3 times then you might want to concider having her inside only :)
Good luck and have fun playing with natures cat toys <3

Vad för teckningar och färger kan Muffin+Hallon och Muffin+Kanels ungar bli?

Muffin och Hallon kan få blå honor, blå hanar, creme hanar och blåpaddor. Det kan bli colorpoint, mitted och bicolor, med eller utan tabby.
Muffin och Kanel kan få bruna honor, bruna hanar, röda hanar, creme hanar, brunpaddor, blåpaddor. Det kan bli colorpoint, mitted och bicolor, med eller utan tabby

He is fixed. But what does male pee smell like? I just brought him to the bet for allergy trials and silly me forgot about the pee in the confusion of trials.

Male pee smells strong, but if he is fixed that shouldn't be a problem :/ I would say take him to the vet at first, it is always better to rule out any health promblems

where did you get your cat trees? I want them too but don't know where to get :(

I got them from Zooplus :)

Jag vill ha någon leksak eller katt träd eller något sånt ute går det?

Leksaker kan du ju ha ute utan att det är något speciellt med dom, ta in dom när det regnar eller kasta och köp nytt. Klösträd finns ex Banana Leaf outdoor ett sådant har jag fast inne, men den serien ska man kunna ha ute. Om det är tak där de står så kan du köpa något av de billigare vanliga träden på ex Zooplus.se och ställa ute och köpa ett nytt varje år :)

Which cat is the loudest? :) Thea and Muffin seem more quiet- true?

Yes they are very quiet, well Muffin has his crazy moments almost ones a day where he gets an afterpoop episode and run, climb, jump and yell like a mad man :D
Raspberry is defenitely the loudest

Why can't Lucifer live with fertile cats? Non fertile cats can't be together with fertile ones?

It is very individual, but I have tried to have Lucifer here and he just won't settle and the others don't agree so for us it is a no

Är du mycket med Lucifer

Nej tyvärr inte, jag skulle gärna träffa honom varje dag men då han bor med mitt ex så är det inte direkt lockande...

What's your second favourite animal after cats :D

That was a tough question... I don't really think I can name one, all others but cats come in second together :) Well maybe sloth, I have always loved them but they are not really pets :/


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