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Hi! This is pretty important. My cat (did this twice in a row) meows really loudly, ns to the bathroom, jumps in the bath meows, pees in the bath, then she comes out and poops on the floor. She also has these weird lumps on her back. Should I take her to the vet? If not what is wrong with her!?

It seems like your cat is telling you she is not well, this is how they act to make you understand. Please take her to the vet asap <3

God jul! enjoy this special evening with all your lovely furry friends!! :)

Thank you so much, and you too! <3

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hi josephine! i went around and ask ragdoll breeder for a pet kitten. when i think back.. should i get a kitten or two? to be honest i just have money for one kitten only.

I think you should start with one, all cats does not need or want a cat friend <3
Liked by: rabiatulmd Lovisa

You stopped answering questions :(

Yes, I have weitten in the bio that I cannot answer more questions right now. Too many in queue and way too little time right now

Would you do a post on each kitten and how they've changed since weee nuggets please? :) Who talks the most etc? And maybe the moms too? Love your instagram- started following when you had 5000 followers. So glad more are following your goodness and cute cats. ❤️❤️❤️

I'll try :)

How do you put the whole photos from the camera to instagram without cutting any of the photo? Because instagram doesn't put the same size from the camera ? Do you use any app for it ? I hope you understood my question :)

My photos are being cut to 1:1 as the typical instagram square. Do you mean the size in MB?

Hey !:) i just wanted you to know that you use 'is' and 'are' wrong. That is not meant to be an insult, i just thought you may wanted to know that :)) i love your pics! Greeting from germany ♥

I try my best but don't really know when to use which one :)
Liked by: Lovisa

is Mini going to look like daddy? she has a A on her head like him :)

Mino will almost look like daddy, just that he is seal color like Zinna and not blue like Muffin :)
Liked by: rabiatulmd

Hur stor lägenhet har du? På bilderna verkar den enorm :)

Den är 84kvm delat på 3 rum :) Men planen är att flytta till större nästa år förhoppningsvis

What course are you doing? Is it more behaviour or biology?

The one I was doing had a little part of everything included. The next will be more with behaviour <3

I seen a Calico kitty and she has blue eyes and looks like a Ragdoll becsuse she has blue eyes (calicos cannot have blue eyes) ... Is that possible? Maybe crossbreed

Calico can have blue eyes :)
Liked by: Burrito

Hello! I have few questions. My kitty still breastfeeding her 3 months old kitten, when will she stop? also she started gaining weight, does this mean she's pregnant :s ? I always keep her away from her mate.. ! Thanks! <3

If the kittens stay with her they can continue to breastfeed for a very long time, but there will not be milk coming. The mother really needs to put on weight after birth so that is normal and very healthy :)

Hello (asking question about the point v.s. bicolour again) I have checked photos and he has a red tail but white legs , does this give you any insight?

Not really :) The legs will be colored for a while and especially if he might be tabby

i love your cat tree! where did u bought them? is it Armarkat? i bet the house going to be livelier after this! cats enjoy cat tree a lot and us enjoy watching them :D

The last one is from Onstore.se I think they only deliver in Sweden.
Yes it will be quite busy here soon <3

Var köper du dina katt träd. Jätte fina!! :)

Den senaste underbara är ifrån Onstore.se. Det bästa är att man kan välja färg på sina träd där <3

Anonymous people aren't allowed to ask you questions anymore?

I have a thousand questions waiting for answers, I need to stop the incoming questions for a while to be able to answer all of them


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