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Has any one ever bred Norwegian forest n ragdolls ?coz I think they would make a great breed !! :D

There are probably many "norwegian ragdolls" out there but no, I don't think anyone is making it to new breed :)

Hi :) just scrolled through some of your old photos on @fjarilflickansragdoll and saw some gorgeous kittens! I noticed that ragdoll litter + NFO litter overlapped a little, will you do this with next litters?

Yes, that wasn't planned for :) Thea got in heat so often so I didn't want to wait any longer so I had to mate her. I won't plan for that in the future and I hope it won't happen because one litter at a time is enough ;)

What kind of camera and lens do you use?

I use a Nikon D300 at work and a Nikon D7000 at home. On both I use a 35mm 1.8 that I love :)

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Hello! just wanted to say that ur cats are amazing! I love them so much.. i also wanted to ask if u are studying to be a veterinarian?

Thank you <3 No I'm not becoming a veterinarian :)

Är dina katter innekatter?? Är alla ragdolls det??

Ja mina katter är innekatter. Ragdolls är framavlade som innekatter men vissa klarar sig bra ute. De är lite för snälla och klumpiga egentligen för att klara det vilda livet, men alla ragdolls är inte lika så man får lära känna sin egen :)

Who is looking after cats while you go 'on location'?

No one, I come home at 18 PM both days so they will be fine :)

How do I know if my kitty is pregnant?

It might be hard to see if you are not an experienced breeder but the teats are more dark pink and the tips are waxed white. And about 5-7 days before due you can see them move in there :)

Hi:) I meant: did you discover anything about Zinna's alleged pregnancy? Is she fine?

Oh :) I think she's not pregnant but we will have to wait and see :)

We always see Muffin is a cuddle bug- how about Zinna and Berry? Thea? :) I heard that male cats are actually more cuddly than females- especially neutered ones- do you know if this is true?

It is because only Muffin sleeps where I sleep, the girls is outside that room. But I show snuggle photos from the days when they are with me in the livingroom :)
Yes, males are much more cuddly in general and especially neuters. I cannot wait to see how Muffin will be as a neuter <3

Hej! Snart blir jag förmodligen ägare till en liten kattunge som kommer få bli innekatt i vår lägenhet. Jag grubblar mycket på vad jag ska välja för kattsand, dyrt eller budget, klumpbildande eller icke klumpbildande. Har du några tips eller åsikter? Vilket märke använder du?

Jag har precis gått över till Sjöbogården Kitty Champion som jag hittade av en slump på ÖoB. Den kan jag rekommendera! :) Det bästa annars är att testa sig fram, vissa lådor kräver en viss typ av sand för att funka som de ska så du hittar nog rätt tillslut :)
Lycka till med nykomlingen <3

Hej! Jag har en hankatt på snart 7 månader, han är en liten blandis mellan maine coon, chin chillaperser och norsk skogkatt. Han ska kastreras, men, kan man vänta tills han blir lite mer "mogen"? Han har fortfarande kattungejamet kvar, och visar inga tecken på könsmogenhet alls. Tack på förhand! :)

Det finns egentligen ingen idé alls att vänta. Om man istället råkar kastrera vid fel tillfälle då han börjar bli fertil så kan det bli så att hans hormoner rubbas så han inte blir den mysiga nallen han borde. Mitt råd är att kastrera så snart som möjligt :)

Hårar dina ragdolls mycket? Hur ofta får du dammsuga? Dina katter är jätte fina!

Tack! <3
De hårar lite extra två gånger om året men annars är det ingen fara. thea kanske hårar lite mer än raggisarna. Jag är ett städfreak så jag dammsuger när jag får lite tid över :P
Liked by: Yasemin

Whats so special with your cats like what do you think

They have a lot of special features but Thea is a slow moving moma, Muffin is an attention seeker, Berry is a maniac and Zinna is a ticking timebomb :D

with him, but i dont know what i am most afraid of, him getting hitted by a car, or escaping and probably not coming back. Do you think i can teach him to be outside after 9:30 am, and coming back before dark? When it would not be so many cars but still light outside. Will he stay close, since he is

A neutered cat could possibly learn to go outside and come home to dinner and then you close the door for that day. But if you have roads nearby I wouldn't recommend to let him out by himself. Buy lots of fun toys to play with inside and cat trees to climb :)

since he is not used to be outside when he is as old as he is? There is other cats around here, how will he react to them? I am sorry about my very long question, and I understand there might not be any secure answers, but i hope you can share your thoughts about my dilemma with me :) thank you!

I would not let him out where you live. I have 80% forest and 20% road nearby and would never let them out without being with them :/


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