

Ask @catanswers

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Ja asso på vintern runt julen skulle man väl inte ha sådana julblommor som e röda för de är väl giftiga för katter men finns det liknande saker som man ska se till att katter inte äter eller gör typ runt de andra årstiderna?? ;)

Jadu... Det är ju just på julen vi plockar fram alla farliga saker, resten av året så är det i stort sett samma faror som gäller på ett eller annat sätt. När de fäller så kan det vara farligt om de själva måste ta bort all sin lösa päls så borsta. Farliga blommor finns det listor över på nätet att hitta så man inte har såna hemma. Levande ljus när mörkret kommer på hösten :)

How long did it take to get so good at taking photos of cats?

Looooots of years of studying their behaviour. If you don't understand them, they wont understand you :)

En sak som katter bör undvika att göra mm. Under vinter,vår,sommar och hösten?

Jag förstår inte frågan?

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I have aways loved cats since I got my first one I have 2 now are there any secrets of taking great photos of them? One is black and the other one is white and both brothers.

Oh you have the two most difficult colored cats to photograph :) The black cat should have some light on it to take the best photo (not flash) and the white cat should have a contrast color in the background. There is many tricks but first of all you have to have an eye for the art of photography to make the absolute best photos :) To study other photos and think about what it is you like about the photo is a great start, when you know what you like about the photo; then you can start taking great photos! Good luck!

What do you think is the greatest thing about having cats?

I would say the love that they give and all the crazy fun things they do :)
Liked by: paw

When did you first start having an interest in cats?

I never had cats when I was a kid, I bought my first cat when I was about 15 years old, together with my boyfriend. From that point I knew that cats are my favourite animal :)

Do your cameras let you upload direct to instagram or do u have to put them onto a computer then onto your devise? We are looking for a camera that you can upload straight to IG. If yours don't then do you have any recommendations?

I have never heard of that!? I must check that! :) If I take photos with my regular camera I upload them to my blog or Facebook and then save them from there :)

Hi. I'm faskungen from IG. You take soo many beautiful photos of your cats and I'm wondering what camera you use and lens. I love to take pics of my 3 cats, kind of learning by doing;-) Have a great weekend!

Hi :) Thank you!
I use mostly my iPhone to post photos on IG but otherwise I use eiter my Nikon D300 or Nikon D90 and always a 35mm lens (it the lens that does the trick) :)

Hi I'm Hector ..you might know me as hecklofotos on IG HI! :) I love your kitty pictures and I love taking pics of my 2 fluffy babies .. How did you get started in the business of Pet/Cat Photogaphy?

I had been photographing babies and weddings for a few years and then one day I just felt that I did'nt want to anymore and stopped it. Later I took Lucifer and Thea to the studio to get some good shots of them and realized that this is what I want to do :) So I made some changes and very fast I was "The catphotographer" :)

Har Muffin ställts ut eller ska han?:) är Thea utställd?:)

Muffin har ställts ut en gång med mycket lovande bedömning och Thea har ställts ut tre gånger. Jag vill ställa båda igen men väntar tills smittor lugnat sig lite, det är mycket som sprids där just nu (har blivit drabbad nästan varje gång under detta år) :/

Som jag förstår det är varken Thea eller Muffin kastrerade - hur gör du för att de inte ska bli "för kära" i varandra och skaffa ungar? :P

Thea har fått ett kastreringschip så man kan säga att hon kommer vara kastrerad i ca 1,5-2 år :) Då tar jag beslut om hon ska ha fler kullar eller kanske få bli kastrat, det beror på hur mitt liv ser ut då och vilka planer jag gjort för uppfödningen

Hur tycker du Ragdollen och NFO:nu skiljer sig åt gällande aktivitetsnivå, pälsvård/kvalitet och kelighet?

Enligt mina erfarenheter så är en skogkatt mer aktiv och kräver mer pälsvård medan en ragdoll är mycket mysigare och lugn, pälsen är mycket finare och har en tendens att flyga runt om man inte tar hand om den, i fällningstider fyller man lätt näsan med päls om man inte kammar :)

I love your photo's, and how amazing you are with your cats & their litters. My cat isn't ragdoll but i wondered if you had any tips to help with her mood, she is fine with me but hates other people, she is an indoor cat. She always seems grumpy, (she is in good health)

Thank you :)
Well if your cat is older, it can be hard to change this. Is she neutered? If not, that will probably help very much. When you have friends over, tell them to get down on the floor and give a piece of candy to her, showing that your friends are nice and wont hurt her :)

I have a female ragdoll and had no problems litter training but I now have a boy that just doesn't seem to get it. Any tips?

When a cat don't go to the litterbox as they should there is something wrong. If you just got the cat then ask the breeder what the cat is used to (where the litterbox was, what kind of litter etc)
Buy one more box and show him that one, it might take a while before he is ok with having to share the litterbox with someone else :)

I know you said you sell kittens all over the world, but how do you get them there? Also, when is your next litter of kittens due (Ragdolls or NFC) ?

The new owner come get their new kitten :)
Next litter is planned for late in 2014 and otherwise early 2015.

Do not you have another account to communicate with you?

No, Im only here to answer cat questions easier than on IG

When will you get another batch of kittens? I don't mind waiting for another year. By the way, your buyers are from Europe or from elsewhere too?

My next NFC litter will be in 1-2 years, until then I will only have ragdoll litters. I sell to all over the world :)


Language: English