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I can never get enough of seeing Muffin's photo and I LOVE his voice. Berry too I might add

That is so sweet <3 I will keep on posting, and you keep on watching :)
Liked by: Cats

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What does heat and spray mean plus mate

Heat is the period when the female cat is ready to mate, which means that they have intercourse. Spray means that the male (often males but female does that too) will spray pee on a vertical surface to mark territory
Liked by: Cats

Hey:) First of all thx so much for sharing all that knowledge. I have 2 Siberian cats since last year and love them so much!!! My boyfriend developed an allergy now.. What shall I Do? :( I don't want to loose my cats neither my boyfriend :-(((

You should look up the possibilities for vaccine for this, there is a new vaccine that I don't remember the name of, that should be great for cat allergies. Check what options you have where you live to try that :) I really hope you will keep both kittys and boyfriend <3
Liked by: Cats

You said that vets aren't actually concerned about what happens outside their practice... Not to be rude or anything but I don't think this is true, because I REALLY want to be a vet and of somebody bought in a pink vet into my practice then I would care. But people do have their own opinions <3

I think it was red or written the wrong way :) What I meant was that not all vets do. It is very sad, but also true. I wouldn't ask a vet about anything that hasn't got to do with surgery or blood tests etc, they generally are not that educated in all areas, mostly the medicine part :)
Liked by: Cats

Hi :) I really admire you for your professionalism and for the cute little comments that you put below the photos! I love your opinions :)

Thank you so much :) I really appreciate that <3
Liked by: Cats

I just was afraid that he might never open his eyes... I will take him to the vet for sure if anything goes wrong. Thank you soooooo much! xx ❤

Best of luck <3
Liked by: Cats

Sorry I didn't understand what do you mean by third eyelid >_<! but my kitten is one week and half .. and there was a white liquid that is stucking on his eyes that preventing him from opening it! what should I do?

Oh! It is still too young yet, it is probably going to open the eyes very soon. You cannot force that in any way! It can take up to two weeks or more for the eyes to open. If you see that the eye seems red or oozing you must go to the vet asap
Liked by: Cats

Hi!There is a white thing that comes out from my kitten's eyes, he opened his eyes yesterday but it closed again. I tried to clean it softly but the white thing keeps coming out!! what is that?? Can I give him the eyes medicine that I used to give my adults cats? I'm scared and worried about him <\3

How old is this kitten? Is it the third eye lid you are referring to as white thing?
Liked by: Cats

What would happen if Zinna and Berry would come in heat at the same time? What would Muffin do?

One of them would be with Muffin and he'd have his full attention on her I believe :)
Liked by: Cats

It baffles me how you said you love lucifer and knew he needed a new home but yet you went ahead and got the 4 cats without making sure lucifer was either rehomed or staying with you

Well....that is actually not at all how it happened :) But thank you for your concern <3
Liked by: Cats

I think the word the person seems to mean is "molting" not malting. Which means to shed feathers, hair, an old shell, or skin. However for cats 'molting' is not the correct word as it would be shedding. Hopefully I brought some clarification there.

Thank you :) This word didn't even come up when I searched for it so I had no idea what it was :)
Liked by: Cats

Will there come a time where you will "give away" Muffin like you did Lucifer? It is just unimaginable that you said how much you love Lucifer, yet you can live without him.

No Muffin will never move away from me <3 We do what is best for the cats, I rarely put myself first, if ever.
Liked by: Cats

With the healthy to itching cat I've put up barriers so he can't get under my bed and sleep in the dust, vacuumed, cleaned, gave him prescription allergy food, antibiotics.

Have you tried to rule out fish? Pork? Chicken? Have the vets drawn blood to check on everything possible? (Sometimes you need to tell the vets what to do in case you really want answers)
It doesn't have to be health related, it can be because of stress too
Liked by: Cats

I wonder if cats know they're cats or they just see themselves as furry creatures

Yes I would like to know that too :)
Liked by: Cats

If I saw blood on the surface of my cat's poop should i treat it as an emergency or wait to see if it happens again? I can't see if the poop is bloody cause it was covered in litter.

If the blood is red, it can just be a punctured vessel, that is common if the stool is too hard or too soft. If the blood is darker and mixed with the poop, it can be more serious.
Just keep an eye on how the cat is eating and drinking and keep looking in the litter box :)
Liked by: Cats

I drew a digital painting on my tablet of muffin *>.<* he's just soo gorgeous it's not done yet but would you feature it if you like it?

Oh! I would love to see it! Post it on Instagram and tag us <3 :D
Liked by: Cats Kaynaat zamir

What kind of bed do cats like the most? Faux fur or fleece?

It is not a general answer to that, every cat has her own personal liking :)
Liked by: Cats

When I first got my cat he was healthy but over time has developed serious itching. It's driving my crazy we've taken him to specialists, vets and its just getting worst. I don't know if I can take care of him much longer financially and emotionally. I want to give him up but with his condition idk

What have you done to try and stop this? In your home, I mean?
Liked by: Cats


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