

Ask @catanswers

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What does the cat want to say when they roll around on their back and looking around, grannimg some toys or talking with a long m? Is he just playing around? I am not sure if I'm allowed to touch his stomach?

It sounds as if he is very playful and need to let off some steam. Play with him when he does this and you will probably have lots of fun together :)
It is common for boys not wanting you to touch their bellys, it is nothing to be alarmed about. When he is all played out and tired, you can probably start to rub the belly :)

Hey there! It's @instagram, we would like to feature you for our #WeeklyFluff. Could you write a little about your cat Muffin? Thank you!

I don't think Instagram would contact me here ;) Sorry

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hi, i have 1 adopted female cat, she always get pregnant soon after she gave birth. what maybe the reason for this? and ist okay for her?

Im not sure I understand. If she got pregnant soon after giving birth, then you must have let her out or mated her with a make. And no, this is not good for her or the babies. I really hope they will all be fine <3

meow? meow meow moew, me me mew mow meow? im concerned about my cat, my cat vomited his hairballs... now... do you have a dog?

If you are conserned I would advice you to contact your vet, but it sound great that the hairballs comes up :)
No I do not own a dog

Why are ragdolls prone to heart problems??

It is something that comes with inbreeding and that we are trying to get rid of by active test the breeder cats and rule out the ones with these genes. And when a bad breeder comes in and don't test her cats, she ruins it for many many people in the future :(

My cat is very noisy all the time when he wants food or he wants to go outside. It is very annoying!! The only way we get him to be quiet is putting him up on his shelf(he can't jump up there on his own)

Maybe he needs some more or other toys to be activated? Some cats are a bit more active by nature and needs a bit more attention and activation. Or perhaps he has a little siamese in him :) They speak a looooooooot!

Hi :) i am taking my cat to our cabin this weekend. He is okay with driving the little time it takes, so thats okay. He has been there a half a year ago, then everything went fine! But now he is older, and i am afraid he won't settle down. I am taking all his favourite things with us, to make him fe

How did it go? Did you take your kitty to your cabin? Only you will see and know how your cat feels about these trips, and if he shows signs of discomfort then you might want to try and find a kitty sitter whenever you travel.

I have two cats who are too fat,what can I do for them to lost weight? Could you give me some suggestion?for food or something else....thank you so much

I would say try to give them only wet food, that help loosing weight without adding or take something away from the food. Diet food will only make them more hungry. And maybe a little more excersize ;)

Thanks! Thea was the most gorgeous kitten I've ever seen x.x :*

Yes she sure was (and are) stunning :)

Is Whiskas wet food good for cats? do I need to heat it up after putting it in the fridge?

No, I wouldn't recommend Whiskas. Buy Bozita instead! :) Some cats don't mind the food being a bit cold, but otherwise you can take it out of the fridge a few hours before giving it

Vilket foder har du till dina katter och vad är det bra för? :)

Jag ger Bozita, Mjau och Icas blötmat, även iams kitten då och då. Det är bra mat utan massa tillsatser och utfyllnad. Förutom det får de BARF och ibland lite torrfoder ifrån ex iams

My cat had HCM. A few days after being diagnosed he died of a blood clot. But he also had advanced heart failure(he was diagnosed with both at the same time) which one caused the blood clot?

I'm at this chapter right now in my studies, but I will probably not be able to answer you, I have to let that question go to a vet :)
And I'm so sorry for your loss <3

I have one female kitten, will she need neutering if she doesn't have any contact with any other cats? She is indoor and is my only cat.

Yes! Always neuter a cat who will not mate or become a breeder

Have you ever had any other pets than cats

Yes I have had mice, birds and rabbits. I got my first cat at

Miaow , meow , or mieow ?

It depends on who you are asking. Muffin be like; Mwaah
Thea be like; a aah
Berry be like; Mehweeh
Zinna be like; a iihaah

How did u dekorate the scratching posts

I painted the base with a white color and I put new fur on top of the old and stapled under :)

Vart redigerar du dina bilder?

Om det är studiobilder så redigerar jag de i photoshop, om det är foton på mobilen så använder jag Afterlight :)

Are NFO indoor cat

I think they should be able to be outside as much as possible (when neutered of course)

I would like a ragdoll, but they are quite expensive. And the cheaper ones are more prone to heart problems because the breeders don't do the tests to check. The only thing i can think of is getting a rescue ragdoll, but there is hardly ever any ragdolls in our local shelter.

One option is to be host family to a male ragdoll. Talk to some breeders that you like and let them know that you are intrested in becoming a host family to a male. The cat is owned by the breeder until he have mated some girls and then he is yours. It can be a bit hard if he sprays but either you handle it anyway and look forward to neuter him or you can also get a retired breeder that had all the litters that was planned for :)


Language: English