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Har alltid velat ha en katt, hoppas jag skaffa en om min bror inte är allergisk. Dina ragdolls är jätte fina. Hur mycket koster dem ungefär? Hur mycket tar du betalt?

Då hoppas jag din bror inte är allergisk, för ragdolls är underbara :)
De kostar mellan 6000-8000kr beroende på vart du bor i landet. Tänk på att vara noga med att välja din katt, en billig raskatt är oftast inte en raskatt alls så du blir då lurad, och får inte se röken av de fina egenskaperna hos en ragdoll <3

Hello josephine..can i ask you When can I start giving my kittens a bath..?

You don't have to give your cat baths, it is much better to let them take care of that.

Hi ♡ is it true that kittens shouldn't take shower unless if they're 3 months old ?

A cat don't need to take a shower at all if they are well

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Is there a specific reason you don't give your cats food in a bowl, but in a plate? I just started giving my cat her food in a plate and I like it better that way :) Just wanted to ask if there a reason you do it!

Yes actually there is :) Cats don't really like to get they whiskers dirty, and when eating in a bowl they have to hold the whiskers back, but on a plate they don't have that problem.
Sometimes when a cat is feeling a bit ill, a bowl would maybe make them not go there to eat. I have seen that a plate makes even a fussy cat eat more :) Spread the word!

Hi Josephine, mind telling me where you adopted your cats?

I bought Muffin from Carpat Ragdolls in Spain, Raspberry from Dollyland in Poland, Zinnamon from Supurrzonic in Poland and Thea from Vinstakattens here in Sweden :)

När man köper sin första katt (ragdoll) ska man börja med en eller två. Känner den sig ensam annars?

Du behöver inte köpa två, den kommer klara sig fint själv. De är inte den mest aktiva rasen och kan sova tills du kommer hem ifrån jobb/skola :) Men om du har planer att ha två katter så kan jag rekommendera att köpa två direkt så de får växa upp tillsammans. Lycka till <3

My cat had a coughing fit yesterday...not like loads of coughs but about 4 or 5....so I watched him for the rest of the day and he seemed fine ...

It doesn't have to be something wrong, maybe he has hairballs? Buy some cat grass for him :)

Hello! :)Please forgive my ignorance...but whats a neuterchip exacly? How does it work? I read on your IG account about Thea's behaviour to the girls

It is like a little soap that makes her like she's neutered for 12-18 months and then it wears off and she become fertile again :)

Would you tell us about their (muffin, zinna, raspberry, Thea) personalities? :) differences/similarities? They're all so cute ❤️

I can make an istagram post about them :)

can you life with your pearl website and the photography thing? Or would you rather have a "real" job?

I don't want a "real" job and hope I never have to :)
Liked by: Sonia Merino

where do you made your pearls and all the things you sell? for example how do you make a skull ring on your own?

I buy the beads, and the jewelry I both make and buy. The skull ring is bought

So you are planning to get a girl from Norway ??? Lol I'm confused

No, a female NFO is coming here to mate with Nevada :)

When you work with photography do you have a private studio for your photo sessions? Or a room of your apartment for the set?

I have a studio nearby :)

I think it's unfair you prefer Muffin over the other cats. They are just as good..

Why do you think I prefer Muffin over the others? I love them all equally :)

Hi Josefine :-) when i get older i wants to be a vet. My choice number 2 is to be a professionel photographer (animals) :-) so i just wants to hear what camera you use ? And what you Else have a things to your camera that Can help me getting better :-) IOC and what are your homesite is called?

That is a great goal, either one :)
I use a Nikon D7000 and a Nikon D300 and for both I use a 35mm lens. I recommend D7000 because it will let you take much lighter photos without too much noice, I really love that about it. The most important thing with photography is light, so if you don't have good light at home I suggest you look up some extra sources. I have a daylight lamp (studio style) at home in my livingroom that I switch on to take photos when the natural light is too weak.
I wish you all the best of luck <3
My site is called www.kattfotograf.se

the book is really expensive......

I wish it would be free to save cats, but I'm afraid it isn't.
There is weekly planner that costs less, you can see them all on the site

do you already have a book?

Yes, a book called "The miracle of life" it is being sold in USA and all profit goes to shelters there <3
It was a collaboration with LOVE CATS that works with and for homeless cats <3
Liked by: paw

You mentioned on the post of Thea's kittens about maybe using Nevada for stud service....and also a girl from Norway?

Yes :) (?)

Hi Josephine, just want to see what you think about this situation... We are supposed to be getting a mainecoon from a breeder, he's now 4weeks old but she will not send us a picture or visit him until he is 8weeks old, is this right for a breeder?x

That is nothing to worry about, I don't let anybody in here to visit my kittens until 6-7 weeks. That is because they are very very sensitive to bacteria and virus at this age, so many breeders wait until 6-8 weeks of age until any visits. I have had bad experience with early visits.
So that alone is nothing to worry about, but if there is something else that doesn't feel right, you might have to reconsider and look for another kitten. But feel free to ask me again if there is anything more that you react to about this breeder :)

I have two cats, male and female, both fertile. the female is pregnant, and kittens arriving in a few days. I want to buy a ragdoll kitten, is better to introduce the kitten in the family when the female have kittens? OR better wait after the kittens are gone?

I must advice you to please wait until the kittens have moved, a new kitten now can stress the mom so much that she will refuse to nurse her kittens. So please wait, you will soon have a bunch of monsters to play with anyway :)


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