

Ask @hevharv

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I can't even work out what it is that makes you different from other girls. Even when you're being crude or sarcastic I still want you.

when you find out feel free to tell me because I am just as clueless on what makes me different
as far as I am aware I am two-legged, two-armed, one-headed human with pretty much the same features as the rest of the human race

Hi. Every time that I see you, all I can do is just think about how much I want to place my hands on you... touch you... kiss you... do everything that I should not ever do. You are beautiful, so very beautiful. What does it take, to make you mine? Tell me. Please.

there is a point when flattery becomes scary. U just crossed that line mate
Liked by: Lils

you are just stupid for letting yourself to continue to love him.

Maybe so, but I'm only human
It's not like it was a concious choice, it's not like there's a switch you can just flick to cancel out any feelings. When you feel things, you just feel them and I think I'd be more stupid to ignore it.
Liked by: ben cheetham

why do you feel second best all the time?

I suppose all the time is an exaggeration, let's change that to 98.9% of the time
Usually it's because it just always feels like there's a better than option than me, but I think that's just an entirely human feeling that everyone gets sometimes
Apparently with me it's just occurring a lot more recently.

do you ever feel like your second best? what would you change about yourselsf if you could? do you ever miss ponies? ever miss youtube? who are your best friends?

All the time hahah
I dunno, there's a lot that I would change like I am unspeakably average person lol, like I'm not strikingly fabulous at everything I'm just ok at it all, and I'm not totally disgusting but it's not like I'm particularly good looking either, so I couldn't tell you... just enhance one of my 'skills' until I'm like Godly good at it or something lol
Yeah but not in general as such, I just miss MY ponies
Rosie, Abbey, Tami
Chloe, Leanne, Eva, Jack
Liked by: ben cheetham

Favourite quotes?

"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just give you one gift ever for the rest of your life, it would be this. Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."
At the moment it's that haha

Are you excited for TVD?! ;D And hmm proper questions... what was the last book you read and how good was it?

YES of course I'm excited for TVD I am craving this Kat episode!!
Last book I read was One Day by David Nicholls and it was fucking brilliant

why were you sitting on that bench for no reason in the dark earlier this evening

...Are you stalking me? :L
And because I had some thinking to do

The last penis you saw belonged to?

The last penis I saw was actually in a picture that was a nude of Dappy kindly sent on our group chat by Jack hahahaha


Language: English