

Ask @hevharv

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What did you get up to today?

Went to stables with Rosie, rode Razor and now going out for a romantic meal with Rosie

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never had you down as a cheat, but it seems people always have the ability to prove you wrong.

I would love to know where this has all come from hahahah it's all highly amusing

Names of everyone you have sent a message today :)

Grape chat (Eva, Chloe, Jack, Leanne, Sophy)
Optimistic Noodle Club (Rosie, Abbey, Amie, Tami, Jess, Drummond)
Then like individually it's been Alex, Rosie, Abbey and Ben

What have you done today?

I went to college
I had one lesson where we did basically nothing except make Eljadi write out everything instead of us having to do it
Then spent several frees answering a very simple drama question but in my defense there was a lot of a distraction
I then walked home
It was sunny. I started sweating. Not fun.
Got in my house and went to the toilet #infoudefoneed
I made some noodles and ate a sandwich
Then I put some music on and did some work
My mum was annoying so I turned up the music louder #mutiny #rebelagainstmums
My dad got home
Dad got annoyed at people on the phone so I turned down music #entertainment
Mum had an issue with mistaking the tv remote for a telephone...
Now I am here with music again

no i mean like a lot of make up surely it is so much effort to do it all and why would you even bother

Well there's 2 ways to see "a lot of make-up":
1) A lot of make-up done well
2) A lot of make-up done terribly
Honestly yes, it is a lot of effort hence why I really only ever wear eye or lip make-up, but it's all about confidence.. if girls (or guys for that matter) don't like the way their skin looks or something and have the means to alter it, of course they're going to do that? It's all a matter of perception as well, what looks nice to them, you might fucking hate. Really I think it only matters if they're happy with themselves :)

really dont get why some girls wear make-up :/

..Really? It's not exactly a hard concept to grasp lol.. girls wear make-up usually because it makes you look better haha

Anything you'd like to confess?

I ate an entire packet of biscuits and two boxes of ice creams that weren't meant for me #oops

how did you start talking to all of these people?

Charlie and I realised we were in the same area and then made friends, met up at shows a couple of times and then met up a few times at her yard.. Corrine saw I loved Harry Potter and randomly posted on my channel (oh how I miss the old layouts) calling me Hagrid, and that was it then we fell in love, Shannon & I bonded over her dislike and my like for quiche (not sure how that happened but it did), and I can't even really remember for Anouska and Gilly but I was going to move to their yard at one point and I think that's what started it

Are Gillian and Anouska the ones that fell out with Kate F?

Erm probably, rings a bell. That was never really anything to do with me :)

can you name all the youtube friends that you've made that you used to talk to a lot?

Charlie McMullen, Corrine Watkins, Shannon Holmes, Anouska Leyens and Gillian Davies. Charlie and I are in the same area and still occasionally talk, have drifted from the others, but Gillian and I are still partial to the odd chat where it's like we never even stopped talking and we have been known to post each other band merch in the past and try and arrange to go to the same gigs haha!

you like vampire diaries dont you?:D thats so cool we could like be the same person

I'm detecting sarcasm, but just in case you are being genuinely serious I would like to inform you that sharing an interest in something does not make you even remotely similar to someone

have any of them been through youtube?

I'd say that there is only one blindingly specific one that stands out to me from YouTube, the rest of my horse friends are people that I know in person

literally all over your twitter today is just horse pictures!! how many friends have you made through riding?

Haha yes we're having a bit of a remembrance day and toast to old times and all that jazz.
I've made many. :)

bestest horse experience

There's been too much to love to possibly narrow that down into one singular moment. :)

most traumatic horse experience

Got to be that fateful hack where a beautiful ginger mare decided to sit on top of me in the middle of a road, almost went over backwards on me three times after that, whilst my friend was bolted with twice... one of them resulting in her being dragged face down on a gravel track towards a main road.
We both nearly died, yet we laughed the entire way home...
Horses are insanity.
Liked by: Alex Barsdell

any faults with yourself you are finding particularly noticeable right now

Erm I have a particular noticeable spot on my right cheek and my thighs appear to increasing in size at a dramatic rate


Language: English