

Ask @hevharv

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(that last question wasnt me btw) and if you have nothing to hide about who you are talking to you would just come out and say it but you are not which means you are hiding something

It doesn't mean that I'm hiding anything at all? Just because I don't feel the need to share every aspect of my life with people doesn't mean that I'm hiding things lol you're deluded

if i paid you to school my horse would you come do it?

No lol, that would involve driving in the wondrous vehicle I don't have

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then why won't you tell who you are talking to. messaging that lad again?

Who even are you lmao

what is your favourite ever book quote c:

"I would rather eat dog shit full off razor blades than have anything to do with you."
Iconic, inspiring and totally relevant :D
Liked by: Luke Francis

just interested. do you have something to hide

Why is my chat log interesting information to you though, that is what I'm failing to comprehend... and no, I do not

who is the last person you messaged on chat

Why do I get asked this lol
Why are people so concerned about who I'm talking to I don't understand hahah

opinion on rosie andre? :)

I don't know how many times I've answered this and said that I have no clue she is lol, but I will say it again
I have no clue who she is

rape culture? where the hell is there rape culture?

I'm not talking about the equestrian side of things hahaha
But yes there IS a rape culture on YouTube particularly amongst the popular vloggers and their fan-bases. It's always existed but obviously it's been brought to the surface recently because of the sexual abuse/consent allegations regarding Alex Day and Tom Milsom & it links with my crit topic so I thought I'd include that


This was sent last night but I feel obliged to tell you that I am currently writing an invigorating essay on YouTube rape culture and the difference between internet stardom and traditional celebrity. #intellectualgal

no like a nonsarcastic answer please. everyone knows that the worst thing that you could ever do!

Well it was only a loan anyway so she could have been sent back whenever (which she was because I just didn't have the time to give her what she needed) and we knew where she was coming from, and we'd known her as a youngster as well so we assumed all would be well but apparently something had gone wrong somewhere along the line as mentally, she was not the horse that we remembered

You're so pretty I would love to meet you and Harley and everyone else, where are you from :3

Thank you and I will give you a nice broad area of the south east of england because you might be an old man

that's mad! why would you ever considering taking a horse on without trying it out or viewing it?!

Because I live the yolo obviously

busy day?

Not really, went to coll for a couple of hours, came home, sat with my mum for a couple of hours whilst doing coursework, then Rosie rolled on up and we went to hers to eat rice and waffles and watch crappy TV and thats it basics

why was roxy so bad? like why did you get her if she was so problematic?

We took a gamble and got her without going to see her at all lol
Literally just picked her up and brought her home
Liked by: Harry Nicol

Is it true that you got off with Alex Drummond not too long ago?

Mate, I would rather cut my own feet off and then eat them :') that would be so incestuous it's terrifying to even think about

so if someone is like omg your horse looks easy to people you think they should be like thank you?

Yep :) because to be honest the only people that are going to say your horse looks relatively easy are going to be people who aren't around you or your horse much and don't know either of you very well, and they probably haven't sat on your horse either... so only you are going to know how difficult your horse is. Maybe only you personally find a specific horse hard which naturally means maybe it wont go as well with you as other people, but still if someone is saying that horse looks easy, it is a testament to your riding. Horse riding is SUPPOSED to look easy and effortless when it's done right, not like some laborious drag where you're fighting your horse every five strides

what discipline was Roxy most suited to

Definitely Dressage cos she was sooo long in the back which meant she had a HUGE stride and really beautiful paces (when she actually decided to move lol)

would you take offence if someone said that your horse looked really easy to ride?

If it was said about Pickles I would completely agree because he is quite possibly the most brilliantly easy horse in the UK lol, but if it were about either Bon or Gruff then I'd take it as a massive compliment, because if you are making a horse look really easy that you know blatantly isn't, then you are obviously doing something right with your riding :)

opinion on harley macgregor, stella de jesus, michael burgess, maria phipps

Harley is fab and gets so much unnecessary shit from everyone which really pisses me off
Stella & Michael are wonderful and the most hilarious company they are such an amusing twosome
Is Maria the one with the huge bay mare that did something to it's leg?? I remember I used to watch her years ago when she was teaching her cob to jump and it just seemed like he'd never be able to do it but they proved everyone wrong... from what I remember that I've seen of her she seems like a great rider

opinion on kate lewis, becki gerard, nikki welch and alex barsdell

I have no clue who any of them are other than Alex who I think is incredibly underrated :) she has a lovely seat and a really quiet riding style and seems like a very entertaining person as well hahaha
Liked by: Alex Barsdell


Our beautiful Elijah
Liked by: Jay Ravat

What role does television play in your life and the life of your family?

Well for my mum it's a pretty damn significant thing considering she's house bound and nobody is home during the day so it's the only form of sound she has to stop her sitting in mute silence all day... so I suppose it plays the role of company for her


Language: English