

Ask @hevharv

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When do you feel the most comfortable?

Physically I'm gonna say in bed, cocooned in my preferably with Alex's arms there around me also, but then being comfortable mentally comes from me having to feel confident about a decision I have made myself, or just not second guessing literally every previous move I have made in my life. OH or when I'm doing something familiar that I know and understand :)) yay deepness
Liked by: Alex Ripley

How are the room mates?

Fern and I have managed to get through a whole bottle of wine just watching American dad.... So pretty damn good
Liked by: Harley

How do you usually express your emotions?

I either write which only makes me feel marginally better because if its down on paper that means I end up reading it back and getting worked up about it all over again, or I end up just squashing it down and trapping it inside until I am overflowing with whatever it is and combust about it
Liked by: Lara Collinge Harley

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How have you spent your last night at home?

Reading, packing, watching mock the week re-runs and then Harriet came over and it was beautiful

heard you were selling some of your horse stuff:) what have you got to get rid of?

Oh god, message me on facebook lol (Liam Chunder Manning still can't change my name back ffs) and I will let you know. Too long a list

why is there so much depressing shit circling with the people you hang out with right now

Let's just say that a few people that we all care about very much got seriously hurt by someone that really shouldn't have let them down at all.

are you good with makeup like what can i use to hide spots well xxxxxxx ♥ ♥ ♥ thank youif you know! xxxx

Concealers with a yellow tone/pigment cancel out reds and pinks

looks like it was just over jumping if you ask me

Actually she did always jump everything like that hahaha. No idea why, she just did. Very talented but such an annoying movement to follow haha. Lovely pony though :)

can you post a picture of you schooling a horse

Hopelessly on the forehand, I know, and my hands look seriously set against her but you have no idea how hard it was to hold this mare together without her snaking her head around and then trying to chuck you off... was definitely one of our better days hahah!

do you wear a lot of make-up?

I guess it depends on what you'd class as a lot of make up. I never wear foundation, somedays I don't wear any make up at all, but typically I'll just have on mascara and sometimes eyeliner... If I'm going out then I might just have a tiny bit of bronzer then eyeshadow & lipstick as well.

How can you tell that someone is lying?

Usually every person has some give away sign whether it's subtle or not, like looking a little to left, fiddling with their hands, stumbling over words, going bright red etc. once you know someone, it's fairly easy to pick up on, but nine times out of ten I find it quite easy to tell anyway
Liked by: Harley

isn't it a bit anti social for you to be reading whilst alex is playing video games? sounds like a not good relationship to be honest.

Why is that antisocial? We'll be chatting as we do it and cuddling as well usually, hardly antisocial and hardly a "not good" relationship
Liked by: Sammie Mosby Harley


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