

Ask @hevharv

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He is called razor because he was found in a field with cuts all over him which looked like razor blade cuts


why is he called razor?

Show name is Razor Sharpe for a reason.. he is quite sharp especially when you stick the jumps up lol. Haha kidding but it does fit well, I think it's because his patches/markings look like slash marks like someone has used a razor to cut through the brown and find the white :')

that horse is lovely !! how comes you need to correct him so much though?

Because it's only recently that we've been asking him to start working more upright and uphill. Usually he's ridden on a long and soft contact (he's really fussy in the mouth!) but he's more than ready to be asked of more and to give it. So he needs lots of reminders for lots of different things as on a shorter, more correct contact he's inclined to go full scale giraffe and headbutt you hahah

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Are you free tonight?

What an odd thing to ask on anon :s but I wasn't free I was with my darling Arnie

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Majority vote says you just seem to know, however hindsight tells people personally otherwise
Liked by: harley may

Last time someone was confrontational toward you?

The three guys that thought they'd stop me in Sainsburys specifically to tell me I was a slut
Liked by: lαurenrobsøn

If you could have a role in any TV show, what would it be?

I want to be Buffy Summers or Faith Lehane or Drusilla

What have you been up to recently xxx

Working, learning to drive the Orange contraption of death, horsing around... Chilling with my friend, fixing myself. Idk lol
Liked by: harley may


Language: English