

Ask @hevharv

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How have your life experiences changed you?

dey hav mayd me hu i am 2dai n mayd me al fingz gr8 n bootiful
i have no idea but i find myself hilarious so you know

you are always making me laugh when i am near you :) <3

although i dont know whether you are laughing at me for bad things, or if i am making you laugh for a good reason.. :P x

How much would someone have to pay you to lick Mrs Burrows flaps

had this discussion today at school... and the answer is a lot

whats your mood like right now?

pretty good other than not being able to go to abbeys which has put a downer on everything :( boo

Hot or not (just on looks): harry nicol, hamza assadi, jack milburn, boris bartenev

not, not, hot my baby boy, not

do your horses know any tricks?

yus, bonnie knows 'please', kiss and 'no', pickles used to bow and used to do all cool things like you could gesture to him and he'd walk over and if you held your hand out toward him like palm forward quite abruptly he'd stop haha and roxy knows smile :)

what is your favourite picture of bonnie? :D

i have loads of pictures of bonnie that i really love!!
adore this one because it goes to show how powerful she is for such a small pony, and she tries her absolute heart out :)

fav pic of picklse? :D

pickles is the biggest legend ever, and this is one of my fave pics of him because it highlights his popularity with everyone ;)
aw everyone loves him!

good games?

hahah i remember when i used to love time splitters, im so gr8.
erm final fantasy, kingdom hearts, resident evil, silent hill, used to love rainbow six i was a pro, red steel, idk really got a fair few :P


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