

Ask @hevharv

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What do you mean not your generation

I mean that I really don't know most of these people because when I was active on yt was a looong time ago now haha. When I was on yt nearly everyone was friends, there were no silly and petty rivalries, all the "big" people only had like 3-5k subs... And they were all like Becs Raeburn, Nicole Pitt, Abbey Hine, Jess McQuiggan etc
Liked by: georgina bird

Tof, xfightforyourdreamsx, macauley, April, Kate Lewis, becki, alex barsdell, sophii, nat, Rosie Andre

That isn't narrowed down you've asked about so many people ffs... They aren't exactly my YouTube "generation" either haha.
Well i see Kate's pictures all over my home page on here where people always like her answers and from what i see she appears to be pretty humble and a good jockey as well. Other than that im only aware of Alex's existence as we found out the world is a suprisingly small place last night haha but she is also a good jockey as well

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What do you think all humans need?

An off switch for sure. Sometimes you just need to be able to completely stop yourself from over thinking... Yes, an off switch for everyone would be wonderful

competing pet peeves?

That one stuck up bellsniff who thinks they own the fucking warm-up -_- i'm sorry miss high and mighty but the rules apply to everyone, you don't just get a magical free pass to cut everyone up, over take too close and refuse to pass left to left.
People who make really rude ringside comments about competitors, particularly when their young kids, should be assassinated on the spot - who made you such a fucking expert you jumped up piece of shit. Let people make mistakes without worrying that some cunt on the sidelines is stood there jeering at them and making nasty faces.. we learn from messing up you stupid scrotes.
Liked by: Haylee Grace.

riding pet peeves?

Currently the thing that's irking me most is people who fail to bring their horses back into work properly after they've been out of action. I'm sorry, but if your horse has a had year off you don't just start cantering and jumping and galloping about. Do you want it to have fucked legs? No? Then I suggest you do it properly you fuckwit. -_-

how do I not fall off though? Bucks are hard to sit to

Common misconception is that sitting really deep will help when a horse bucks but in fact it will put you in shit street as the motion will just flick you straight out the saddle. Instead lighten the seat, hover above the saddle with the weight in your heel so you absorb the motion through your legs and not your seat... obviously, don't tip forward through the shoulders - you want to stop a horse bucking then you have to be able to keep the head up.
Also don't be a dinlow and pull up, leg on and ride through. A horse that is travelling forward and engaged properly shouldn't really be able to buck
Liked by: Haylee

My horse bucks a lot and I keep falling off... tips?

Get all its tack, teeth, back checked etc.. If after that there's still nothing take a closer look at then way your riding, like do your legs swing back, do you hold it too tight in front - obviously if you're doing any of those things then you're more than likely pissing your horse off and bucking is the answer its found to remove problem. If its not any of that then we can assume its a behavioural issue of some kind. Best thing for that is to preferably not fall off and ride through it so they learn that bucking is just a waste of time n energy
Liked by: Haylee

what do you do on the weekends?

During the day I try and get work done and go buy food bits that I need and essentials and stuff and the evenings go out for a drinkyyy
Although today I've only managed to successfully remove half of my toenail by stubbing it
Liked by: Haylee

Who has been the most important person in your life?

I don't really think that's something I can answer easily... I think different individuals take the title of "most important" at different times.

best thing about uni

Ummm I dunno actually, I'm really digging my course and I like the area very much and love my housemates so can't narrow it down for you I'm afraid... That said, I'm missing my friends and my fam tonnes

Have you seen any of your friends from home recently?

Saw Jon yesterday but other than that no, although Cara is coming down in October and I'm going home for a weekend in October for Rosie's 18th

How are you coping with the distance and being away from alex?

Can cope with it in terms of not needing any form of male attention lol, miss him a hell of a lot though :(
Liked by: ben cheetham

do you agree with the phrase what will be will be

To a certain extent, yes... but I also strongly believe that we make our own fate so it isn't a case of just lying down and accepting what goes on around us. If you want to change something badly enough, then you will :-)


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