

Ask @hevharv

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little skets like you don't deserve to be with guys like alex

thanks for your input, i obviously value it massively x

You are one of the most boring people on the planet why do you never come out or when your out you just curl up in a ball looking miserable

sorry for being ill mate, next time i'm puking up my guts even though i've even nothing and then when ive finished puking, coughing to til chunder everywhere, unable to even see straight let alone fuck walk because my legs are shaking so much, i'll be sure to go out because that would just be the best idea ever :D what a BRILLIANT plan!!

so is rosie your best friend or is emily or is someone else i am confused

Why does it matter to you :P
I love a lot of people a lot
Rosie just frequently comes out on top :P

do you not like horses or something anymore you never go to the stables anymore

...I was on holiday for 2 weeks
now I am very very very ill
how does that mean I don't like horses u absolute dumb fuck


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