

Ask @hevharv

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Do you think about dumping your boyfriend a lot? I mean I would happily take his place.

How about no x2 :-)

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do you amie and rosie touch each other inappropriately ;) that would be hot

No we touch each other appropriately because inappropriately would suggest that it is not consensual x xx x xX XX Xx xx xxx
Liked by: Tam Amie Capozzi

Why don't you get a job with horses? You're so good it would be great!

I'm not that good, cute of you to say so though haha and also money isn't great and I'm so materialistic these days

My horse rushes into fences a lot how can I stop him doing that xxx

Play on the flat with collection and extension, make sure you're riding correctly and the horse is engaged so he can sit on his hocks more and therefore slow down, gridwork so that he focuses on slowing up, being more carefully and jumping more upwards as opposed to be long and flat. Pole work and lots of bending and lateral stuff on the flat will help your horse become more underneath you and improve his rhythm and togetherness in general x

its so clapped though hahahahaha why would you even do that

Because I'd rather have shitty plaited rat tail hair than chunks of hair not there lol, fairly obvious answer

how comes you have loads of random little plaits in your hair?

It started as an alternative to tugging on my hair when I'm stressed out, but now it's just sort of become habitual in all respects so literally whenever I'm doing anything that involves concentrating bc I'm listening, or if I'm thinking, or even if I'm bored I just plait random bits of it, but because I don't ever really brush my hair they just stay there until I brush it all out haha
Liked by: Tam

sooo what's your favourite tv show x

I'm on a massive BTVS/ATS hype at the moment but in terms of recent things it's definitely How To Get Away With Murder

favourite buffy episode?:)xx

Uh oh can't narrow down to one lol but ermmm probs Fool For Love and Once More With Feeling x


Language: English