

Ask @hevharv

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If you were to go SJ, what classes would you compete in?

erm like heights you mean?
probs like 70 or 80cm because i need to work on getting her off of my leg and moving forward properly so jumping a bigger class wouldnt be useful

If you were to go DR, what classes would you compete in?

just a small walk and trot intro thing because my canter transitions are utterly diabolical and she'll buck and throw a hissy which will get me like a 2 on the marks thing hahahah

i asked if you and rosie were racist because i saw you posted something about illegal immigrants on her wall... or is it another private joke -.-

HAHAHAH yes it is actually another one

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Are you pregnant or just fat?

you have just made my day
o m g i love this hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahah
its always been one of my biggest fears to ask someone if they're pregnant and have them being like 'no' how awkward would that be

how do you look right now? describe what you're wearing

i look like shit lol
and im wearing a towel and my dressing gown because ive just got out the shower

what time did you get up this morning? what time will you be going to sleep?

7:10am :'''(
and probably at like 9.20 i feel drained

What is your favorite part of the day?

the part when i've realised i've done everything and i can just sit around do absolutely nothing

On a scale of 1-10 rate each of your horses on how well they go

bonnie - 8/9, the majority of the time shes scarily brilliant
pickles - 9, if he worked round he would possibly one of the most amazing ponies in Britain, hes sensible and completely safe
roxy - 5, shes either awful or incredible, depends on her mood :P

whats your mood like right now?

i feel exhausted and drained
but im very happy for one of my friends :)

What have you learnt today

that gruffs has an uncanny talent for bounces
& that nothing is more comforting than eating

Have you ever cried because of a horse?

yep haha i guess i do a cry a lot when it comes to horses as well, but its more because i get frustrated with myself than anything and im just like CANT HANDLE IT and breakdown

Do you cry a lot?

at tv shows and books and films and even games yes, im pathetic
at real things to do with my life etc, no, hardly ever

The thing is though, you do think you're perfect and treat those around like dirt.

whoa step back mate
i have never once claimed to be perfect. ok thats a lie i always say how perfect i am but thats because im joking you massive retard
and as for treating people around me like dirt, i dont really :S yes i 'bully' my friends but it's all done in humour and i get given exactly what i dish out so it's fair really bro

Is it true that you, Jack, Becky etc all have massive group orgy's when you're together?

yes so true
we all invite our parents to join in as well


Language: English