

Ask @hevharv

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My horse always turns it's head to the fence but comes off the track in canter so when I try to pull him back onto the track it just doesnt really work can you help please?

well you need to get his head off the fence first thing! the reason he comes off of the track is because he's looking at the fence. just say he was doing it whilst you were on the left rein, it means that his right shoulder is free to stick out therefore he drifts to the right and falls in. instead of using your outside rein to try and haul him over which isn't going to work, you need to use your inside rein and inside to first straighten his head, and then push him out to the fence. also when you warm up, do lots of circles and bending exercises in walk and trot to make sure he's already working around your inside leg and is respectful of it on both reins. try to make sure you keep a consistent contact and don't throw it away and let him rush when you ask for canter, because that's another thing that will let him get away with sticking his nose to the school fence. hope this helps :-)

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so how come you don't ride anymore? You looked amazing such a waste that you gave up!

plenty of reasons really, ranging from lack of time to give to my horses and financial reasons, to the fact it just wasn't feeling the same to me anymore - i was feeling a lot more stressed and i don't see the point in pushing something that upsets you, even when it used to be the best feeling in the world.
might go back to it one day, but at the moment in terms of monetary issues it just isn't possible for me to do that, plus i actually wanna try and do well with my a-levels something that isn't going to happen if i'm sat around constantly worrying about my horse

Are you still on Youtube xx

na fuck youtube lol, majority of you in the 'equine community' of it are bitchy shits hahah
not saying all of you are so don't eat me for that
but there are vast amount of you that are

her release is fine! she's supporting the horse, you want to have a good contact over the jump, look at the pics of the professionals none of them have baggy reins! ffs ignore them you look great

thank you!
looking at these photos makes me miss her so much :(

Yeah but I've seen other pictures of you on the pony where you're lying on her neck.

yeah of course you have mate lol, defo lying on her neck here
if you have seen other pictures then you'd have me on fb why not talk to me about it there instead of clogging up my ask with nicely masked insults about my riding
Liked by: Alex Barsdell

We aren't obsessed with having a huge release we're obsessed with having the RIGHT release and the RIGHT position.

yes well guess what my release in that photo is RIGHT for my pony. she's obscenely strong, particularly when confronted with xc jumps and an assortment of horses that are also galloping ahead of her. if i did what you idiots do and lay on her neck with my hands somewhere around her ears, she would easily fuck off on the landing
that's the problem with most of your style of riding; it might look pretty but you dont adapt to the horses needs at all
Liked by: Lara Alex Barsdell

How did you guess I was american? sorry if you thought I was rude hunny but I was just saying xx

american riders are obsessed with having a huge release and heels jammed into the floor
they happen to be the two things (which in that picture look fine anyway and aren't bad) you picked out

Hey hunny would like to say that I think you're position is decent but you don't release enough and your heel isn't too good either but cool pony xx

you are american
my release is absolutely fine lol what are you talking about. straight line from pony's mouth to my hands means it's the correct contact. i'm holding myself, not lying all over her neck and slinging my hands up to her ears like an idiot and heel is fine as well lol it doesn't need to be jammed down :L just needs to have weight in it, which it does
ps where did i ask for crit on that photo
i wouldn't have cared if i asked for it
but i didn't
Liked by: Abbey wilson

Then why did you say next question please?

because i don't wanna talk about it with an anonymous person
and i wanted to move off of the topic

How is one feeling?

i dunno
i had a lovely evening with rosie, but my mood just gradually dwindled but whilst we were out it was fabulous but now i feel like i just want to dig a huge pit, bury myself alive and never come back out


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