

Ask @FatenF

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wow your getting a lot of hate keep your head up and fuck whos writing them behind a laptop :D

Haha IKR! Thanks. X

Hey faten :) xx i just wanted to ask you if you like the idea of you doing a review for books you've or will read in the future in your blog? Like john green's books maybe? You could mention your favorite quotes, characters, etc.. I hope u like this idea thanks for your time :) xx

I literally was thinking about that earlier! Id love to x

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If you dont like kanoo, dont tweet or complain no one care! Leave kanoo if you dont like it, jesus is that even hard for you?

Unfollow if you don't like my tweets you butthurt little shit. And believe it or not, EVERYONE is tweeting about how shitty can is for canceling the transport so go yell at them tlk, yeah? Dumb kid, next time instead of complaining about me tweets anonymously, try mentioning me.

Why 7 or 8? Tara our school is ok maybe you hate it cs wayd nas ye3rfoon balaweech

The people have nothing to do with my rating. Stop being so butthurt. I'm rating it based on the teachers, guidance department and rules, dumb shit.
Liked by: yq

What would y do if I took ur diary found one of ur parents number and called and told them u hang out with gays what would u / ur parents do?

Haha I don't even have my parents number in my diary jokes on youuuu but I'd like to see you try hehe xx

You seem like a great person, I don't understand why things are falling apart. I mean great English, into gay rights, awesome sense of humor, preferring science, idk... It's just that all do those are great things but evidence and rumors are saying something else

What evidence? And rumors don't change who I am... But thanks. X
Liked by: F.K 26♡

She didnt mention ur name but it was so obviouse, check it out

I didn't lose 'all' my friends though? If it's really about me, she's got her facts mixed up lol..

HAve you seen zain shamassi latest post? She wrote something about you that you lost ALL your friends and karma of what u did to her

She did?
Liked by: yas


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