

Ask @FatenF

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How many hours did you study for the math mock exam?

Like I did 1 past paper while eating dinner w bas... badrs bacher

Also, in most countries now days, there's education available for any ages, they can learn and get degrees and then get a good job, and if it's too late for education, there are always some available jobs, maybe not well paid but at least an honest jobs that doesn't make the women lose her dignity.

Many of these prostitutes don't have any moral support or motivation to do such misjudgment coming from you, and many others in this corrupted world.

Furthermore, considering that the majority of men who visits prostitutes are married, this should be considered as morally wrong. It breaks harmony of the family and dooms the ethical aspect of the society. Not to mention the STDs and what they do to our society and how much they cost countries.

Is it the prostitute's fault that there are such sick men in the world? If they were really faithful to their wives, then prostitutes wouldn't have any 'business'. The only thing that is morally wrong is that you're blaming prostitutes for unfaithful husbands and men. It's not the prostitute's fault that their 'sexual partners' are naive and idiotic. Men should realize that these sort of women might carry STDs or any sexual diseases.

About the sex for money thing; I disagree with you, sex is a special act, in some senses a sacred act. It is an act of love and of the creation of human life. Prostitution devalues this "sacred" role of sex in our lives. To be continued..

Well I have my own opinion and you have your own.

Do you think stalkers are bad people or good people?

Internet stalkers are normal people, I guess. Actual stalkers are bad people I guess? idk lol
Liked by: Sara M3mari

Can you recommend any dubstep music?

They're too much to list, just youtube some skrillex, knife party, borgore, etc

I get jealous when my best friends is being liked by someone I hate, and sthat girl knows I don't like her and I have only bff in the world and no sis. M being over sensitive ?

Not at all... I feel the same way sometimes x It's normal!

Hows that bronzer from h&m that you bought? And can u make a vid on your blong on how to apply simple day time makeup? ;ppxxxx:*

It's my favorite ahaha x & sure, I'll keep that in mind x

Hi I am abdulla aaldosari from grade 10b and I just wanted to tell you that I kind of like your personality and thank god that I see you avery day in the school <3:*

Liked by: modi_ah

Bio is easy, u just have to understand the lesson no need to memorize except selective breeding in genetics

I know its easy, bio is my favorite subject. & selective breeding isnt coming in our test l2na he didnt explain it.
Liked by: modi_ah


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