

Ask @FatenF

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FYI I have a proof ena its a hickey :p ! ;) xox

HAHAHA what proof? =))=D please enlighten me ya3ni. arjooch.

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I doubt a bitch like you would deny it :D e7tarmy nafch mub ga3deen fe club tetgai7bain! Ana 15 masawe che :s

Deny it? I am denying it actually. Ana mob men el noo3 ele asawii hal 7arakat oo etha mob met8an3a, bas siktai latfashleen ru7ich. A7een ishda5al club? Omich ele titgai7aib! Mob emrabyitich 3adl. Oh, intai 15 you don't curl your hair? =))
Liked by: M

7bebty tfe frg bain ' hickey and curling iron burn 3alaa goltech ;) ;)

Ee adri fe farg, bas I doubt idiots like you e3arfoon efargoon.

You were walking in the break and your hair 6ar 3ala waraa o cheeeftaaa !! Even ma' fwnds did saw it ;)

Lol omich, it was a curling iron burn. HAHAH I know bitches like you would make rumors! 9ij yehal, lazm tfakroon '3la6:')
Liked by: hn. Y7.Q ♡

ur very confident and u have a rlly big personality haha never knew such a little person could be so strongx Never change! c:

Thank youu! I won't;)x

ENarfezoon maram malak sara mdrii ishloon u handle them

Intai tnarfzeen yal ga7ba. 7adich 3alaihom, taj rasich theleen. <3

is this anood al zayani in kanoo? and why do u hate her, what did she do?

No she's not and personal probs. x


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