

Ask @FatenF

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What would you do if you were sitting with your boyfrirend and this fat black woman comes out of nowhere and starts slapping him with her tits?

Liked by: sul6an.FB

Britain is not the best country in the world but it's for us WHITE ethnic British, not Paki dogs. You say that Bahrainis don't complain? If you don't complain why is your country running an Apartheid like system against immigrants and Shia/Shiite Muslims? Immigrants are criminals and destroy culture

Paki dogs? The only dogs here are the assholes who raised you into thinking this way. You're obviously too ignorant and illiberal so I'm honestly not gonna bother myself with DIRT like you, I'm not wasting my time.

Single on Valentine's day? Fucking loser.

I'm sorry I'm not going to be settling for anyone that comes my way, I'm not some easy & desperate bitch. + Valentine's day is overrated. ;)
Liked by: Malaak ^_^ Hala Tariqq

ok the fuck do u people want FATEN to do take blame over something she didn't do u guys are seriously pathetic mindless dogs get a life hating on FATEN wont get u anything, and FATEN'S reputation has nothing to do with this bullshit ok her reputation wont get ruined over an illiterate cunt ok c:


No values? W enteen nashra 9owar dana mo7md oo dana 3araby? Hay values? Hay tarbeya 3adla? Mshy bozish w betchofeen sum3atesh shloon betenzel. Banazla ta7t el ar'9;)

Okay, here's this; get proof that I've spread both of their pictures THEN come talk to me. Not just start throwing assumptions. Ana el7mdellah ahli rabooni 3adl, maroo7 a5arb sm3at banat el nas;) W walla law fe omich/omik 5air 6al3/i esmik/ich w araweech/k.
Liked by: yq


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