

Ask @FatenF

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Who's your valentines? If you're not taken then I'm here ;)

I don't have a Valentine nor do I want one. I'm not desperate enough to go out with some anon, sorryy xoxo
Liked by: Malaak

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love ur new post! I'm actually looking for good peel-off masks, just to cleanse, for combination to normal skin I guess? tell me if you have reccomendations, thanks xo

Thanks! I'm not a huge fan of peel-off masks, they're painful... but I used to use this peel off man from Freeman Silk A Peel, it was really good.. Try googling it to see if it's suitable for you x

everyone's jealous from you tara... l2na the three things you have.. are the ones they want. they are 1.Beauty 2.Intelligence andd gorgeousness :o-- madri itha hay klma:o

Hahaha aww thankyouu:(<3

You were wearing alot of make up today :( walla u look a7la without it x

There's a difference between a lot and just wearing makeup. I wore eyeliner w some bronzer, what's the problem with that?

what's ur lowest and highest mark?

I still didn't meet with all of the teachers mal every subject but I'm pretty sure math is the lowest and so far geo is the highest:D


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