

Ask @FatenF

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What do u think of relationships? Fucked up huh!?

Well I'm not a huge fan of relationships because I've never found someone worth being in a relationship with but yeah.
Liked by: abdullah.m.q

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What will you think if a guy in your school that you don't know personally came to you and said hi and how are you? Will you think he's weirdo or something like that?

I'd just look at him awkwardly but I'll say hi back I guess...

so are u gonna dye ur hair red?

A7s that's like a really huge step since I never died my hair.. But I'm gonna ombre it a light brown:D

faten I need your help , my long distance boyfriend never calls we don't communicate anymore , I think hes cheating on me i want to talk to him but I'm too scared that I will get hurt :( , He never uses his bbm or whatsapp so we only talk on phone

If you really like him then put some effort and keep fighting for your relationship. If you think he's not worth it then it's time to let go because long distance relationships rarely ever work out tbh.. It's better to know the truth than to be ignorant and naive. You'll feel much better after you know the truth. I hope I helped x

mmkin el kik tb3k lani aji llba7rin kthir wmmkn n9ir friends !!

Ma3ndi kik w la we can't be friends :L wayd em9adg 3mrk o5oy
Liked by: .x

write a paragraph about aziz albahri ?

AZIZZZ IS SUCH A CUTIE! He has such a cute smilee w 7ada funnyy walla=)) I enjoy hanging out with him wayddd, he's an awesome friend:D

saway paragraph 3an yasmeen ?

YASMEEN IS LIKE MY MOTHER<3 I swear I love her more than anythinggg, she's so trustworthy w I've known her for like 2 years now and we never got in a fight and we never will enshallah<3 Walla I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.. She's one of the funniest people I've ever met and we have so much in common! She's perfff and so loveablea and she has the cutest smile evarrr I swear. She's pretty much like my other half but like twice my height :c she knows every detail about my life from A-Z and she's the first person I tell whenever something happens to me.. No one understands my crazy obsessions and my crushes like her! W she makes the best nicknames for our crushes w shes like REALLY random and like can really lighten up the mood and easily change up your mood. I swear I could go on until tomorrow.

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Liked by: Tamara yas

I'm on an 15 bs budget, what make up should I get?

I dont think thatll get you much makeup. If you have clear skin then get a bb cream and concealer, get mascara, a lipgloss an 1 blush from the drugstore. That might be a bit over 15 bd though but these are kind of essentials

Hey I love you. Fuck all people who talk shit about you. They're blind & they are mental I think . I'm a guy can we please be friends?.. I know there is no way you being in a relationship with a guy you don't even know. But I promise you I dream about you every single day!

Thankyou this is sweet, really. Sure we can be friends just talk to me on facebook or something because i dont add guys x


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