

Ask @FatenF

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Hii.. I like someone thats older than me and I don't know how to talk to him :( I tried to get him to notice me by staring but its awkward now:( I never talk to him and I can't how do i get him to say hi first?

omg don't ever stare! That'll scare him off! Just flash a welcoming smile whenever you make eye contact with him.. And don't make a lot of eye contact..like don't make it more than 2 seconds, so just look away carelessly and he'll probably want you more. And if he has a twitter, reply to certain tweets and retweet them but don't do that to every single one.. you don't wanna make it obvious. Also, some guys don't like to talk to girls in school, so don't take it personally if he doesn't come and say hi.. and he probably won't say hi if he doesn't know you so make sure he does! talk on fb, dms or bbm!:)x
Liked by: Sara M3mari ^_^


1. I didn't wanna make a scene. 2. I won't lower my standards to her level. I have much more class than to hit her.. even though it would teach her a lesson.
Liked by: ♔HA FAISAL.

Faten don't worry about dana she's the fake she's just jelous that you are hoter and much more butiful than her btw I'm the one who wanted ur bbpin but u said you will think about it aaw the fight in break

LOL thanks xo

Who was ur previous boyfriend, before ali?

I don't remember.. I've been single for so long before ali, w chee chethak its personal:p

when I grow up I wanna marry u I want to see ur face everyday I wake up and I will always wait for that and I wish u accept I dream about uall the time

._... overly attached much

Ok how about on bbm instead of break

Ehh I'll think about it, I'm not comfortable with adding guys I barely know, especially when they're guys xo


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