

Ask @FatenF

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u and saud make a cute couple

Hahahaha omg noo omgg hahaha we're just bestfriends noo omg I cannot imagine being in a relationship with him, he's like my bro c:

dont be a hater... let hem be together (kw&zain) just cuz ur single and FOREVER ALONE doesnt mean that they cant be together..........and please its not "KID LOVE" cuz hes grade 9 and shes grade 7 ........ so wht? u didnt hate on dana and mujtaba when they were together ? did u? so shut the hell up.

Yeah, they can have their little 'relationship' but I'd rather it not be shoved down my throat and I'd rather not keep getting repetitive questions about their relationship. I honestly LOVE being single & shnw forever alone, 3la kaif omich? & no, YOU shut the hell up, little imbecile.

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Why do u deny thatt yu smoke ? Its not something big, and u shouldn't care what ppl say, just admit it x

I don't thoughhh

I dare you to show us a pic of you without makeup

ALL my videos & most days at school.
I actually like how I look like without makeup, I'm not the slightest bit insecure;)
& here's a pic x

how can you do the perfect winged liner? its really hard :c

Ma3arf walla hahaha I just used to watch loads of youtube videos about it and practiced a lot! Bs if you're JUST starting out, I recommend using gel because it's more forgiving and easier to take off if you mess up unlike liquid.. I recommend only using liquid after you perfected it!x

from which book store did u get girls of riyadh ? barnes?

Yep, a'9n it was the last one l2na I only saw 1 on the first day w seeda 7jazta..
Liked by: MOD ☆*

tara 9oortich wayed itnarfiz '3ayreeha D: '6e7kay aw ebtasmay it9ereen mn a7la el banat wallah... D: bas knt bagoolch sorry i4a you took it too seriously...

Well 7beebti, you could've said that in a NICER way mb '9oortich wayed itnarfiz'.. Enzain mshkltich etha el 9oora tnarfizich=)) W ana fe kl 9owary abtsm

WA3 ayeelach fe wayhech oo a5aly el nas ychoofoni weyach waaa3 never. babe no ones jealous of a whore Obsessed with you lol my obsession is my boyfriend WHORE DICK SUCKER everyone yetma9la7 3laich you can never make sure who is your real friend guys want your pants and gurls to get attention

Never? Why? 'Cause you're scared?;) Adri 7ayati, mb shay ydeed xo bitches like you come and go w WALLA a7lif'lach ena you dont effect me one bit=)) w ma7ad 'whore' 3airich, babe an9i7ich t7tarmeen nafsich l2na walla mat3arfeeni. 7beebti, el7emdellah ana 3arfa rab3i w maroo7 atga7ab 3nd el 9bayan:* 8sm bllah emabyn enich yahla, agool bs glbay wayhich=))

(Im mot jealous of you cause im not even a girl :/btw my fiends tell me what do they want from you ;) oo m3a chee yekrhoonach

Enzain what they WANT from me, not what I give them=)) 5ob 9bayan hal ayam bs yaboon sex ma sex, 7ata law el bnaya 3nda shanab akthar mnhom=)) el9ara7a wla mara sma3t 9bay egooli ena ohwa mayabi benefits w chee mn bnaya w hal shay mb eb yadi fa you can't blame me etha el9bayan tfkeer'hom wa95!:s

Aham shay begtai zain seyadi's thing ( kelen yara ilnas eb3ain 6ab3a ) lol ga7ba enta7rai agool xD

Tra walla Zain Seyadi mb el wa7eeda ele itgool hal jmla=)) mootay agool

How do you balance your studies, social life, being pretty haha and stuff like that, I find it very hard

Hahaha aww thankyou for calling me pretty:').. Well I balance my studies and social life by compromising.. I study when I need to, I never slack and I don't hesitate to cancel weekend plans to study. School is one of the most important things to me. But that doesn't mean I'm a loser that stays at home all the time and dedicate my life to studying, I like to have fun sometimes.. & Being pretty isn't a chore?x)

OMG nobody would ever believe ina thats not you in that question (waw you must be an ignorant...) xD not convinced loool jealousy? lol 7abeebtii at least im not a bitch that sucks dicks its so funny the way you call me a bitch ;)))) ashkra guys like you cause they know u suck dicks glad im not u

IT'S NOT ME HAHAHAHA! I SWEAR TO GODDD I DON'T EVEN TYPE THAT WAY, IT'S MY GUY FRIEND FE G9 LOL WALLA I'LL ASK HIM ETHA AGDAR AGOOL ESMA W BARD 3ALAICH=)) ARE YOU THAT JEALOUS OF ME? LIKE SERIOUSLY, WHY SO OBSESSED WITH ME? W law entay kfw w gad hal kalam, 76ay el user wla ta3alay goolay hal kalam fe wayhi bdal ma tg3deen tistagween wra el shasha.. 7mdellah wl shkr sh'hal awadm.. W oh btw, kln yra elnas b3ain 6b3a 7ayati x

What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?

Well in Bahrain, it's around 2 days only but when I go to Tunis or just travel outside the khaleej then it could be for a weeks or weeks...
Liked by: وضحى

WAW you must be an ignorant fucking retard to write that question you seriously couldn't think of anything else to say pathetic cunt, OK I'm a guy and i don't like FATEN for her body she has a personality something u will never have u cunt she's something u will never be close too ok ok fuck off c:

awww thankyouu:C<3

My bf never calls , like only once a minth he lives in uae , should i dump him ? , I'm tired and sick i don't want run after him either what should I do im confused

Well if you still have feelings for him then I guess you should fight... But long distance relationships never work out so you should of seen it coming.

The only person frm fraidoon is ameer . I saw ur name but nvr thought of it . And thn I saw sm1 askd u and u said they we're in indian school or smthn like this so I askd

..Why do you type like a 6th grader though?


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