

Ask @FatenF

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hey love, do u have any idea where I might find studs in bahrain?

Try H&M or River Island, I've seen a couple packs there x

do you want a boyfriend?

Not necessarily. The idea of having a boyfriend is COMPLETELY off my mind. I'd much rather focus on my studies, friends, family & blog then bother myself with a relationship that's probably going to end in months tops and a guy that's probably using me. Sure, dating is fun sometimes but I have no space for a 'relationship' in my life right now. I'm already trying to make emends with everyone and I don't need a boy to constantly piss me off and put a downer on my life. It probably isn't going to last anyways so why waste my time? + I see no reason with betraying my parents trust that I've spent my whole life building and just tearing it down for 1 guy. I haven't met a guy yet that is worth that;)

what is ur BRA size

My UNDERWEAR sizes doesn't concern any of you. They're UNDER-wear so the size of them doesn't really matter cause you never really see them anyways^-^ I don't even share my underwear sizes with my friends and you expect me to share them with you, an anon?

Would you recommend me to do it at Sheraton? Because I have really long dark brown hair and what do you think would be a good color? Brown or blonde ombré? You're seriously an amazing advice giver :)

Yes, I do :) I always get my hair cuts done there and my mom dyed her hair there a couple times and they've done an amazing job! I haven't dyed my hair there yet but I will during the end of this month! I think a honey or light brown color would look great. & thank you ^-^

everything .. shoes clothes the whole lot

I'm a size 38 in shoes, size 2 in clothes & XS or S. I think I covered everything?

Do you know the prices for ombré in Sheraton and pace de Luce? Because a7s it's too expensive and I really want to ombré my hair /: please help xx

I don't really do my hair in pace de luce, but I do mine in Sheraton. I've asked them a couple of months ago and I think they said 30-35 BD. x There's no such thing as 'too expensive'. It's probably expensive because the have amazing hair stylists and do it amazingly. x

How do I get the girls to like me?

Just be yourself... Don't be too clingy or desperate. & what do you mean 'the girls'? Do you want to impress all girls in general? 'cause if you do, then sorry to break it to you then it's probably not gonna work out. The ONE girl will come along. Girls don't come in packs.
Liked by: Rooki Nasser309

If you could choose three places in europe to visit during a holiday, where would you go? xx

Croatia, Spain, & Portugal. x

what do u deal with clingy people keep asking u things ?

I'm not sure if you mean the people on ask or people in general? On ask, I'd just delete it. If it's in real life, I'd usually dodge it by telling them 'I prefer not to talk about this ahaha' like don't be so uptight about it, laugh it off and change the subject. x


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